While playing all of the Sims in my household suddenly got 'frozen' performing their actions. They still look as though they are doing each action (peeing, cooking, watching TV etc) but they never progress, I can't cancel the action (it just stays in the panel with a X over it but never disappears) or load a new action after it. All of the Sims needs are still decaying though.
I used testingcheats to Reset Object (Debug) on each of my Sims which did get them to stop doing their original action but they still won't do any other actions I load up, they just stand around where they are. When I look outside of my household it seems any Sims in the area are also stuck - there are a load of them stood on one side of the brige as though waiting to cross!
I can't exit or save and exit as it just hangs on the exit screen forever. I forced it off and started again.
I tried to evict the family and move them back in but instead of appearing in front of the property (as usually should happen) all the Sims are back in the house and stuck doing their original action.
I then tried to evict them and move them to a new property, this time they did appear outside the new house but they still won't perform any actions I set (they just stand looking bored) and their needs are still decaying!