Wrong German translation for "clean surface"
The interaction to clean a sink in Sims 4 is translated as "oberflächlich reinigen", which means "clean superficially". However, there is no interaction to "clean thoroughly". I suspect that the English original is something like "clean surface" and would suggest changing the translation to "Oberfläche reinigen" or just "putzen".
@DodezvThere are special threads for translation errors in different languages:
Solved: [COLLECTION THREAD] Various Text and Translation Errors - Answer HQ
Could you please post a screenshot of the error?Edit: Since the latest update for sinks, it only says 'Putzen bis zur Perfektion' and for energetic sims 'Putzen mit Elan'.
'Bis zur Perfektion polieren' also appears if you have a sim clean a counter surface or a stove.