[XB1/PS4] Cannot assign bed to butler
Product: The Sims 4
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All available expansions/packs/stuff to date except kitchen stuff.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Add a edroom to your house, hire buyer, after butler arrives, click on bed and click on “assign bed to butler”, select your butler’s pic and play as usual.
What happens when the bug occurs? The option to assign bed to butler never goes away. Butler eventually leaves and upon Sim’s return, there is no longer an option listed to assign the bed to your butler, since there seems to be no butler to assign it to. A different butler shows up and begins her tasks. Then the option reappears and the same problem occurs.
What do you expect to see? Click on “assign bed to butler”, choose butler and the option “assign bed to butler” becomes greyed out. Butler sleeps in bed.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? On console - never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
The last play the butler slept on the bed, but the option to assign the bed to her is not greyed out so I don’t know if it was a fluke.