"yanti68;13082233" wrote:
WOW! :D That is a perfect home for the holidays! I love how you have chosen the white roof and the white ground. Makes it look like snow! Very clever idea dear Cath! Inside all the rooms are perfectly decorated. Looks so cosy and welcoming especially with the holiday decor! Already added to my favourites. <3 (*) (*) (*)
@yanti68, Thank you for your lovely comments and fave, Yanti! I had to improvise with the *fake* snow on the ground and roof, lol! I will be so happy when and
IF, we get Season's. That has always been my favorite EP in each of the Sims games. :) <3 I hope you and your loved ones have a most Wonderful holiday season, my friend! :) <3
@rosemow, thank you so much, sweet Rose! These forums wouldn't be the same without your wonderfully kind and thoughtful comments. :) <3 I hope you and your family enjoy a loving and peaceful holiday season! Hugs, xxx
@Cerrydd, thank you for your very kind words! I wasn't sure at first about using the different counters. I'm usually a matchy-matchy type of girl, but I wanted the look of a cook top (wish we had those in game) and it just looked better with the industrial style counters. I guess we have to do something to mix things up a little and try new ways of using the same things over and over again. Hope we get some new stuff soon, lol! :p Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones! :)
@soocoolsim, thank you for both the sweet comment and the holiday wishes! I hope you and your family have Very Lovely Holidays too! :) <3
Merry Christmas, @Cassee!!! :D <3 Thank you for your lovely comment! I am sooo excited that we finally have MOO again!!! Even though there are some problems with it.... I have been lurking over on Bry's thread to keep up with what everyone is experiencing. I hope these issues can be resolved soon, along with a ton of others. *gripe, gripe, gripe* :p
"kamb1403;13084098" wrote:
@WrathofCath absolutely love Flower Power Park and Christmas Cottage. Am now following you so I can easily download more of your builds.
Thank you for the most awesome of compliments, @kamb1403! I can't tell you how much I appreciate them! I hope you and your loved ones have a most Wonderful Christmas! :) <3
@RyeCris16, thank you for your wonderful comments and for the fave!! I'm very happy you liked it! Those trains were a real pain to get just right, lol! And the thing is, at first I had them in the front yard but decided I didn't like the way they looked. I was so hoping that I could just pick the whole thing up at once, (like we can do with the whole house), but Nooo.... I had to reassemble the entire thing in the backyard. Sigh. Well at least they look cute, lol! :p Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones, Rye!
Thank you @Dels! The fairytale part made me really happy! :) o:) Hope you and your loved ones are enjoying the holiday season! :D
"Chris2fer03;13085048" wrote:
Cath, A Christmas Gathering is such a festive holiday home. I love the snowy exterior and each room has a Christmas theme with a tree. Beautifully done. :) Also, I love the shelf, window candle idea! I tried that with the candles in the clutter section but your idea is perfect...so perfect I might borrow it! :p <3 Merry Christmas!
@Chris2fer03- Thank you Chris!! Lol about the candle idea! :p Please, borrow away! :D I did the same thing for a Christmas build in Sims 3, but we had a really cool candle that looked like it had an actual flame. I wish there were more choices for us now. I hope you and your family have a perfectly lovely Christmas!
"superbibi11;13085061" wrote:
Hello Cath, hope you don't mind if I stopped to see your works.
A Christmas Gathering is adorable, i love it! It gets myself into the Christmas Feeling!! <3
I'm going to play with it and I'll follow you. :)
@superbibi11, thank you so very much for your very kind words and for the follow and DL. All are very much appreciated! :) <3 I hope you and your loved ones have a most Wonderful holiday season! :)