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The Merfolk of the Sulani Seas
Overtime, I'll add to this post to expand the Table of Contents and make it easier to access the chapters. Table of Contents Use the links in the Table of Contents to read the chapters in order. The links are working and will take you straight to a chapter. This should save people the trouble of scrolling through the thread. Eventually, I plan on trying to put the "Meet the MerSims" Section in the comments of this thread along with the chapters. I am adding links to each of my posts to help with navigation. The Little Merman Arc Chapter 1: The Shadow of the Sea Witches Chapter 2: Swimming to Zalia Grottos Chapter 3: Life's Full of Tough Choices Chapter 4: A Change in the Tides Chapter 5: The Embers of Love Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Lore My merfolk won't die from old age, and I'll be following many rules for my merfolk outlined in the following link. I expect that it could be easier to cheer for a specific character since they won't disappear anytime soon. Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Technical Details SimLit Tips in the New Forums One of the things I noticed when the new forums were created was that not everything transferred here looking the way it was supposed to. I opted out of having my story transferred for me and took a great deal of time working through a lot of troubleshooting to find the easiest way to share longer posts. In the comments of this thread, I had a great deal of help from the community as I worked on transferring chapters from Answers HQ. Now that the transfer to the new forums is complete, I think I found the best way to get around the Forums tendency to Auto-Refresh the webpage and erase all progress instead of saving it. My suggestion is in the following link. I will update it with any other findings and suggestions can be shared there so everyone can benefit from them. It's possible this has been fixed while I was away, but I think this suggestion can still be helpful. SimLit Posting Suggestion after Troubleshooting With the list of merfolk in my story expanding over time, I wanted to set aside a space for the character profiles involving the merfolk in my story. Character Profiles will be organized around the Family Groups, or pods, my merfolk belong in. Check out the linked thread to stay updated on the Merfolk Pods in all my stories. Meet the MerSims The Keahloha Pod Makoa Keahloha A premade I added to my rotational gameplay. Unlike how he is in a new save, I made him a merman. Not just a human turned into a merman. In my story, he's 100% a natural born merman from the sea. This also means that his Ambitious trait was replaced with the Clumsy Trait, and I changed his aspiration to the Super Parent one. He still retains his core attributes though. He's active and family oriented. Additionally, Makoa fills the role as the Patriarch of his own pod, another small pod. Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha Kai was born in game. Lano and Tero were created in CAS to complete the triplet trio. Kai is an Innovator, Lano is a comedian, and Tero is dedicated to the arts. Their story will be just beginning and there will be updates to their character bios in the future. The Keahloha Pod Social Structure The Keahloha Pod's Patriarchal Line of Succession In the Keahloha Pod, the Patriarch Heirs are always mermen, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. Current Patriarch: Makoa Keahloha First Joint Heirs: Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha The Maelstren Pod Stevie Maelstren Because the Maelstren Pod was organized around a Patriarch, the males within the pod were used as a tool by other members of the pod to gain power. Much of the conflict was centered around the Patriarchal Line of Succession until the pod was no more. After the Maelstren Pod was scattered and destroyed from internal conflict, Stevie lost contact with the other remaining members of his pod, Lir and Calden. Lir Maelstren is Stevie's cousin, and Calden is Stevie's little brother. Stevie was the next in line to become the Patriarch of the Maelstren Pod once the conflict ended. Stevie saved Calden and Lir from the Maelstren Pod conflict, but along the way, he got separated from them and was never able to find them again. While Lir was adopted by the Zalrian Pod, Calden's whereabouts are still unknown. The Merman, Merboy, and Merling managed to survive the pod's destruction by staying away from the conflict. Originally, Stevie wanted to restore the Maelstren Pod. For that to happen, he needed to find a life partner, settle down, and locate his little brother and cousin. When Stevie fell in love with a mermaid, his heart was broken after learning of her betrayal. Torn up by a broken heart, he gave up on restoring his pod. Depressed and alone, he went to Damion for a way to escape his heartache and live a new life. Damion offered to grant him a human form in exchange for the Love in Stevie's Heart. Thinking he had nothing to lose, Stevie sacrificed his ability to find love again in exchange for the ability to take human form permanently. Stevie now lives a life between the land and sea. He's incapable of finding love again, but the loss of Love in his Heart did not corrupt him. Over many decades, Stevie adjusted to life in the human world and learned how to blend in with them. While he lives out his days on land, he always returns to his home in the sea. Among the islanders, Stevie is a known fire dancer and bartender. None of the other humans know he's a merman, and for the most part, he's begun to live a quiet and peaceful life on land. Many humans have fallen for his looks and charm, but the love is always one sided. While Stevie doesn't seek out romance of any kind, he's often hearing the troubles of humans that buy a drink from him. He's learned how to help others through their troubles. Calden Maelstren The Maelstren Pod Social Structure The Mordero Pod Camilo Mordero Anika Briones Ronen Mendez The Mordero Pod Social Structure More pods to be added in the future. The following is a bit of lore I made up for my story. I hope it gives others some ideas. Mods Credit Since a lot of this story wouldn't be possible without certain mods, I do want to give the mods I use the credit they deserve. I will update this as quickly as I can to credit the awesome modders that created the mods and poses that make telling this story possible. Spinning Plumbob Mods The Expanded Mermaid Mod "Neverland" Mermaid Tail CC The "Down Under" Set CC "Sea-nery Stuff" Build/Buy Set Occult Preferences Mod The Serenade of Shadows Poses Merfolk Poses MerMay 20241.3KViews6likes46CommentsMy Super Sims Family Challenge 2.0
I was unable to edit and repair some of the pics in my original thread so I'm just starting fresh. 🙂 Plus I wanted to change the order of some of the episodes. Introduction Some of you have probably seen various pics of my sim family in the various Screenshots and What Happened threads. I just wanted to gather all those pics and create a thread to help me keep track of what was happening in my game. I've been playing this family since 2018 and what started as a Super Sim Challenge with Julianna eventually evolved into a Super Sim Family Challenge as I became attached to Julianna's and Edward's children. I usually switch off and focus on different family members depending on which career, aspiration, or pack feature I want to focus on. I move family members in and out of the main household as I play them. Edward and Julianna were both created in CAS as single households. I played Julianna for a while, had her start a relationship with Edward and they married shortly afterward. Shown above is Edward, Julianna, and their three daughters, Juliette, Hannah, and Isabel. Also Juliette's two children, Amelia and Asher, with her fiancée, Sebastian. Amelia and Asher were added to the family in anticipation of High School Years as I didn't have any school age sims in the household when that pack was announced. Juliette and Sebastian's wedding plans are still on hold. In addition to their three daughters, Julianna and Edward also have a young adult son, Theo, who was created in CAS. He was raised by his maternal grandparents. Theo and his wife, Jennifer, have 2 children. Twin toddlers named Grace and Hope. Julianna's parents, her 2 siblings and their children and Edward's parents, his 3 siblings and their children are part of the extended family.1.3KViews13likes205CommentsMeet the MerSims
Overtime, each character profile in each pod will be updated as new members of the pod are added, the story progresses, and more history and lore about a particular pod develops. As an added bonus, if there is a pod you like to follow, readers can now make replies to specific pods as I move them from this post. The links should make getting to the desired section easier. These Pods also represent the households I plan on rotating through as I tell my story. Meet the Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Meet the Zalrian Pod (Updated 02/13/2025) Meet the Marus Pod (Updated 02/13/2025) Meet the Vatore Pod (Updated 02/13/2025)100Views1like4CommentsCantrell: The Early Years, Part Five
Dark Secrets, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Five Update Shortly after Leave was granted, Spock and Brianna moved in together in his Manor, recently built in Henford-on-Bagley. Two of her older brothers, Joey and Aaron, lived in the same neighborhood, just two lots from Keldeen II, a smaller replica of Spock’s property on Vulcan. She was delighted and surprised to learn that the newly built manor on top of the hill, belonged to Erik. “So, how long has Erik been back from his second World Tour?” Brianna asked. “Not long,” Aaron said. “He’s busy putting together another album, and I’m told he’ll be off again.” “And what’s going on with him and Kayleigh?” Joey shrugged. “Not a lot. He’s really not talking about it. She drops by to say hello to Aaron and me, sometimes. She’s not exactly happy, either. She seems lost, if you ask me. And big surprise, she’s not talking much, either. Guess she’s afraid word will get out to the Paparazzi. Can’t blame her for that.” “I don’t suppose either of you have a clue as to his schedule. I need to talk to the man.” *~~*~~*~~*~~* Having no other choice, Brianna relied upon her sense of telepathy. She got up, gave Spock a kiss and climbed the hill. The day was a fine one, the sun shining after several days of relentless rain. Barely arriving in front of the ‘cottage’ she didn’t have long to wait when Erik suddenly materialized from wherever he had been. “Bree,” he laughed and hugged her lovingly. “It’s so good to see you. My but you’re quite the young woman now, aren’t you. I’ve missed you so.” “So, you spent another eighteen months in Europe and were a smashing hit, or so I’ve read. What’s going on with you and Kayleigh then. Any plans?” “Wow, you haven’t lost your punch. Straight for the juggler. I haven’t seen her in awhile. My letters come back, return to sender. Apparently she wants nothing more to do with me.” “What? That’s crazy. I know how much she loves you, Erik. None of this makes any sense. Except your withdrawal. Mistake brother, mine.” “It does when you know I asked her father for her hand, or at least his blessing and he refused both. I wasted no time. Went to talk with him the day after I arrived, after World Tour II. I foolishly thought since we’re both young adults, I had a chance. No. He flat out told me to stay away and leave his daughter alone. I’ve never felt such a sucker punch to the gut before. I don’t know what to do.” “That’s so harsh. Does Kayleigh know this?” She gazed into his face. “I don’t know for sure. She must be fed up, though. All my letters come back unopened. I can only surmise it’s over,” he said, a tear escaping, tickling down his cheek, absorbed by his new beard. “And I don’t know why.” Brianna hung her head, hearing the pain in his voice, the raspy sound it took on. “I didn’t mean to pick your scab open, you know that, right?” “I know. It’s okay, it’s actually good to get it out. I try to sing on stage, and find myself nearly breaking up, depending on the song. I’m certain the audience knows something’s wrong. I get lots of posts on my Simstagram. Supportive messages. “‘It’s going to be okay, Erik, no matter what it is. Stay strong.’” I’ve got some great fans,” he half laughed. “They’re almost like friends in their own way.” “Wait, did you say the letters were unopened?” “All but the first one.” ‘Do you still have them?” Erik shrugged, “Sure, why? Oh, you want to hold them and do your Psychometry thing. I get it. Come on inside.” “Wow, this place turned out nice,” she said, gazing about as she followed him inside. “Kayleigh has a gift,” he said. “I commissioned her to see to the finishing of it, while I was on World Tour I. I thought it would help her pass the time while I was abroad. We even had scheduled rendezvouses in between many of the concerts, too. Here, they are,” he said, pulling them from a locked desk drawer. He dumped them randomly on the coffee table. Brianna took a stack of letters. Held them in both hands, closed her eyes and then nodded her head slowly. She did the same with each group of letters until she had held all of them. “Just as I suspected.” “What? What is it you see? Sense,” he corrected. “She never held even one of these letters. There is nothing, not even a hint of her on these. You have been torpedoed, I’m afraid.” “My God, so she thinks I bailed on her,” Erik’s eyes filled to the point he could barely see. “I knew he didn’t like me, but he’s being completely unfair. I’m not even close to the stereotype of a Rock Star. Apparently, I’ve been tried and convicted without a piece of evidence, circumstantial or otherwise. Well, I’ve got news for him. If she’ll still have me, I’m going to marry her despite him.” “Wait, I think you should go to him and ask for his blessing again. This is a game he’s playing.” “What the heck? What do you mean by that?” “Don’t be obtuse. He’s testing your meddle and through that, your love for his daughter. It is entirely possible both of them are waiting on you to make the next move.” “How does that even make any sense, then? I wrote to her every week, sometimes more than once a week.” “Actions speak louder than words.” “Writing isn’t a form of action? Are you suggesting my letters are just words? I bared my soul to her—” “I know you think so, and for the average person, as well. This man isn’t the average person, though. He’s overbearing and demanding. Controlling. Just give it one more try. How long have you been home, this time?” “Counting the unfortunate conversation with the captain, maybe four days.” “Good, you still have enough time to rectify things. Trust the timing, Erik.I need to get back home. I love you, Big Brother. Hang in there.” “Thanks for stopping by. Bring your Betrothed next time I would love to meet him.” “We’ll do dinner, I promise. Bye for now,” she said. “Should I walk you home?” “It’s just down the hill. But thanks.” All for now, thanks for reading!593Views6likes172CommentsAlphabet SuperLegacy Challenge Rules
Updated for Life & Death. This is a legacy challenge where each generation represents a different letter, and must explore all of the game play starting with that letter: aspirations, collections, woohoo spots, reward store traits, you name it. I already have a thread for this challenge that has been updated through Crystal Creations. Since it was transferred from the old forum, it was very hard to update further. Ignore any objective related to a pack you don’t own. You can choose to skip a generation if your pack limitations leave it extremely short on content. I've removed two of the letters (Q, Y) from the challenge because they don't have much to do, even with all the packs. No cheat codes that help you move through your objectives faster. No rules about aging. No rules governing non-heirs. Just because one generation has something as an objective, doesn’t mean that other generations can’t do it for fun/convenience. If you don’t have at least three traits in the assigned letter, you have to randomize the rest. No self-discovery traits starting with a different letter. Each heir's name, and that of any pets they have, must begin with their letter. Likes and Dislikes: The heir can only have the likes/dislikes assigned to their generation. Color preferences are assigned when they age up to Child. From that point forward, all the heir's outfits will reflect their color preferences. If you decorate a space for them, you must consider their color preferences. Fashion and interior design preferences are assigned when they age up to teen (if you have those packs). From that point forward, all their outfits and decorated spaces will reflect their style preferences. Lot Traits and Challenges: The heir must have all of their assigned lot challenges equipped in all of their designated residences. If the heir has three assigned lot traits or less, they also must be assigned. If the heir has four or more lot traits, they have to change up which three are in play. The heir's transitional aspirations (the ones that decide the bonus traits) have to be aspirations from their generation, unless they don't have two aspirations. At the start of the challenge, the Gen 1 "founder" will be very young, so you will need to give them at least one parent. Generation 3-Letter C Infant- Calm or Cautious trait, try Crushed Carrots Toddler- Charmer or Clingy trait, Communication Skill Child- Creativity Skill, Creative Genius aspiration Teen-Chess, Cheer and Computer teams, Compassionate trait Final Traits- Pick Three: Cheerful, Childish, Clumsy, Creative, Cat Lover, Cringe Likes-Comedy, Cooking, Cross-stitch, Carnaval Beats, Classical, Cottagecore, Contemporary, Cosmolux, Cute, Country fashion Dislikes- Teen+ Skills- Charisma, Comedy, Cooking, Cross-stitch Teen+ Aspirations-Championship Rider, Master Chef, Computer Whiz , City Native , Country Caretaker, Cure Seeker, Crystal Crafter Careers- Culinary, Critic, Civic Planner (Civil Designer), Covert Operator (Military) Collections-Crystals, City Posters Reside In-Courtyard Lane, Crumbling Isle, Cavalier Cove, Conifer Station, Crow’s Crossing Lot Traits and Challenges: Convivial, Chef’s Kitchen, Child’s Play, Cat Friendly, Cat Hangout, Celebrity Home; Cursed, Creepy Crawlies Visit-Café, Chalet Gardens, Central Park, Community Space, Cemetery Aspiration Rewards-Confident Potion, Cold Acclimation, Creative Visionary, Carefree, Connections. Other Gameplay- Marry someone you meet on Cupid’s Corner. Attend Crow’s Crossing Celebration of Life. Throw a Charity Benefit Party. Can something. Have a Cat, a Cow and a Chicken coop. Inter an urn in a crypt. Own a Coffee maker, Cauldron, Christmas tree, Cooler, Chess board, Candy Bowl, Card table, Card Game, Costume Chest, Celestial crystal crown and Campfire. Join the Checkmates, Club Cosplay, Complimentary Colors and Covalent Bonds clubs. Buy something from the Curio stall (Strangerville). Woohoo in a Closet, a Crypt and a Coffin. After all other objectives are complete, die from Choking, Cardiac Explosion or Cowplant. Generation 4-Letter D- Child-Drama Club Final Traits- Dog Lover, Dance Machine, Chased by Death Likes-DJ Mixing, Dancing, DJ Booth Dislikes-White, World music, Winter Holiday music, Wellness, Writing Teen+ Skills- Dancing, DJ Mixing Teen+ Aspirations-Drama Llama (Teen), Discerning Resident Careers- Diver, Detective, Doctor Collections-Decorative Eggs Reside In-Del Sol Valley Lot Traits and Challenges-Dog Friendly, Dog Hangout, On a Dark Ley Line Visit-Del Sol Valley community lots Aspiration Reward Traits-None Other Gameplay- Own a Drone, a Droid, a Doctor playset, a Dew Collector, a Dishwasher, a Dartboard, a Dance floor, a Drink fountain and a Don’t wake the llama table. Join the Divers club. Put your Decorative Eggs in a Display case. Have a Dance party and Dinner party. Have a Dog. Befriend a Dolphin. Woohoo in a Double bed and a Dumpster. After all other objective are complete, die from Drowning. Generation 5-Letter E- Teen- Emotional Control Trait University-E-sports Competitor Final Traits- Evil, Erratic Likes-Easy Listening, Electronica Dislikes-Vintage décor, Violin, Video Games Teen+ Skills- Entrepreneur Teen+ Aspirations- Eco Innovator, Enforcer of Order, Emissary of the Collective Careers- Entertainer, Education, Engineer, Environmental Manager (Conservationist) Collections-Elements Reside In-Evergreen Harbor Lot Traits and Challenges-Eco Lot Visit-Evergreen Harbor community lots Aspiration Reward Traits-Entrepreneurial, Energized Potion. Other Gameplay- Run an Errand for someone in Henford-on-Bagley. Use Earbuds. Throw an Engagement party. After all other objectives are complete, die from Electrocution. Generation 6-Letter F- Toddler-Fussy Trait Teen-Football Team, make a Friendship bracelet Final Traits- Foodie or Freegan, Family-Oriented Likes-Fishing, Fitness, Focus music, Farmhouse, French Country Dislikes- Teen+ Skills- Fishing, Fitness, Flower- Arranging, Fabrication Teen+ Aspirations-Friend of the Animals, Fabulously Wealthy, Fabulously Filthy, Freelance Botanist, Friend of the World Careers- Fast Food, Fisherman, Florist, complete 10 gigs as a Freelance Fashion Photographer Collections-Feathers, Fossils, Frogs, Fish Reside In-Foundry Cove, Forgotten Hollow Lot Traits and Challenges-Fast Internet; Filthy Visit-Foxbury Commons, Forgotten Grotto Aspiration Rewards-Instant Fun, Flirty Potion, Focused Potion, Fertile, Free Services, Frugal, Forever Fresh, Forever Full. Other Gameplay- Attend Foxbury. Max Fame. Throw a Fan Meet and Greet, a Funeral, a Family gathering and a Family reunion. Befriend a Fox. Eat at a Food stall. Fix everything in your house that breaks. Play in a Fountain. Attend Flea Market. Meet a Forest spirit. Woohoo on the Ferris Wheel (High School Years). Engage in Fall seasonal activities. Own a Fuel-powered generator, a Foosball table and a Fireplace. After all other objectives have been completed die by Falling, Freezing or Flowers. Generation 7-Letter G- Teen-Good Manners trait, attend Graduation Final Traits- Pick 3: Good, Genius, Gloomy, Goofball, Geek, Glutton, Green Fiend, Generous Likes-Gardening, Guitar, Gray, Green, Garden Dislikes-Tween Pop Teen+ Skills- Gardening, Gourmet Cooking, Guitar, Gemology Teen+ Aspirations-Goal-Oriented (Teen), Good Vampire, Galactic Privateer, Grilled Cheese, Ghost Historian Careers- Green Technician Collections-Gardening, Geodes Reside In-Grims Quarry, Glimmerbrook, Gilbert Gardens, Galloping Gulch Lot Traits and Challenges-Great Acoustics, Good Schools, Great Soil, Gnomes, Geothermal; Grody, Gremlins Visit- Granite Falls, Gym Aspiration Rewards-Gym Rat, Grill Master. Other Gameplay- Achieve Green Eco Footprint in at least one of the designated residential neighborhoods. Join the Good Timers, Garden Gnomes and Guild of Gamers club. Have a pet goat. Gamble (using Sabacc table). Sell something using a street Gallery. Attend Ghost Night and Guys Night at Bars. Befriend a Ghost. Attend Geekcon. Own a grill, a game console. Give gifts. Prepare a Grand meal. Generation 8-Letter H- Infant-Try Homemade Hummus Child-make holiday crafts, Always do your homework Final Traits- Pick 3: Hates Children, Horse Lover, High-Maintenance, Hot-Headed Likes-Handiness, Horse Riding, Hip Hop, Hipster fashion Dislikes-Singing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Singer-Songwriter, S-Pop, Soul, Spooky, Strangetunes, Summer Strut, Suburban Contemporary, Storybook, Shabby, Streetwear Teen+ Skills- Handiness, Horse Riding, Herbalism Teen+ Aspirations- Paragon of Hope Careers-Self-Employed-Make money off of Handiness and Herbalism. This isn’t really a goal, since there’s no way to “Max” this type of career, this is just how they have to make money. Collections-Holiday Cracker Plushies Reside In-A Haunted House in Hopewell Hills Lot Traits and Challenges-Homey, Home Studio, On Hallowed Grounds Visit-Hospital (have a baby or accompany a pregnant household member), Hermit’s Hut, High School, Hottest Spot in Town. Aspiration Rewards-Hardly Hungry, Heatproof, Happy Potion, Instant Hygiene. Other Gameplay- Celebrate every Holiday. Throw a House Party. Attend Happy Hour at a Bar. Attend the Humor and Hijinks festival. Have a Hamster and a Horse. Go Hiking. Hack something on the computer. Own a Hot tub, a Hydroponic garden planter, a Heart-shaped Bed , a Hot pot and a Horseshoe game. Woohoo in a Hotel (Lovestruck), a Hot Spring and a Hot tub. After all other objectives are complete, die from Hysteria. Generation 9-Letter I Infant-Intense Trait, Try Ice Cream Toddler-Imagination Skill, Independent or Inquisitive Trait Teen-Irresponsible and Insensitive Traits Final Traits- Insider, Child of the Islands Likes-Industrial, Island Décor, Island Radio Dislikes-Research and Debate, Robotics, Rocket Science, Red, Retro music, Romance music, R&B, Ranch, Rocker fashion Teen+ Skills- None Teen+ Aspirations-Inner Peace Careers- Interior Decorator, Internet Personality (Social Media) Collections-Insects Aspiration Rewards-Inspired Potion, Incredibly Friendly, Ice proof, Independent Reside In-Inner Circle (Del Sol Valley) Lot Traits and Challenges-Island Spirits Visit-Island Bluff Other Gameplay- Achieve Industrial Eco Footprint in Mirage Park. Play an Instrument. Use incense. Go Ice skating. Take medicine to cure an Illness. Own an insect farm and an Ice cream maker. Throw an Incognito Costume Party. Woohoo in the Ice Cave (Snowy Escape). Generation 10 -Letter J Final Traits- Jealous Likes-Japanese Folk, Jazz Dislikes-Queen Anne Teen+ Skills- Juice Fizzing Teen+ Aspirations-Jungle Explorer, Joke Star Careers- Journalist (Writer) Collections- Aspiration Rewards- Reside In-Jasmine Suites (San Myshuno) Lot Traits and Challenges- Visit- Other Gameplay- Keep a journal. Own a jewelry display case. Jump off of a jumping platform. Own a Juice keg. Woohoo in a Janitor closet. Join the Just for the Halibut club. Generation 11-Letter K Final Traits- Kleptomaniac Likes-Knitting, Kids Music Dislikes-Painting, Photography, Piano, Pipe Organ, Programming, Pink, Purple, Patio furniture, Pop music, Polished and Preppy fashion Teen+ Skills- Knitting Teen+ Aspirations- Lord/Lady of the Knits, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer Careers- Make money selling knitted wares. Collections- Aspiration Rewards- Great Kisser Reside In-Yukimatsu, Koh Sapa Lot Traits and Challenges- Visit-Karaoke Bar Other Gameplay- Join Knights of the Hedge. Attend Knight Night at a Bar. Throw a Kava party and a Keg party. Own a Kotatsu table, a Keepsake box, a Kiddie pool and a Key Board. Have Keyholder status with someone. When all other objectives are complete, be killed by a Killer Rabbit or Killer Chicken. Generation 12-Letter L Infant-Try Lemon Child-Join League of Adventures. Final Traits- Loves Outdoors, Lactose Intolerant, Lazy, Loner or Lovebug, Loyal Likes-Latin music, Latin Pop, Lullabies, Yellow, Luxe decor Dislikes-Orange, Outdoorsy fashion Teen+ Skills- Logic Teen+ Aspirations-Live Fast (Teen), Leader of the Pack, Lone Wolf Careers- Lifeguard, Law, Landlord (5-star) Aspiration Rewards- Insta-Large, Insta-Lean Collections- Reside In-Lani St. Taz, Llama Lagoon Lot Traits and Challenges-On Ley Line; Landfill Lot Visit-Library, Lounge Other Gameplay- Watch Live entertainment. Serve Lemonade. Go Line dancing. Attend Ladies Night at a Bar. Attend Festival of Lights. Keep a Llama. Own a Lightsaber, a Laptop, a Lava lamp and a Listening device. Have a Laundry room. Throw a Lampoon Party. Woohoo in Lighthouse and in a pile of Leaves. When all other objectives are complete, be killed by Lighting. Generation 13-Letter M Infant-Try Mangoes Toddler-Movement skill Child-Mind and Body aspiration, Mental and Motor skills Teen-Mediator trait Final Traits-Maker, Music Lover, Materialistic, Mean Likes-Media Production, Mischief, Mixology, Metal music, Mission, Mid-Century, Modern decor Dislikes-Nectar making, New Age music, NuDisco Teen+ Skills- Mischief, Mixology, Media Production, Medium Teen+ Aspirations- Chief of Mischief, Master Mixologist, Musical Genius, Master Maker, Mansion Baron, Marketing Magnate. Careers- Manual Laborer, Marine Biologist (Conservationist) Aspiration Rewards-Moodlet solver, Morning Sim, Marketable, Mermadic Kelp, Money Tree Collections-Moonwood Relics, Metals, Microscope prints, MySim trophies, Magical artifacts, Messages in bottles. Reside In- Mua Pel’am, Moonwood Mill, Morensong, Mourningvale Lot Traits and Challenges-Mean Vibe; Mold, Maintenance Issues Visit-Museum, Magic Realm Other Gameplay- Become a Merperson. Moonbathe. Attend Moon Revelry Festival. Live in a Microhome in one of your residential locations. Attend the Festival of Light. Participate in a Mud fight. Watch movies. Join the Major Chords and the Mixing Crew. Own a Mural, a Meditation stool, a Massage chair, a Mystical Moonlight charging grid, a Mini-Fridge and a Make-Up chair. After all other objectives are complete, die of Mortification, Meteorite, Murphy Bed, Murder of Crows or be eaten by the Mother Plant. Gen 14-Letter N Final Traits- Non-committal, Neat, Nosy Likes- Nectar making, New Age music, NuDisco Dislikes- Media Production, Mischief, Mixology, Metal music, Mid-Century, Mission, Modern decor Teen+ Skills-Nectar making Teen+ Aspirations-Expert Nectar-Maker, Nerd Brain, Neighborhood Confidante Careers- Make money from being a Nectar-maker and/or a Nerd brain (handiness) Aspiration Rewards-Night Owl, Never Weary Collections- Reside In- New Appaloosa, Nuevo Corazon Lot Traits and Challenges-Natural Light, Natural Well Visit-National Park, Nightclub Other Gameplay-Change into Nude. Successfully implement a Neighborhood Action Plan. Throw a Neighborhood Potluck. Gen 15-Letter O Infant-Try Oatmeal. Final Traits- Overachiever, Outgoing, Child of the Ocean Likes-Orange, Outdoorsy fashion Dislikes- Latin music, Latin Pop, Lullabies, Luxe Decor Teen+ Skills-None Teen+ Aspirations-Outdoor Enthusiast Careers- 5-Star Odd jobber, Oracle (Criminal), Officer (Military) Aspiration Rewards-Observant Collections-Omiscan treasures Reside In-Olde Platz, Ohan’ali Town, Old New Henford Lot Traits and Challenges-Off-the-Grid; Visit-Onsen bathhouse Other Gameplay-Woohoo in an Observatory. Grow Oversized produce. Attend the Ohan’ali community festival. When all other objectives are complete, die of Overexertion or Overheating. Gen 16-Letter P Infant-Try Peas, Papaya and Pumpkin Toddler-Potty Skill Child-Playtime Captain Teen-Attend Prom, Prank a Locker, have a Pillow Fight Final Traits- Paranoid, Perfectionist, Party Animal, Proper, Practice Makes Perfect Likes- Painting, Photography, Piano, Pipe Organ, Programming, Pink, Purple, Patio furniture, Pop music, Polished and Preppy fashion Dislikes-Knitting, Kids music Teen+ Skills-Painting, Piano, Photography, Programming, Pipe Organ, Parenting, Pet Training Teen+ Aspirations- Paragon Partner, Painter Extraordinaire, Public Enemy, Perfectly Pristine, Purveyor of Potions, Party Animal Careers- Painter, Politician, complete 10 gigs as a freelance Paranormal Investigator, Public Relations (Social Media) Aspiration Rewards- Professional Slacker, Potion of Youth Collections-Postcards Reside In-Pendula View, the Pinnacles, Porto Luminoso, Port Promise, Plumbite Cove, Prescott Square, Plaza Mariposa Lot Traits and Challenges-Private Dwelling, Penny Pixies, Party Place, Peace and Quiet Visit-Penthouse lot, Park, Pool Other Gameplay-Become a Plantsim. Own a Pygmy Hedgehog. Join the Powerhouse, Paragons, Page Turners, Punchlines, Private Club and Partihaus clubs. Shop on Plopsy. Have a Picnic, a Pool Part and a Potluck. Help a child with a Project. Own a Present pile, a Pizza oven, a Ping Pong table, a Popcorn maker, a Puppet theater, a Patio heater, a Podium, a Pumpkin-Carving Station, Patchy the Strawman, a Photo studio and Playground equipment. Woohoo in a Photobooth and a Pod (Get Famous). When all other objectives are finished, die of Poison or Pufferfish. Generation 17-Letter R Infant-Try Rice porridge Child-Rambunctious Scamp Teen-Responsible trait, Final Traits- Romantic or Romantically Reserved, Recycle Disciple, Rancher Likes- Research and Debate, Robotics, Rocket Science, Red, Retro music, Romance music, R&B, Ranch, Rocker fashion Dislikes-Island music, Island Décor, Industrial Teen+ Skills-Romance, Rocket Science, Robotics, Research and Debate, Rock Climbing, Teen+ Aspirations-Renaissance Sim, Romantic Explorer Careers- Retail Employee, earn 10 perks as Retail store owner, Romance Consultant, Reaper Aspiration Rewards-Re-Traiting Potion Collections- Reside In-Ridgeline Drive, Rider’s Glen Lot Traits and Challenges-Romantic Aura, Registered Vampire Lair; Reduce and Recycle Visit-Rental Lot, Restaurant, Recreation Center Other Gameplay-Go Roller skating. Keep a Rat. Dine out at a Restaurant. Befriend a Rabbit. Attend the Romance festival and Ravenwood Family Day. Max Reputation. Join the Renegades club. Roar while wearing a bear suit. Use a Rock-Climbing wall. Own a Research archive machine, a Rocking chair and a Recycler. Have a Ranch animal day, a Ranch gathering, a wedding Reception and a Rehearsal dinner. Woohoo in a Rocket ship. Die of Rabid Rodent fever. Be Reborn. Generation 18-Letter S Infant-Try Sweet potato, Sensitive or Sunny trait Toddler-Silly trait Child-Social skill, Social Butterfly and Slumber Party Captain aspiration, Scout University-Soccer Team Final Traits- Self-Assured, Squeamish, Slob, Self-Absorbed, Snob, Socially Awkward, Skeptic Likes- Singing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Singer-Songwriter, S-Pop, Soul, Spooky, Strangetunes, Summer Strut, Suburban Contemporary, Storybook, Shabby, Streetwear Dislikes-Handiness, Hip Hop, Hipster fashion Teen+ Skills-Singing, Selvadoradian Culture, Skiing, Snowboarding Teen+ Aspirations-Successful Lineage, Super Parent, Spellcraft and Sourcery, Serial Romantic, Soulmate, Strangerville Mystery, Self-Care Specialist Careers-Secret Agent, Stylist (Style Influencer), Scientist, Simfluencer Aspiration Rewards-Sleep Replacement, Speed Cleaner, Speed Reader, Storm Chaser, Great Storyteller Collections-Space Prints, Space Rocks, Snowglobes, Simmies Reside In- Sage Estates, Senbamachi, Shady Acres, Skyward Palms, Strangerville Plaza Lot Traits and Challenges-Science Lair, Sunny Aspect, Study Spot, Simple Living; Spooky, Scare Seeker Visit-Sylvan Glade, Selvadorada, Spa, Sixam Other Gameplay-Live in a Small home in one of the designated neighborhoods. Have at least one Steamy romantic relationship and at least one Strained romantic relationship. Have a Servo in your household. Keep a mini-Sheep. Join the Spin Masters and Society of Sixam clubs. Throw a Spooky party. Slow dance. Have a snowball fight. Make a Sand Sculpture. Own Sprinklers, Solar panels, a Slide, a Soccer ball, a Sneak out window and Swings. Sing a holiday Song. Attend the Spice Festival and the Festival of Snow. Have Scars. Go swimming. Woohoo in a Shower and a Sauna. After all other objectives are complete, die of Starvation, Steam or Spellcaster overload. Generation 19-Letter T Toddler-Thinking skill Final Traits-Randomize Likes-Tween pop Dislikes- Gardening, Guitar, Gray, Green, Garden Teen+ Skills-Thanatology Teen+ Aspirations-The Curator Careers- Tech Guru, Trendsetter (Style Influencer) Aspiration Rewards- Collections-Tarot Cards Reside In-Terra Amorosa Lot Traits and Challenges-Teen Neighborhood Visit-Thrift store Other Gameplay-Live in a Tiny home in one of the designated neighborhoods. Attend the Turtle Hatching on Mua Pelam and the Thinned Festiveil. Own a Toy box, a Tent, a Training bot, a Tea set, a Toasting set, a Talking Toilet and a Telescope. Set a Table. Host someone for a Temporary stayover. Host a Toddler Play Date. Have a Tatoo. Explore the Tunnels in Moonwood Mill. Build a Treehouse. Woohoo in the Tunnel of Love and a Treehouse. Generation 20-Letter U Teen-Uncontrolled Emotions Trait Final Traits- Unflirty Likes-None Dislikes-Fishing, Fitness, Focus Music, Farmhouse, French Country Teen+ Skills-None Teen+ Aspirations- None Careers- Undertaker Aspiration Rewards-None Collections-Underwater prints Reside In- University Housing, Uptown Lot Traits and Challenges- Visit- Other Gameplay-Join the Upper Crusts. Die of Urban Myth. Have an Unpredictable romantic relationship. Generation 20-Letter V Final Traits- Vegetarian Likes-Vintage décor, Video Gaming, Violin Dislikes- Easy Listening, Electronica Teen+ Skills-Violin, Video Gaming, Vampire Lore, Veterinarian Teen+ Aspirations-Villainous Valentine, Vampire Family, Master Vampire Careers- Video Game Streamer, Veterinarian Aspiration Rewards- Collections-Voidcritter cards, Village Fair Ribbons Reside In-Vista Hermosa Lot Traits and Challenges- Vampire Nexus; Volcanic Activity Visit- Other Gameplay-Record a Video. Make sales from a Vendor’s stall. Buy something from a vending machine. Throw a Vow renewal. Woohoo in a money Vault. Own a vacuum, a vertical garden planter and a vanity. After all other objective are complete, die from being locked in a Vault or crushed by a Vending machine. Generation 21-Letter W Infant-Wiggly trait Toddler-Wild trait Child-Whiz Kid aspiration Final Traits- Randomize, Wise Likes-White, World music, Winter Holiday music, Writing, Wellness Dislikes- DJ Mixing, Dancing, DJ Booth Teen+ Skills-Writing, Wellness Teen+ Aspirations-Wildfang Renegade, World-Famous Celebrity Careers-complete 10 gigs as a freelance Writer Aspiration Rewards-Waterproof Collections- Reside In-Wakaba, Windslar, Whiskerman’s Warf, Whispering Glen Lot Traits and Challenges-Wild Foxes, Wild Prairie Grass Visit- Other Gameplay-Work out. Have a Wholesome romantic relationship. Paint a Wall mural. Have a Workplace rival. Wish at a Wishing Well. Have a Water balloon fight. Woohoo in a Waterfall. Throw a Weenie roast and a Wedding party. Own a Water slide, a Water heater, a Water garden, a Wind turbine, a Weather-controlling machine and a Waffle maker. Be killed by the Night Wraith. Generation 22-Letter X Child-Always do Extra credit (when assigned). Final Traits- Randomize Likes-None Dislikes- Comedy, Cooking, Cross-stitch, Carnaval Beats, Classical, Cottagecore, Contemporary, Cosmolux, Cute, Country fashion Teen+ Skills-None Teen+ Aspirations- Extreme Sports Enthusiast Careers- Expert (Salaryperson) Aspiration Rewards-Inspired Explorer Collections-Experimental Food Prints Reside In-Any Lot Traits and Challenges- Visit- Other Gameplay-Own EXercise equipment, Call an exterminator. Generation 23-Letter Z Final Traits- Randomize Likes-None Dislikes-Acting, Alternative and Americana music, Art Deco Teen+ Skills-None Teen+ Aspirations-Zen Guru Careers-Make money as a Zen Guru teaching yoga and/or meditation classes Aspiration Rewards-None Collections-None Reside In-Zen View Apartments (San Myshuno) Lot Traits and Challenges-Quake Zone Visit- Other Gameplay-BissenNess16 hours agoSeasoned Ace1.2KViews2likes17CommentsLatest Build - Victorian Farmhouse Build
Build Challenge / Request EA Forum: The Sims 4 Creative Corner Requested by: EA ID: #SuperSillySim - Thank you! This was fun and inspirational. I took this opportunity to make a YouTube video from this challenge/request... Stop Motion Build and Short Story - Making story videos using Sims characters is very challenging...especially trying to get the them to cooperate...HA! The animals...forget about it! LOL I also want to thank the artists for the art I used in the build. EA ID: #AlJay2000 EA ID: #juwels64 EA ID: #MOONL1GHTSEEKER EA ID: #SimSationalToo Thank you all for the beautiful works of art and sharing them with us in your galleries! Anyone else want to share their last build, story, or YouTube video of Sims?7Views1like1CommentSims 4 Time Lord Challenge (Updated February 2025)
The purpose of this challenge is two-fold: fandom and variety. For fans, this is a great opportunity to roleplay as a Time Lord. For non-fans, this is a challenge that allows you to use most of the available traits on one Sim who will change appearance yet keep their skills, reward traits, relationships and aspiration points. Time Lords are a time-traveling race in the Doctor Who universe (click here to learn more). When they are mortally wounded or in the brink of death, a Time Lord can “regenerate” to cheat death. There are three gameplay types for the challenge, and they are as follows: "Life & Death Expansion Pack" gameplay CASUAL: sim lifespan is set to Normal. Non-expansion gameplay. "I DON'T WANT TO GO": sim lifespan can be anything; your Time Lord does not age, and they regenerate based on your own criteria. Non-expansion gameplay. --- To enhance your challenge, click here for the ROLEPLAYING GUIDE. --- The following are Tracking Sheets for the Incarnations: LIFE & DEATH EXPANSION TRACKING SHEET REGULAR TRACKING SHEET PATH OF THE DOCTOR: Where you follow The Doctor's incarnation from 1st to 13th (including War Doctor)nastyjman23 hours agoSeasoned Ace176KViews1like986CommentsBlast from the Past: A Sims 4 Story
Blast from the Past Part 2: Missing Clues Flustered, Lucifer heads back to his cabin in Newcrest. There, his phone is ringing. After the holiday season, he went out and bought a home phone to go along with his personal cell phone. It is Emit calling and tells him there’s a time capsule buried somewhere and needs to be found as soon as possible. Willow Creek was the place to go if there was a time capsule. All the other areas were built after. Lucifer spent into the evening hours searching and digging. Lucifer finds a box buried. He takes it home to open it up. There, inside is only a letter that reads IOU. Lucifer makes his way back to Magnolia Blossom Park in hopes to find Emit. With luck, Emit is still there and Lucifer shares his finds. This troubles Emit. The two devise a plan to check those in the park already. Lucifer approaches a Sim. Lucifer then approaches another Sim sitting on a bench. And finally, Lucifer approaches another. He has no luck whatsoever with this one as well. Emit had also seemed to have left. Lucifer calls it a night but ponders what exactly all this means as he takes a shower before bed. To Be Continued...SolvedLegacySims20172 days agoSeasoned Ace36Views2likes2CommentsSim Story Dialogue Style
I was just wondering what people think of writing story dialogue like what I have done below. Is it okay to write a story using this kind of dialogue style? Robert was walking down the street and ran into Alisa. Robert Hey Alisa. What are you up to today? Alisa Oh hey, Rob! Not much. I'm thinking of going to the park. Wanna come with me? Robert Yeah, sure! Alisa Let's go then! Robert Okay! Alisa Well, you have to move if you want to go, Rob! Robert Oh yeah! Right! Alisa You silly man! Laughsrjssim2 days agoSeasoned Ace44Views2likes3CommentsBlast from the Past: A Sims 4 Story
Blast from the Past Part 1: A Strange Visitor Lucifer Morningstar returns for a third quest. Last time, he assisted Jasmine Holiday and learned about what others do for a holiday tradition. He eventually created his own holiday tradition that he would do each year with his friends. If you didn’t read Reaper’s Rewards or Cozy Celebrations, meet Lucifer Morningstar. Yes, a Sim based off the character behind the television series, “Lucifer”. Lucifer has been living in Newcrest and is about to pursue a blast from the past. Let’s get the story started. The winter season is over, and it is Springtime in Newcrest where Lucifer lives. Lucifer wakes up bright and early to watch the daily news. The news anchor mentions something about a time traveler. Curious, Lucifer searches other social media platforms on his computer. There is buzz all over about a blue haired Sim who is into science and technology. He also claims to know a bit about time travel. Lucifer wonders if this guy is in Newcrest, so he goes around to ask the locals. The first one he runs into says she heard a loud noise. The second Sim wasn’t all that helpful to Lucifer. But she did recommend checking out the park. The park isn’t as crowded as the last Sim made it out to be. There was a vendor setting up shop, so Lucifer decides to ask her about this time traveler. She too mentions a park. Obviously, Newcrest’s park is not the one they were talking about. Lucifer spots a Sim with blue hair at the park. He’s also wearing something that looks like it could be from the future. Lucifer introduces himself. Emit has a very important question to ask Lucifer. Having no idea what Emit is talking about, Lucifer asks questions of his own. He would have to start talking to the locals again to assist Emit with his answers. One Sim tells Lucifer she is missing a personal item. Another Sim tries to remember how a song is sung when Lucifer asks about anything missing. Lucifer thinks that was a waste of time and will ask one more Sim. This last Sims tells Lucifer he is missing the same thing as the first Sim he asked. It’s not surprising to Lucifer as clocks have to do with time. And Emit is a time traveler. To Be Continued...SolvedLegacySims20173 days agoSeasoned Ace41Views1like3Comments💚New Sims 4 Packs- Old style covers💚
EP17: Life & Death HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon EP16: Lovestruck HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon SP20: Crystal Creations HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon EP15: For Rent HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon HQ Full Box Art: Print Ready File: SP19: Home Chef Hustle HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon EP14: Horse Ranch HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon HQ Full Box Art: Print Ready File: EP13: Growing Together HQ Box Art, Logo & Icon HQ Full Box Art: Print Ready File: EP12: High School Years HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon HQ Full Box Art Print Ready File: GP12: Werewolves HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon GP11: My Wedding Stories HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon EP10: Cottage Living HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon HQ Full Box Art: Print Ready File: GP10: Dream Home Decorator HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon SP18: Paranormal HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon EP10: Snowy Escape HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon HQ Full Box Art: Print Ready File: GP09: Star Wars: Journey to Batuu Box Art , Logo & Icon SP17: Nifty Knitting HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon EP9: Eco Lifestyle HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon HQ Full Box Art Print Ready File: SP16: Tiny Living Stuff HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon EP8: Discover University HQ Box Art+Logo+ Icon HQ Full Box Art Print File (PDF): GP8: Realm of Magic HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon 💚Stuff Packs💚 SP15: Moschino Stuff HQ Box Art , Logo & Icon HQ Full Box Art: SP14: My First Pet Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP13: Laundry Day Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP12: Toddler Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP11: Fitness Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP10: Bowling Night Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP9: Vintage Glamour Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP7: Kids Room Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP6: Romantic Garden Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP5: Movie Hangout Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP4: Spooky Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP3: Cool Kitchen Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP2: Perfect Patio Stuff HQ Full Box Art: SP1: Luxury Party Stuff HQ Full Box Art:YBNS4 days agoSeasoned Veteran28KViews2likes176CommentsOld Style Pre-Rebrand Expansion Pack DVD Covers
I wanted to make my own compiled list of the marketing assets for The Sims 4 expansion packs for quite a while as more and more packs are coming out, so here it is. There are logos, icons, CD covers, DVD covers, and textless DVD covers for most expansion packs after the rebrand as well as scans (although rather poor quality) from before the rebrand! I also have a mod that makes all the icons revert to the old style that also match the DVD covers here. Click on the images to go to the actual image file to get the highest-quality version, as the forums now compress images. CD covers are made on in a size to be printed on A4 format paper. DVD covers need to be set to 100 scale to be accurately sized. Use Photo Quality options when printing for best results on photo paper. The Sims 4 Life & Death Print-ready File The Sims 4 Lovestruck Print-ready File The Sims 4 For Rent Print-ready File The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Print-ready File The Sims 4 Growing Together Print-ready File The Sims 4 High School Years Print-ready File The Sims 4 Cottage Living Print-ready File The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Print-ready File The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle The Sims 4 Discover University The Sims 4 Island Living The Sims 4 Get Famous The Sims 4 Seasons The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs The Sims 4 City Living The Sims 4 Get Together The Sims 4 Get to WorkLunarBritney4 days agoRising Ace273Views3likes4CommentsTaylor Swift Legacy Challenge - Swiftacy - 10 Generations [Update 07/14/23]
Hi! I've always been a Taylor fan but I've been obsessed with her music all year, and so with the release of Midnights I decided to create this for myself. Not sure if many others will be interested, and I've seen a few people create their own versions elsewhere, but this is mine! There are some repeating traits etc, but I tried to make them as varied as possible whilst still staying within the themes of the albums. If any of you attempt this challenge I'd love to see! Update on 07/14/23: I wanted to add another rule for each gen, and update for the new pack that's about to drop (even though I've already played Gen 1) so there's now an extra rule for each gen and some updated descriptions. Extra bits: - Standard legacy rules other than the ones listed below (no money cheats etc) but you may choose the traits of the spare siblings, for example if you want them to fit the theme of the album along with the heir. - I've written this with female sims in mind but you can absolutely do it with a sim of any gender. - This creator has made some awesome Taylor Swift CC here, including album prints! I plan on putting each one underneath the portrait of the corresponding gen. They haven't made Midnights yet, but hopefully they will eventually. - For an extra challenge, you could try having each heir live through storylines that match as many of the songs from her corresponding album as possible. Some of the rules for each generation do have you do this already. - As always with these challenges, if you don't have all the packs for the rules, traits and world, don't let that stop you, just adapt it to the packs you do have. Gen 1: Debut All your life you've dreamed of having your own bit of land to have your own big country home, your own farm, and most importantly your own family with a loving spouse. Now, out on your own for the first time after inheriting a bit of land from a distant relative, you're making your dreams come true. You feel a little in over your head at times, like you're still too young to be out doing all this on your own and starting your own family legacy, but you know all your hard work will pay off in the end. World: Willow Creek OR Chestnut Ridge Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Childish Aspiration: Successful Lineage OR Big Happy Family Career: Gardener Requirements: - Play guitar as a hobby, & busk in public for extra money - Marry someone else with the Loves The Outdoors trait - Keep livestock and/or chickens - Own & ride your own horse - Be good friends with all of your children Gen 2: Fearless You grew up happy and mentally healthy, and your parents couldn't be more proud of you. You're their golden child. Your focus on your studies meant you were never popular in high school, but you had a small group of friends that stayed with you for the rest of your life, including your high school boyfriend/girlfriend. As you grow older, you find more and more people are drawn to your good nature and personality, and you find yourself making many more friends. World: Copperdale Traits: Good, Ambitious, Perfectionist Aspiration: Goal Oriented (teen), Friend of the World OR Neighborhood Confidante (young adult+) Career: Education - Graduate high school with an A grade - Be in the chess club in high school - Marry your high school sweetheart - Be best friends with your mother - Have a date night with your spouse at least once a week Gen 3: Speak Now Ever since you've been a little girl you've always had your head in the clouds, dreaming about magical fairytale kingdoms and spinning around in ballgowns. Your brain is bursting with whimsical ideas at all times and you find an outlet for this in your art. You're always daydreaming about extremely romantic scenarios that people say are unrealistic, they think you need to come back down to earth, but you'd rather be in your sparkly purple palace in the clouds. The down-side of this is that you often let your emotions get the better of you and make questionable decisions you later come to regret. World: Windenburg Traits: Loyal, Creative, Outgoing Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire Career: Painter - Max imagination skill as a toddler and creativity skill as a child - When you move out of your parents home, move in to a home that looks like a castle... Or an actual castle! - Make 3 wishes in the wishing well between the ages of YA and Elder - Meet your spouse at a formal event (starlight accolades, at a lounge in formal wear, or at a charity fundraiser) - Age in to YA with Argumentative or Uncontrolled Emotions character value trait Gen 4: Red You have your mother's creativity and your grandmother's drive. For this reason, you've always been fairly confident, until a bad breakup with the person you thought was your soulmate seriously knocks your confidence and faith in your ability to both succeed and be happy. It doesn't last forever, though, and you're able to channel all your pain and anger in to literary masterpieces that change lives. World: Brindleton Bay OR Newcrest Traits: Gloomy, Music Lover, Self Assured Aspiration: Bestselling Author Career: Writer - Date a celebrity and go through a bad breakup with him/her - Host slumber parties for your friends as a young adult - Write autobiographical and semi-autobiographical books about your life experiences - Surpass your ex in fame, or if they're a Level 5 celebrity, reach the same level - Take a vacation every Fall (for as long or little as you want) Gen 5: 1989 For generations your family have lived in the countryside and suburbs. Well, you're bored. You've always dreamed of the city, of bright lights, meeting new and interesting people, and dancing until dawn with a squad of other it-girls, all while performing for thousands of adoring fans who know all the words to your songs. You love meeting interesting new people, so it takes a while for you to truly settle down. World: San Myshuno Traits: Choose THREE- Insider, Party Animal, Dance Machine, Noncommittal Aspiration: Leader of the Pack Career: Entertainer - Go on group outings to lounges/bars/nightclubs OR throw parties at least twice a week - Master the dance and singing skills - Capture your life in photographs and keep a photo wall somewhere in your apartment/house - Casually date at least 3 sims but don't seriously commit to any of them for a while - Eventually revisit one of your previous flames and marry them Gen 6: Reputation For as long as you can remember, you've felt misunderstood among the in-crowd of San Myshuno where everyone is happy to manipulate facts to keep their image clean, so as soon as you're old enough you escape to somewhere everyone will leave you alone. Defending yourself against backstabbers and bullies and having people spread rumors about you leads you to develop an intimidating persona. However, in the midst of all the chaos, you meet the one person who sees the real you: The king/queen of your heart. World: Forgotten Hollow Traits: Paranoid, Romantic, Loner Aspiration: Chief of Mischief Career: Secret Agent - Have a negative reputation in the reputation system - Have at least five enemies and no more than two friends (not including family and spouse) - Use a voodoo doll and master the Mischief skill - Spend at least two sim weeks without leaving the house at all apart from for work - Marry a sim with the Good trait Gen 7: Lover You and your mother are very, very different. You are optimistic, sociable, and colorful, like a walking, talking rainbow. You absolutely take after your other parent rather than her. However, you admire your parents relationship a great deal and want to find one just like it one day. You love a lot of things and a lot of people in many different ways, and are passionate and making the world a more loving, fair place. World: Tartosa Traits: Romantic, Cat Lover, Cheerful Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Politics - Max the positive reputation bar - Have a wide range of hobbies and skills that make you happy - Be elected prom royalty as a teen at least once. If you can't achieve this, that's fine, but try your best - Use NAPS to implement positive changes in your neighborhood - Throw protests or rallies for your career at least twice a week Gen 8: Folklore For as long as you can remember, you've wanted a slow-paced life in the woods away from the pressures of a 9-5 job. You move to the Henford-on-Bagley countryside to be close to nature and pursue activities that make you happy. You love stories, and sharing them with other people. Nothing makes you happier than a cozy night next to the fire be it alone or with your family. World: Henford-on-Bagley Traits: Bookworm, Lazy, Green Fiend Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast Career: Self-Employed Crafts Seller - Be in a love triangle as a teenager, decide how you want it to be resolved when you reach young adulthood: who ends up together? - When you move out, live in an off-the-grid home - Take frequent camping trips to Granite Falls where you tell stories around the campfire - Master knitting skill - Get divorced as an adult Gen 9: Evermore You have always been wise beyond your years and a little world-weary, even as a young girl, likely in part due to your parents' divorce. Your intuition and ability to sense exactly what's going through people's minds leads you to become a detective. But there's even more to you than meets the eye... You have a power inside you that most people fail to comprehend. However, all of this comes with a price. You sometimes feel so disconnected from others that it affects your relationships. World: Moonwood Mill OR Glimmerbrook Traits: Art Lover, Noncommittal, Proper Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery Career: Detective - Be best friends with grandmother - Become a Spellcaster - Leave someone at the altar - Conceive your child on a one-night woohoo with an ex - Eventually marry, but end up having an affair. Decide how you want to resolve it Gen 10: Midnights You are the best and the worst of all the women who came before you. You're complex, often contradictory, ever-changing and all over the place. There's a lot you don't like about yourself. But you're a mastermind, and will do whatever it takes to be a star, including moving out of your small town as soon as you're old enough and in to Del Sol Valley to make a name for yourself. World: Del Sol Valley Traits: Erratic, Overachiever, Genius Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity Career: Actress - Exchange promise rings with your teenage boyfriend/girlfriend only to break it off as soon as you become a YA and move out - When you do find your life partner, if you want to marry them you must wait until you're at least half way through adulthood - Master charisma & acting skills - Own a pet cat called Karma - Write a book about your family and their legacy22KViews2likes2Comments👽 Miller Legacy 🛸
Sul sul fellow simmers! The Miller Legacy is my first Legacy Challenge and the way I found to explore the (for me) new The Sims 4 game in the moment I decided to buy it. It's the translation of what I originally posted in Italian here, and the new chapters are being posted on my blog here. I'd also like to point out that this legacy is currently being shared also on the parallel Sim Creative forum. This small forum has practically the same template as the old one and is not buggy, making it a very cozy place where to share the old conversations we used to have in the former Creative corner. I suggest you to give it a look! ;) Back to the introduction, with this legacy I'm basically novelizing what happens when I'm playing my game, introducing as many mysteries and issues to overcome for my sims as I can. For sure, the Miller's are not a family like the others. I'm not a fan of too strict gaming rules, thus my main rule is just: "reach generation 10 without cheating". This legacy is definitively more story-driven than rules-driven. So I'm not taking track of points in any way, often instead of choosing traits or careers randomly I choose what I think would be funnier for me to play or better for the story progression, I often move the family to new houses (not built by me because I'm a horrible builder) and so forth. In particular, I'm taking a lot of freedom about a certain cat, but also in that case I found a way for doing it without technically being cheating. As for the heir, I don't follow a strict rule but just choose the one for which I can imagine the best character development and who can give more in terms of story progression. The only rule I'm following in that sense is that I want every heir to be the biological child of the previous heir, because I'm curious to see how the genetics algorithm in TS4 work over a 10 generations span (consider this as a small experiment :P ). The full story index (beware, it's long!) can be found HERE. I'm closing this premise here because I don't want to spoil the story, so I wish you a pleasant reading through the most mysterious sides of this game ;)HermioneSims4 days agoSeasoned Ace11KViews3likes754Comments**Creations by masajo** **Crows Nest**
Hello and welcome to my showcase thread :) Here you will find my creations from The Sims 4, which can be found in the Gallery. My Origin ID is Cevans1962 Gallery Link Facebook Page Twitter Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback. Any advice, suggestions or criticism would be very much appreciated. Thank you for visiting :) Villa dei Fiori (page 145) La Casita Hermosa (page 145) Old Wisteria (page 145) Moon River (page 144) Rockslide (page 144) Old Cobblers (page 144) Pegasus (page 143) The Shrubbery (page 143) The Cricketer (page 143) Octavia (page 142) The Lantern House (page 142) Flying Hooves (page 142) Rocky Road (page 141) Chinook (page 141) Solaris (page 141) Buttermilk (page 141) Captains Table (page 141) Copper Fox (page 140) Lakeside Library (page 140) Apple Blossom (page 140) Tudor Rose (page 139) Woodside (page 139) Burnt Copper (page 139) Avarest (page 138) Copper Pot (page 138) Bellini (page 138) The Cauldron (page 138) Dancing Trees (page 137) Copper Knot (page 137) Green Acres (page 137) Hubble Bubble (page 137) Firefly (page 136) Skylark (page 136) Timeless (page 136) Junya (page135) Solana (page 135) Itsuki (page134) New Crumbledown Place (page 134) Hilltop Hideaway (page 134) Wolf Moon (page 133) Hickory Homestead (page 133) Paragon (page 132) Melora (page 132) Oystermouth (page 131) Avalon (page 131) Stellar (page 130) Havelock (page 130) La Villetta (page 129) Casa Palmera (page 129) Emerald Exhibits (page 128) Barefoot Bungalow (page 128) Lemon Drizzle (page 127) Tiki Bay (page 127) Witsend (page 127) Greenways (page 126) Simplicity (page 126) Winterfall (page 126) The Gables (page125) B.O.'s House (page 125) Wolfstone Revisited (page 124) Witching Hours (page 124) Lioncourt (page 124) Windsong (page 123) Wanderlust (page 123) Hummingbird Homestead (page 123) Willow Way (page 122) Dovetail (page 122) Moondrift (page 121) Hidden Hedges (page 121) Mirage (page120) Burnt Mallow (page 120) The Bumbles (page 120) Twixtrees (page 120) Gustoso (page 120 Butterscotch (page 119) The Pewter Pot (page 119) Luna (page 118) Candlelight (page 118) Fortywinks (page 117) Matador (page 117) Edelweiss (page 117) Oystercatchers (page 116) Birdsong (page 116) King Author's (page 116) Borrowed Time (page 115) Zen Den (page 115) Daisy Dale (page115) Rose D'Or (page 114) Stoneleigh (page 114) Maple Leaves (page 114) Goldenheart (page 114) Dreamcatcher (page 113) The Vesper (page113) Belle Apres (page 113) Casita Bonita (page 112) Peace Lily Spa (page 112) Visions and Variety (page 112) Crumbledown Place (page 112) Upton Abbey (page 112) Gymshark (page 112) Roselea (page 111) 9152 (page 111) Timberwolf (page 111) Florizel (page 110 Pawprints (page 110) Illuminate (page 109) Passing Moon (page 109) Blue Heron (page 108) Timelock (page108) Woodwinds (page107) Moondance (page107) Evensong (page 107) Pinot Point (page 106) Rainbow Rendezvous (page 106) Pura Vida (page 106) Silver Goose (page 105) Casa Nova (page 105) Claire De Lune (page 105) Tiny Blaze (page 104) El Sueno (page 104) Seaclusion (page 104) Gastrognome (page 104) Bearfoot Lodge (page 103) Cast-a-Waves (page 103) Little Acorns (page 103) Stoney Croft (page 103) Greenlea (page 103) Stonegate Castle (page 102) Waterside (page 102) Silverwood (page 101) Silver Moon (page 101) Olivia (page 101) Wave 'n' Sea (page 100) River Song (page 100) Eventide (page 100) Glimmer of Hope (page 99) Villa La Isla (page 99) Bows and Vows (page 99) Ixora (page 98) Fishtails (page 98) Sandy Shores (page 97) Woodcutter's Cottage (page 97) Sunsetter (page 96) Wolfstone Heights (page 96) Ocean Mist (page 96) Gooseberry (page 95) Sunnydale High (page 95) Primrose (page 94) Thistledo (page 94) Sea Mist (page 93) Windrustle (page 93) My Waye (page 92) Atlantis (page 92) Nightowls Bar and Grill (page 91) Victoriana (page 91) Palm Song (page 90) Gno-Vacation (page 90) Dip-n-Duck (page 89) Honeystones (page 89) Gno-man's Land (page 89) Hillcrest (page 88) Alto Heights (page 88) Gold Dust (page 87) Midas (page 87) Eureka (page 86) Serenity Spa (page 86) Gotcha (page 85) Dovecote (page 85) The Hub (page 84) Hotel Dusk (page 84) Whimsical Woodland (page 83) Jacob's Ladder (page 83) Chestnuts (page 82) Peace and Plenty (page 82) Bijou (page 82) Dream Weaver (page 81) Sundowner (page 81) Sunny Shades (page 80) Forest Song (page 79) Littlecote (page 79) Pymms (page 79) The Brambles (page 78) Casita de Flores (page 78) Nirvana (page 78) Othello (page 77) Tardis (page 77) Evergreen (page 77) Bagheera (page 76) Mowgli (page 76) Baloo (page 76) Pinewood (page 76) Rapunzel (page 75) Saluto (page 75) Ristorante Da Valentino (page 75) Con Amore (page 74) Salvador (page 74) Ignite (page 74) Crimbo Cottage (page 73) Golden Fleece (page 73) Pastures New (page 72) Clementine (page 72) Travellers Rest (page 72) Casa De Flores (page 72) Graveyard Boulevard (page 72) Witch Way (page 71) Flamenco (page 70) El Sitio (page 69) Los Amigos (page 69) Casa Di Fortuna (page 69) El Greco (page 68) Calypso (page 68) Rosemarie (page 67) Footloose (page 67) Fiddlesticks (page 66) Wedgewood (page 66) Esencia (page 66) Cobblestones (page 65) Lava Lounge (page 64) Driftwood (page 64) Zeus (page 64) Lean-Tu (page 63) Whisperwind (page 62) Swans Rest (page 62) Solidarity (page 61) Surf 'n' Turf (page 60) Beechwood (page 60) Dreamwood (page 59) Foxcote (page 59) The Nest (page 58) Goldeneye (page 57) Lavender Lea (page 57) Great Oaks (page 57) Little Acorns (page 56) The Priory (page 55) Hollyhocks (page 55) Golden Heights (page 54) Silver Springs (page 54) Treelights (page 54) Cuckoo's Nest (page 53) Windenburg Arms (page 53) Limoncello (page 53) Daisy Cottage (page 52) Florentina (page 52) Reflection (page 52) Two Hoots (page 51) The Nook (page 51) The Old Manse (page 50) Orangutan (page 50) Oasis (page 49) Tango (page 49) Maison des Fleurs (page 48) Kensington Gardens (page 48) Lakeview Library (page 47) Augustus (page 47) Palm View Apartments (page 47) Oaklands (page 46) Adonis (page 46) Shenanigans (page 45) Whispering Trees (page 45) A very big thank you again to rosemow for compiling a list of all the builds and adding all the links :) This must have been a mighty task and I will be forever grateful for this beautiful act of kindness :)Cevans19624 days agoLegend232KViews2likes3563CommentsShare Your Newest Sims 4 Creations
A place to come share your creations Come join in the fun everyone, and Share your Newest Sims 4 Creations here, don't forget to add your pictures and links to make it easy for everyone to find your wonderful creations. Share Your Sims Households Sim Pets Sims Lots & Rooms and enjoy seeing what everyone makes! Thank you for sharing BreeMiles3.6KViews16likes946CommentsDiary of a Country Girl
Hi everyone. 🙂 This is the continuation of a story I started back in March on the old Vanilla forum. If you were a regular follower of the 'What Happened In You Game Today' thread, you already know Aurora and her little family. Her save started out as just for fun. To explore things within the game that I never had before. I was just going to share a few screenshots with captions. The original idea for this save was to only be about Aurora and her sidekick, her Bernese, Piccolo. But I realized a couple of weeks ago that, yeah, it had become a story. And it deserved its own space here on the new forum. This post and the next couple will help those of you who aren't familiar, become familiar. And since the previous updates were scattered over like 75-100 pages of the old WHIYGT thread it's a nice reminder for everyone that had been following along. The title is also a hint at another change. I'm going to start writing each update like it was an entry in Aurora's diary. I may still write something here and there in a more traditional style with dialogue though. I'm also getting ready to start the reboot of my other story and by writing this one like a diary it's a lot easier to do both and still keep this interesting. So let me introduce you to everyone. Aurora Westbrook-Carter Aurora came back to her country roots. Her parents left Chestnut Ridge just as she entered her teens. She still came back to see her grandparents during the summers. She loved those visits and getting away from the city. After graduating high school she went to art school where she honed her painting and photography skills. But she never lost her love for the quiet country life in Chestnut Ridge. Now she's back where she feels most at home. Tre Carter Aurora's husband Tre came from an entirely different background. He grew up on the streets of Del Sol Valley just like his father. His mother came from Ciudad Enamorada. Yet Tre has always fascinated by the country life. He has an abiding love for horses too. Even if his first real life encounters weren't exactly smooth. Piccolo Aurora's loyal sidekick. Peanut (l), Nashville(back), and Spirit Peanut is Aurora's champion American Saddlebred. Nashville is Tre's horse and Spirit is the newest addition to the family. **Table Of Contents** Recap Part One Recap Part Two Recap Part Three Recap Finale Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Six Chapter Seven876Views19likes52Commentssave file recommendations
Hi, I'm looking for recommendations for saving files for The Sims 4. No CC. My top three worlds of interest are Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and Newcrest. I’m specifically looking for save files that are updated to the latest Sims 4 version PC: 1.112.519.1020 Update 1.28.2025 or are currently in the process of being updated to the latest version. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, it's a bonus if they have more of the worlds added. Thanks!SheSlayedGames5 days agoRising Novice49Views0likes1CommentThe Tides of Power (A new simLit)
A kingdom ruled by a deadly siren. A court overrun with enemies. If Melody wants to keep her throne, she'll have to rely on the one human who doesn’t die at the sound of her singing. Updates are every Saturday. Click the image below to read the prologue.21Views0likes0Comments