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My Super Sims Family Challenge 2.0
I was unable to edit and repair some of the pics in my original thread so I'm just starting fresh. 🙂 Plus I wanted to change the order of some of the episodes. Introduction Some of you have probably seen various pics of my sim family in the various Screenshots and What Happened threads. I just wanted to gather all those pics and create a thread to help me keep track of what was happening in my game. I've been playing this family since 2018 and what started as a Super Sim Challenge with Julianna eventually evolved into a Super Sim Family Challenge as I became attached to Julianna's and Edward's children. I usually switch off and focus on different family members depending on which career, aspiration, or pack feature I want to focus on. I move family members in and out of the main household as I play them. Edward and Julianna were both created in CAS as single households. I played Julianna for a while, had her start a relationship with Edward and they married shortly afterward. Shown above is Edward, Julianna, and their three daughters, Juliette, Hannah, and Isabel. Also Juliette's two children, Amelia and Asher, with her fiancée, Sebastian. Amelia and Asher were added to the family in anticipation of High School Years as I didn't have any school age sims in the household when that pack was announced. Juliette and Sebastian's wedding plans are still on hold. In addition to their three daughters, Julianna and Edward also have a young adult son, Theo, who was created in CAS. He was raised by his maternal grandparents. Theo and his wife, Jennifer, have 2 children. Twin toddlers named Grace and Hope. Julianna's parents, her 2 siblings and their children and Edward's parents, his 3 siblings and their children are part of the extended family.1.4KViews13likes226CommentsDiary of a Country Girl
Hi everyone. 🙂 This is the continuation of a story I started back in March on the old Vanilla forum. If you were a regular follower of the 'What Happened In You Game Today' thread, you already know Aurora and her little family. Her save started out as just for fun. To explore things within the game that I never had before. I was just going to share a few screenshots with captions. The original idea for this save was to only be about Aurora and her sidekick, her Bernese, Piccolo. But I realized a couple of weeks ago that, yeah, it had become a story. And it deserved its own space here on the new forum. This post and the next couple will help those of you who aren't familiar, become familiar. And since the previous updates were scattered over like 75-100 pages of the old WHIYGT thread it's a nice reminder for everyone that had been following along. The title is also a hint at another change. I'm going to start writing each update like it was an entry in Aurora's diary. I may still write something here and there in a more traditional style with dialogue though. I'm also getting ready to start the reboot of my other story and by writing this one like a diary it's a lot easier to do both and still keep this interesting. So let me introduce you to everyone. Aurora Westbrook-Carter Aurora came back to her country roots. Her parents left Chestnut Ridge just as she entered her teens. She still came back to see her grandparents during the summers. She loved those visits and getting away from the city. After graduating high school she went to art school where she honed her painting and photography skills. But she never lost her love for the quiet country life in Chestnut Ridge. Now she's back where she feels most at home. Tre Carter Aurora's husband Tre came from an entirely different background. He grew up on the streets of Del Sol Valley just like his father. His mother came from Ciudad Enamorada. Yet Tre has always fascinated by the country life. He has an abiding love for horses too. Even if his first real life encounters weren't exactly smooth. Piccolo Aurora's loyal sidekick. Peanut (l), Nashville(back), and Spirit Peanut is Aurora's champion American Saddlebred. Nashville is Tre's horse and Spirit is the newest addition to the family. **Table Of Contents** Recap Part One Recap Part Two Recap Part Three Recap Finale Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight887Views19likes54CommentsThe Whittaker Saga - 1950s (updated 15/02)
I was vastly inspired when reading the decades challenge, and as a history teacher, I could not stop myself from giving it a try. Of course, true to my nature or refusing to do things by the book, the first thing I did was break the rules. How? By creating as my protagonist a single, working woman living on her own! Gasp! Why? Partly because a story popped into my head, but also, partly, to honor the many women who - by choice or necessity - actually worked, and worked hard for their living in the 1890s. We tend to forget them, but the working women were there - from the hard working farmers that we often downgrade by calling wives, as if they weren't an essential part of the economy of the farm, to the working class women working as domestic help or in the factories where they were only payed half of a man's wages. So with that, I introduce Abigail Spencer, a single, working, middle class woman in 1890s Willow Creek: As middle class there is only a few jobs available to Abigail, that of governess or that of teacher. Abigail is therefore a teacher, teaching at Willow Creek Elementary School. She lives right next door to the school, in a small shotgun house with a few chickens and a patch of land to help her make ends meet (teachers really were not payed a lot during this time either). Obviously, her biggest goal in life is to find a husband, get married and start a family so that she won't have to work. (In fact, a teacher, as well as many other working women, automatically lost their job if they got married during this time.) But to get married, she needs to find a husband. Meet Willow Creek's eligible bachelors: Matthew Godeau: Matthew is one of the richest men in Willow Creek. A bit too old to still be a bachelor he lives with his widowed mother in Ophelia house (yes, eventually this family changed their names and became the Goths. Ophelia house is named from Matthew's mother). Pro: Matthew is creative, just like Abigail, as well as a romantic and would be sure to bestow lots of attention on a wife. He lives in one of the biggest houses in town, and is a wealthy business man. Abigail would have a good life with him. Con: His mother. Ophelia is a woman set in her own ways and she is not about to let some silly girl interfere with how she runs her house! Ophelia is mean, materialistic and an overachiever. She is not likely to see some middle class teacher as good enough for her son. Add that she has raised her son to be not only creative and romantic, but also incredibly self absorbed and the household may prove hard to be comfortable with. Joseph Whittaker: Joseph is a novellist, living in the stately Whittaker house, which with time, will be turned into the well renowned Willow Creek Archive. He has no mother (a definite pro), but two very young children. A son and a daughter, from a previous marriage. Pro: Joseph is a bookworm, just like Abigail and is sure look favourably on her past as a teacher. They are also both family orientated which means they are a good match in personalities and would likely find a lot of common ground. The house is ripe with books, and Joseph's two motherless children desperately need a mother to tend to their needs. With two live in maids it's a comfortable life focused on the family and the books she so loves. Con: Joseph very much mourns his dead wife, and keeps her picture on the wall over the fireplace. Can he ever truly love again, or will Abigail forever live in the shadow of the woman he loved and lost? Loyd Brennan: Loyd is the owner of Brennan's Groceries and Dry Goods, the biggest (only) shop in town. He lives with his sister Mary and their dachshund above the store. Pro: Loyd is outgoing and friendly and easy to get along with. He's self assured, but unlike Matthew, not self absorbed. He works hard and provides a good home. As a working man he does not mind a working wife, so Abigail would do more than sit around being pretty. He loves dogs, and anyone who does cannot be bad - right? Con: Living in a store would mean working in the store. There is no way the wife of a store owner is not in that store working along side her husband. Without money for a maid, this involves not just working in the store but running the household as well. The apartment isn't really big enough for a large family and unless Mary gets married, it's bound to be crowded. Then there is the fact that she and Mary does not really get along well. Paul Heydale: Paul is a farmer, living with his entire family at Garden Essence, a farm with a cow, chickens and a whole lot of crops. They're a tight knit family who works hard for what they have. Pros: Paul, like Abigail is both creative and family orientated. He dreams of becoming a painter rather than a farmer. By marrying him, Abigail would be wrapped up in a large family who would be there for her, something she'd never had before. His family is also very friendly, and Abigail teachers his younger sister and has already met and chatted with his mother and father and really likes the entire family. Con: Marrying a farmer would be a step down the social ladder, and the life of a farmer is hard! Is Abigail cut out for working out from early morning to late evening without ever more than making ends meet? And the house is crowded as is, with Paul's parents and two younger siblings (so far). Where would more children live? Is Abigail prepared for the hard life that accompanies this choice? Now I wanted to make a poll, but apparently you cannot do this in this section of the forums. So I'll leave you with a question instead - who do you believe Abigail will most likely fall in love with and why? Matthew Joseph Loyd Paul Finally, here is my Willow Creek in 1890: *** An important note about the future postings in this story: After trying and fighting the forum to get the posts up and running as they are supposed to work, I have now decided that it's simply too much work. Instead, I have started a blog that (hopefully soon) will contain all of the chapters from here and the old forum. I am currently at 1891 and moving forwards quite rapidly. Here the posts of each chapter will be replaced by a link to the chapters in the blog as I move forwards, though I will leave any comments as they are. The massive perk with this is that I do not need to worry about editing in all images manually, and the loading time will decrease enormously without them. The process of reading is also easier at the blog - and while the blog itself is in the wrong order, I have set up a list of all chapters in chronological order for new readers as well as a search function if you are looking for a specific chapter. Another perk is that I have some new options, like character pages where you can get a summary of each of the main character in the story (warnings for spoilers) and a separate page about the challenge, how time moves. I hope I will be able include a link to the family tree as well. It will take some time to get everything set up, and I do appreciate input in the process. I do promise that the story will go on, and hope you will keep reading it and commenting on it either here or on the new blog. Link to the blog.JesLet405 hours agoSeasoned Ace7.1KViews19likes329CommentsLovers for Erin Challenge
Hi, I thought about this challenge for a long time. Since I had this fun idea, I am going to do a challenge called Lovers for Erin Challenge. It's a challenge where my sims named Erin, a female young adult sim, while try to see how many lovers she can get. Also, if you have any sims you want to submit to the gallery for the challenge, use hashtag #LoversForErin Rules: 1: Sim/Sims must +YA 2: Only sims that are created using base game or pack/kit items. I don't have the laptop space or time to look up cc a sim uses 2: It doesn't have to be single sims. It can be a household of 8 sims 3: It can be anything you can submit, just don't go too crazy 4: Have fun (Also, if this discussion isn't allowed, I will kindly take this down)SweetShineKah6 hours agoRising Rookie17Views0likes1Comment👽 Miller Legacy 🛸
Sul sul fellow simmers! The Miller Legacy is my first Legacy Challenge and the way I found to explore the (for me) new The Sims 4 game in the moment I decided to buy it. It's the translation of what I originally posted in Italian here, and the new chapters are being posted on my blog here. I'd also like to point out that this legacy is currently being shared also on the parallel Sim Creative forum. This small forum has practically the same template as the old one and is not buggy, making it a very cozy place where to share the old conversations we used to have in the former Creative corner. I suggest you to give it a look! ;) Back to the introduction, with this legacy I'm basically novelizing what happens when I'm playing my game, introducing as many mysteries and issues to overcome for my sims as I can. For sure, the Miller's are not a family like the others. I'm not a fan of too strict gaming rules, thus my main rule is just: "reach generation 10 without cheating". This legacy is definitively more story-driven than rules-driven. So I'm not taking track of points in any way, often instead of choosing traits or careers randomly I choose what I think would be funnier for me to play or better for the story progression, I often move the family to new houses (not built by me because I'm a horrible builder) and so forth. In particular, I'm taking a lot of freedom about a certain cat, but also in that case I found a way for doing it without technically being cheating. As for the heir, I don't follow a strict rule but just choose the one for which I can imagine the best character development and who can give more in terms of story progression. The only rule I'm following in that sense is that I want every heir to be the biological child of the previous heir, because I'm curious to see how the genetics algorithm in TS4 work over a 10 generations span (consider this as a small experiment :P ). The full story index (beware, it's long!) can be found HERE. I'm closing this premise here because I don't want to spoil the story, so I wish you a pleasant reading through the most mysterious sides of this game ;)HermioneSims6 hours agoSeasoned Ace11KViews3likes755CommentsA spreadsheet of every lot in TS4
Hello, builders! I made this Google Sheet because I personally wanted to keep track whether or not I've updated a lot, updated the Sims living inside or added new ones, different lot features, and how many beds each age group has. I'm sure there's stuff like this out there already but I just really like making spreadsheets for the video games I play (see also: my completionist checklist) and figured the people who are trying to replace every single lot might especially appreciate something like this. To use this as a Google Sheet for your personal use: Go to the Spreadsheet Sign In to Google, top right Click File, top left Click Make a copy from the dropdown menu Name it, bookmark it Changing the venue type is super easy, just click the little down arrow and choose from the dropdown menu. The tracker in the top bar will update automatically. It might not be perfect or have exactly everything but, feel free to add/edit/remove columns yourself to keep track of whatever you want. Happy Simming! <3Alourra7 hours agoRising Adventurer699Views3likes8CommentsCantrell: The Early Years, Part SIX
Life Moves in Circles, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Six Update Erik came back into the house. He placed the newly collected eggs into the fridge and then listened hard. Is that somebody at the front door? He walked through the entrance hall and heard it again. Pulling open the door, he was surprised to see a small girl standing on his front stoop. “Hello, may I help you?” he asked. “My Daddy died,” she began to sob. “It was just him and me. Mommy died in a car crash when I was just a baby.” “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry to hear that. Does anybody know you’re over here?” “I told them I was going over to see you. That you lived right here in New Henford.” “What do you want me to do for you?” “I’m being adopted out.” At first Erik thought she was asking him to adopt her, then she said, “Can I have your autograph before I have to go? That way I can remember I used to live near you.” “I’m so sorry you have to leave, but I’ll tell you what. It’s really going to be okay. Come here,” Erik said, giving the child a warm hug. “Bad things happen in life sometimes. You just hang onto all those great memories you have of your daddy, focus on those.” “And of course you can have my autograph, it would be my pleasure, what’s your name?” “Margaret,” she said. “To my good neighbor, Margaret, love Erik.” He said as he wrote. “There you go, how’s that?” “Ah, super thank you, you’re the best!” Handing back the signed photo, he reached down and shook her hand. “Take care, Margaret. I’m so happy we met.” Going back inside, Erik found Kayleigh upstairs feeding Jamison. He stood and watched for a moment. “My schedule appears to be free for now. How about if I give him his bath,” he offered. “Oh, would you? I think Andrew has blown out his shorts.” “I don’t envy you that. Come on, ‘Tigger’, let’s get you bathed. Lighten Mama’s load a bit.” After giving Jamison his bath, Erik took a moment to line up a sitter. “Hayleigh, are you and Regina free tonight? About five-thirty? Yeah, we have the big screen upstairs. You can watch the Show from there. Thanks. Sitters are lined up,” he told Kayleigh. “Oh, that’s right, tonight’s the night, isn’t it? I’ve been so focused on Christmas, I all but forgot.” *~~*~~*~~*~~* “Andrew doesn’t at all like pumpkin, but he does like rice porridge, you can give him that. Jamison isn’t sitting quite yet, so he gets a bottle,” Erik instructed on their way out of the door. “Well, Jamison, you’re like your Mama, aren’t you. Late bloomer,” Regina said, holding him out from her as she spoke. Then she cuddled him into herself. “Break a leg, Erik, and you two have some fun.” Beaming into the front lot of the PBP Studios Lounge, they stood amidst the others gathering for the event. “Kayleigh, Mom’s here,” Erik said as he walked off to greet Louise. “Mom, so good to see you,” Shortly thereafter, the group made their way up to the third-floor studio for the awards show. Holding her hand as they sat in chairs, Kayleigh gazed over at her husband, “You’re hands are a bit clammy. Why are you so nervous? You’ve been here before.” “It was an experiment. The whole album. I think I may have gone off of the rails with it a bit.” “Nonsense, it’s beautiful. I think it’s your best one, yet. Oh, and there’s the music.” “And yes, it’s that time," the Host sad, rubbing his hands together. “For bringing such aural beauty to the ears of Sims around the world . . .Tonight, is the Big One, folks. The fourth. Tonight we recognize the Album of the Year. Voters are expected to consider the quality and artistry of the collection of tracks as a whole which distinguishes it from record of the year, which is a single track. It also honors artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales, or chart position. Tonight is special, as we sit on the precipice of a possible Clean Sweep. I can’t believe my hands are shaking,” the Host admitted. He tore at the envelope with a vengeance until the paper gave way and the card inside was freed. He read it quickly. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please recognize the Beethoven of our time. . . Erik Cantrell for his second Clean Sweep of his incredible career! His latest Album, Collision is truly a work of art. Come on up, Erik, I can’t think of another more deserving artist.” Erik took the stage and leaned into the microphone to say, “I can; Arthemise Grover, Amy Henderson, Tyler Brickyard, Xavier Holland, all very fine artists in their own right. I couldn’t have been in better company. Please join me in applause. Each are truly gifted.” Leading the way, Erik’s clapping brought the audience along. Their applause. generous. Erik stood holding the heavy Starlight Accolade and smiled as he dipped his head downward. “I have a bit of a confession to make. I got busted a few years back. Yes, working on the very sound greatly acclaimed by the Academy on this album. You may recall Collision, the title song. That was my trial balloon, if you will.” Erik shook his head and grinned. “I have since learned to never work on my music out on the balcony overlooking the ocean on a too warm summer night. It was three am. While it didn’t sound that loud to me,” Erik used his hand to illustrate as if going over and under the waves, “Apparently sound travels in the dead of night, filling up the void. Amazing. As for the sound of it, who knew then what I had just stumbled across? “The magistrate I went before seemed to take no interest as he all but threw the Book at me. I was effectively disturbing the peace. Gratefully, it only cost me a fine and a huge bruise to my ego. Oh, well Life does take us into various circles to shake us up a bit. It’s all good. But you can bet I will never, never, ever work outside again. Despite the heat. I have learned my lesson." With this, the audience laughed. “I would like to thank the Academy for the votes. My gratitude to my entire crew over at Taygeta Studios. Ryan Ricks, my record producer, you’re the best. Toby Gleason, my recording engineer. Likewise. Michael Perry and Richard Foreman who expertly oversee the mixing. This is Team Erik for which I so appreciate their combining of talents to help me achieve my recording goals. Couldn’t do it without you guys. Thank you so much. Please give a hand to these guys, who have been with me from the very beginning.” “Don’t mind me, I’m the father of twin boys. My dear wife and I have all but forgotten what sleep is. And this whole honor is a tad overwhelming, to say the least. So, if you’ll forgive me, we need to leave and rescue the Aunties who are bravely sitting for us. Thank you again.” “Goodnight, Everybody.” All for now, thanks for reading!GalacticGal8 hours agoLegend73Views5likes20CommentsBuilding a pantry because why not...
So, today I wanted to build a house, but I didn't want to do the usual dining room, living room, kitchen and so on. I am building this house for my sims... after I finished the shelfs, I did some debug ground vegetables, yes including individually placed apples that you collect in-game and I put them in an empty bucket. Now I'm thinking why did I do this, my sims wont even use any of this. I will probably end up locking the room from them so they don't place any dirty plates on those shelves.😂dysia4hope9 hours agoSeasoned Rookie43Views6likes3CommentsThe Adventures of Melinda (Mindy) Jones
Hello, my name is Melinda Jones but you can call me Mindy which is my nickname. Mindy is believed to be a nickname to Melinda but I love Mindy because I love watching the Indiana Jones movies, so I shorten my name to Mindy. Ever since I got into watching the Indiana Jones movies, I wanted to be an Archeologist and that was when I was 6 years old. After watching the movies, I would go outside and dig into any dirt pile that I could find as well as a few other things that I won't even mention as it's too embarrassing to talk about but my parents got pictures of those times but I won't ever show them to anyone...😳 I'm known as being a goofball who loves reading and being in the outdoors where I can enjoy nature and going around collecting rocks and any gems that I find on the ground and in the dirt. But sadly, I lost all of my earlier collections when our house burnt down and I lost my parents in that fire. Thankfully I wasn't at the house at that time as I was in high school, but lucky for me, I was old enough to live on my own. So when I didn't have a house to live in, I stayed in a camper that I brought and placed on the lot while the house was being rebuilt with the insurance money that I was given. The contractors would work on the house during the day while I was at work and on the weekends until it was ready to move back into. It's a good thing that my parents had a good deal of money saved up for me for when I became an adult as I needed it sooner rather than later. My parents weren't filthy rich but they were well set up because of my grandparents on both sides of the family. So I will be posting about my adventures that I get into here and hopefully they will be very exciting ones but if not, then that's okay as well as I just want a written or should I say, typed blog to keep track of all the fun things that I get into...🙂 I do have some things that I have already done and had jotted down on paper as well as some pictures that I took of those things as well as pictures that people took of me using my camera, but I need to sort them all out in the order that I want to present them in my blog. So I will see you all later my friends and take care! Love, Mindy ❤️ Day 1, Pt. 159Views3likes6CommentsHelp with my princess legacy challenge
So I am currently doing the princess legacy challenge, i've done alot of my own ideas whilst using little inspiration from some other ones but i'm stuck on auroras one. The ones other people have made for her are boring. I was maybe thinking doing something with knitting or cross stitching because of the needles? Please keep in mind i'm on console so I have no mods and I have nearly all the packs. If anyone has any good suggestions and also a world she could live in as well because i'm unsure on that to🫣please let me know💖SDFoOTyMad15 hours agoNewcomer13Views0likes0CommentsFireflyGamer107 / coolsim9999999 --- Monthly Building Challenge
There will be a new shell to furnish and tour before March 3, 2024. I'll write it tomorrow or the next day! :) On Twitch, I hold a building tour of builds you’ve created for my challenge. See the date below: I’m FireflyGamer107 on Twitch and Twitter and coolsim9999999 on this forum and in the gallery. I play The Sims 4 on the last Monday of every month (for now due to a shoulder and arm injury) and occasionally Stardew Valley. April room challenge: Construct a room for a circus tent house in which a prankster/jokester lives alone, he but loves to play tricks on his friends. Hashtag: #fireflyaprilfools Brief: Prankster/Jokester, Droll Trouble, has the Chief of Mischief aspiration, and will work on the Jokestar aspiration next. He’s a goofball, erratic, insider. His many friends are in his Jokes and Mischief club, which is held in his circus tent home! April 1 (April Fools day is their favorite holiday! Time to let loose with any jokes and pranks in this build! All packs and kits allowed --- last month was a very rare exception pack and kit wise. I will always tell you if there’s going to be an exception about packs or kits. Any décor style Info: From a house shell (please use the hashtag for that month which someone will make each month, please choose a room to create from that house shell. Feel free to add landscape and put activities in the yard of the house shell. For the house shell --- any size lot is fine. I was thinking of using a larger lot like a 50X50 lot. Make sure to give yourself credit for creating the house shell with a hashtag. The main areas of the house and outside landscaping/anything outside that isn’t a room could be a collab and will also be in the stream. This month, @JojoMOMSTER volunteered again to create the shell, but anyone in this challenge may add to the main areas. Then, everyone, please upload your rooms to the gallery with the hashtag: #fireflyaprilfools Room types: Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, dining room, study, kids room, outdoor room --- or other type of room --- as long as we get each of the rooms above in the build. Of course, we may not always need a kids’ room. Also, I'll let you know how many of each room we need for the challenge. Please tell me which room you want to do as soon as possible. I will keep track of which room types are left. The hashtag for the whole challenge this month: #fireflyaprilfools, so please use that hashtag too so I can find everything. On stream, I’ll tour the house. However, I’ll nominate each room in the challenge for a Maxis fave. I’ll also be able to tell who did which room in the finished house. I'll post it in announcements on discord, on my Twitter and here on the TS4 forum! Hashtag: #fireflyaprilfools Deadline: Sunday, April 24, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. EST Tours on my Twitch stream: Monday, April 25, 2022 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST Any budget, lot type and packs or kits No Custom Content (no cc) allowed. You may use cheats to build or for your Sims to play test your build more efficiently. Hashtag: #fireflyaprilfools In addition, please post your rooms to the gallery using the hashtag. That way, I can easily nominate everyone for a Maxis fave! Entry Form: Forum ID: Origin ID: Gallery Name of Room: Gallery Link: Building tip feedback wanted? Creative notes about your room: Back Story: Images: Please Include: one screenshot showing most of the room A bird’s eye view of the room 3 to 5 additional screenshots of your room I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s rooms :)!21KViews3likes1800CommentsThe Tides of Power (A new simLit)
A kingdom ruled by a deadly siren. A court overrun with enemies. If Melody wants to keep her throne, she'll have to rely on the one human who doesn’t die at the sound of her singing. Updates are every Saturday. Click the image below to read the prologue.32Views1like1CommentBuild-n-Share #189 **Icy Connections** Due 28th February 2025
Welcome to BNS 189: Icy Connections You are sitting in the park on a bench, sipping a soda, and watching the children play on the swings and the merry-go-round. Every once in a while, you take a look around, wondering where your new client is. She is very late, nearly a whole hour. But since it is a lovely Friday, you are just mildly concerned and not at all angry about the wasted time. Just as you are thinking of leaving, a young lady plops down on the bench beside you. "Wow! I am truly sorry," she begins. "Work kept me late. My fast food job. One of three jobs, and I also am taking college courses online as well. Please forgive me." She tries to smile, but you can see she is exhausted. "You must be Whitney Krauss," you say, smiling back. "I remember your email mentioned a duplex..." Whitney lets out a big sigh. "Yes. My wonderful uncle on my mom's side passed away last August, and the will was finally just settled. He left me all his money because he didn't have kids of his own. Honestly, it doesn't make me rich or anything. But if it wasn't for two cousins on my dad's side, I could have dropped a job and taken on more classes. But when the Krauss brothers, from Germany no less, heard I inherited money, they decided to move in with me. Me! I have never even met them!" She shakes her head dismally. "When I asked my dad what they were like, he could only say that they followed soccer religiously and drank beer." She turns to look at you. "I had a decent apartment, but it was only a studio, and I certainly don't want to share it with boys. I know it sounds kinda selfish, but I did grow up as an only child. Anyway, my parents recommended I use the inheritance and buy a duplex. That way, I have one side; the cousins have the other side and can pay me rent. I don't mean to take my frustrations out on you, but I do need help badly!" "Have you already purchased a duplex?" you ask, secretly guessing Whitney hasn't had the time to find one. "I have looked at a few, but they were very old and had rotting floors and things," Whitney confides to you. "I just could not bring myself to purchase something that looked more like it needed to be torn down than lived in. Maybe you could suggest a property?" You nod and give her an encouraging smile. "I recently purchased a modest lot for a couple who were going to build their dream home. Unfortunately, they got orders to move to a different area of the country before they could even build- there was some mix-up in the military records office. He had put in for retirement, but somehow it turned out to be re-enlistment paperwork. I have no idea what happened there. The point is, I do have a lot I can sell you for the price I purchased it for, and then I can build a duplex there for you! That way it is brand new and something you will really like!" Whitney suddenly perks up. "That would be absolutely awesome! I have been dreading repair bills already, but new things will take longer before they need repairs. This is great!" You get down to business. "How many bedrooms for each side of the duplex? Any ideas about colors? Any must haves on your side? And how much money do we have in the budget?" "Well, the budget is easy: $275,000 is the amount I inherited, but I already bought a more reliable car and new laptop with some of it. I think I have about $263,000 left. Will that be enough?" Whitney is obviously over her head, and she is starting to look anxious again. "I think I'll give you a little advice then," you interject. "You don't have to take it. But I would suggest you hold back some of the money as an emergency fund, in case the car needs to be fixed or you lose a job or something. It is good to be prepared for emergencies. I think we can build you a very nice duplex for, say, $240,000. How does that sound?" "Terrific!" Whitney's face lights up again. "That is very good advice, and I had not thought about those things before. That does make sense. Okay, so each side would be two beds and one bath, and a kitchen and living room... That is mainly what you do get in an apartment. Mom had said to me that two bedrooms rent better than a one bedroom duplex. And colors, hmmm...neutral on their side because I don't know what they like. I want my bedroom as far away from their side, because I am a very light sleeper. My favorite colors are pink and yellow and purple. So any of those or any combination will suit me just fine." She pauses. "They will actually be here at the beginning of next month. How long does it take to build a duplex?" You assure her that you can have it done by the end of the month. She shares her happiness at picking you as the architect to come to, etc, until she happens to glance at her watch. "Oh my! I am sorry but i have to dash! My next job starts in twenty minutes, and I still have to grab my clothes and shoes for it. Thanks again!" You wave as she dashes off, and check your notes to make sure you got everything down. You also muse at how very lucky you are not have to hold down three jobs to make ends meet! The Brief: The budget is $240,000 (including the price of the lot you choose). Each side of the duplex must have 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and living room. One side should be neutral colors; the other side can have pinks, yellows, and/or purples. Don't forget to landscape! Note: For Rent is not required for this challenge, but if you have it, you can make the duplex a residential rental. The Room Challenge: $30,000 budget. Create Whitney's bedroom using some of her favorite colors. The Sims Challenge: Create Whitney Krauss and her two male Krauss cousins from Germany. share their traits, likes, dislikes, and their clothing choices show the three living in their duplex. Remember to include the hashtag #bns189 with your build so it can be found. Entries are due by Friday, February 28, 2025, 23:5:59 New York Time/EST BUILD OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM CHALLENGE #188: Winter Designer Showdown FORUM ID: ORIGIN ID: NEW LOT LINK: LOT COST: GALLERY COST: TOTAL COST: (Lot cost plus gallery cost) LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: ENTRY DETAILS: (Tell us about your lot.) CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: SPACE FOR PICTURES:(No more than 2 please) Facebook: (optional, makes it easier to tag you.) Twitter: (Optional, makes it easier to tag you.) SIM ENTRY FORM CHALLENGE #187 - A Chalet Retreat FORUM ID: ORIGIN ID: LEVEL: (Starting Out, Established, Expert or Master. If this is your first entry, leave blank and the judges will decide where to put you. HOUSEHOLD: LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW ENTRY DETAILS: CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: SPACE FOR PICTURES: (No more than 2 please) Facebook: (optional, makes it easier to tag you.) Twitter: (Optional, makes it easier to tag you.) ROOM ENTRY FORM CHALLENGE #187 - A Chalet Retreat FORUM ID: ORIGIN ID: LEVEL: (Starting Out, Established, Expert or Master. If this is your first entry, leave blank and the judges will decide where to put you. ROOM: (Link to where the room can be found on The Gallery) GALLERY COST: LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: ENTRY DETAILS: CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: SPACE FOR PICTURES:buildnshare2 days agoSeasoned Ace2.8KViews18likes113CommentsShare Your Newest The Sims 4 Creations Here!
I thought I would add this spot to The Sims 4 Lots and Sims 4 related items! We have one kinda like this set up for The Sims 3 That SimGuruHydra set up for us! It is simply a place to showcase your newest TS4 creations!! So please share in this thread all your newest creations for The Sims 4!! I thought it would make it easy for everyone to see what everyone is creating in The Sims 4!! Please don't forget to add your Hash-Tags Or Origin ID, & Download Links, so people can find you and your builds/creations in the Gallery!! Please Feel Free to Share all your Sims Creations here, Rooms, & Sims also!!! We would love to see all of your wonderful creations!! Start the Sharing Please!!! This Link will get you to each post in the thread, That has creations!! Thank You sweet Rose!! Rosemow's Weekly Challenge Link Here! 4 Time Lord Challenge (Updated February 2025)
The purpose of this challenge is two-fold: fandom and variety. For fans, this is a great opportunity to roleplay as a Time Lord. For non-fans, this is a challenge that allows you to use most of the available traits on one Sim who will change appearance yet keep their skills, reward traits, relationships and aspiration points. Time Lords are a time-traveling race in the Doctor Who universe (click here to learn more). When they are mortally wounded or in the brink of death, a Time Lord can “regenerate” to cheat death. There are three gameplay types for the challenge, and they are as follows: "Life & Death Expansion Pack" gameplay CASUAL: sim lifespan is set to Normal. Non-expansion gameplay. "I DON'T WANT TO GO": sim lifespan can be anything; your Time Lord does not age, and they regenerate based on your own criteria. Non-expansion gameplay. --- To enhance your challenge, click here for the ROLEPLAYING GUIDE. --- The following are Tracking Sheets for the Incarnations: LIFE & DEATH EXPANSION TRACKING SHEET REGULAR TRACKING SHEET PATH OF THE DOCTOR: Where you follow The Doctor's incarnation from 1st to 13th (including War Doctor)nastyjman3 days agoSeasoned Ace176KViews1like988Comments- 83Views2likes4Comments
Latest Build - Victorian Farmhouse Build
Build Challenge / Request EA Forum: The Sims 4 Creative Corner Requested by: EA ID: #SuperSillySim - Thank you! This was fun and inspirational. I took this opportunity to make a YouTube video from this challenge/request... Stop Motion Build and Short Story - Making story videos using Sims characters is very challenging...especially trying to get the them to cooperate...HA! The animals...forget about it! LOL I also want to thank the artists for the art I used in the build. EA ID: #AlJay2000 EA ID: #juwels64 EA ID: #MOONL1GHTSEEKER EA ID: #SimSationalToo Thank you all for the beautiful works of art and sharing them with us in your galleries! Anyone else want to share their last build, story, or YouTube video of Sims?22Views2likes2Comments**Creations by masajo** **Empty Nest**
Hello and welcome to my showcase thread :) Here you will find my creations from The Sims 4, which can be found in the Gallery. My Origin ID is Cevans1962 Gallery Link Facebook Page Twitter Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback. Any advice, suggestions or criticism would be very much appreciated. Thank you for visiting :) Villa dei Fiori (page 145) La Casita Hermosa (page 145) Old Wisteria (page 145) Moon River (page 144) Rockslide (page 144) Old Cobblers (page 144) Pegasus (page 143) The Shrubbery (page 143) The Cricketer (page 143) Octavia (page 142) The Lantern House (page 142) Flying Hooves (page 142) Rocky Road (page 141) Chinook (page 141) Solaris (page 141) Buttermilk (page 141) Captains Table (page 141) Copper Fox (page 140) Lakeside Library (page 140) Apple Blossom (page 140) Tudor Rose (page 139) Woodside (page 139) Burnt Copper (page 139) Avarest (page 138) Copper Pot (page 138) Bellini (page 138) The Cauldron (page 138) Dancing Trees (page 137) Copper Knot (page 137) Green Acres (page 137) Hubble Bubble (page 137) Firefly (page 136) Skylark (page 136) Timeless (page 136) Junya (page135) Solana (page 135) Itsuki (page134) New Crumbledown Place (page 134) Hilltop Hideaway (page 134) Wolf Moon (page 133) Hickory Homestead (page 133) Paragon (page 132) Melora (page 132) Oystermouth (page 131) Avalon (page 131) Stellar (page 130) Havelock (page 130) La Villetta (page 129) Casa Palmera (page 129) Emerald Exhibits (page 128) Barefoot Bungalow (page 128) Lemon Drizzle (page 127) Tiki Bay (page 127) Witsend (page 127) Greenways (page 126) Simplicity (page 126) Winterfall (page 126) The Gables (page125) B.O.'s House (page 125) Wolfstone Revisited (page 124) Witching Hours (page 124) Lioncourt (page 124) Windsong (page 123) Wanderlust (page 123) Hummingbird Homestead (page 123) Willow Way (page 122) Dovetail (page 122) Moondrift (page 121) Hidden Hedges (page 121) Mirage (page120) Burnt Mallow (page 120) The Bumbles (page 120) Twixtrees (page 120) Gustoso (page 120 Butterscotch (page 119) The Pewter Pot (page 119) Luna (page 118) Candlelight (page 118) Fortywinks (page 117) Matador (page 117) Edelweiss (page 117) Oystercatchers (page 116) Birdsong (page 116) King Author's (page 116) Borrowed Time (page 115) Zen Den (page 115) Daisy Dale (page115) Rose D'Or (page 114) Stoneleigh (page 114) Maple Leaves (page 114) Goldenheart (page 114) Dreamcatcher (page 113) The Vesper (page113) Belle Apres (page 113) Casita Bonita (page 112) Peace Lily Spa (page 112) Visions and Variety (page 112) Crumbledown Place (page 112) Upton Abbey (page 112) Gymshark (page 112) Roselea (page 111) 9152 (page 111) Timberwolf (page 111) Florizel (page 110 Pawprints (page 110) Illuminate (page 109) Passing Moon (page 109) Blue Heron (page 108) Timelock (page108) Woodwinds (page107) Moondance (page107) Evensong (page 107) Pinot Point (page 106) Rainbow Rendezvous (page 106) Pura Vida (page 106) Silver Goose (page 105) Casa Nova (page 105) Claire De Lune (page 105) Tiny Blaze (page 104) El Sueno (page 104) Seaclusion (page 104) Gastrognome (page 104) Bearfoot Lodge (page 103) Cast-a-Waves (page 103) Little Acorns (page 103) Stoney Croft (page 103) Greenlea (page 103) Stonegate Castle (page 102) Waterside (page 102) Silverwood (page 101) Silver Moon (page 101) Olivia (page 101) Wave 'n' Sea (page 100) River Song (page 100) Eventide (page 100) Glimmer of Hope (page 99) Villa La Isla (page 99) Bows and Vows (page 99) Ixora (page 98) Fishtails (page 98) Sandy Shores (page 97) Woodcutter's Cottage (page 97) Sunsetter (page 96) Wolfstone Heights (page 96) Ocean Mist (page 96) Gooseberry (page 95) Sunnydale High (page 95) Primrose (page 94) Thistledo (page 94) Sea Mist (page 93) Windrustle (page 93) My Waye (page 92) Atlantis (page 92) Nightowls Bar and Grill (page 91) Victoriana (page 91) Palm Song (page 90) Gno-Vacation (page 90) Dip-n-Duck (page 89) Honeystones (page 89) Gno-man's Land (page 89) Hillcrest (page 88) Alto Heights (page 88) Gold Dust (page 87) Midas (page 87) Eureka (page 86) Serenity Spa (page 86) Gotcha (page 85) Dovecote (page 85) The Hub (page 84) Hotel Dusk (page 84) Whimsical Woodland (page 83) Jacob's Ladder (page 83) Chestnuts (page 82) Peace and Plenty (page 82) Bijou (page 82) Dream Weaver (page 81) Sundowner (page 81) Sunny Shades (page 80) Forest Song (page 79) Littlecote (page 79) Pymms (page 79) The Brambles (page 78) Casita de Flores (page 78) Nirvana (page 78) Othello (page 77) Tardis (page 77) Evergreen (page 77) Bagheera (page 76) Mowgli (page 76) Baloo (page 76) Pinewood (page 76) Rapunzel (page 75) Saluto (page 75) Ristorante Da Valentino (page 75) Con Amore (page 74) Salvador (page 74) Ignite (page 74) Crimbo Cottage (page 73) Golden Fleece (page 73) Pastures New (page 72) Clementine (page 72) Travellers Rest (page 72) Casa De Flores (page 72) Graveyard Boulevard (page 72) Witch Way (page 71) Flamenco (page 70) El Sitio (page 69) Los Amigos (page 69) Casa Di Fortuna (page 69) El Greco (page 68) Calypso (page 68) Rosemarie (page 67) Footloose (page 67) Fiddlesticks (page 66) Wedgewood (page 66) Esencia (page 66) Cobblestones (page 65) Lava Lounge (page 64) Driftwood (page 64) Zeus (page 64) Lean-Tu (page 63) Whisperwind (page 62) Swans Rest (page 62) Solidarity (page 61) Surf 'n' Turf (page 60) Beechwood (page 60) Dreamwood (page 59) Foxcote (page 59) The Nest (page 58) Goldeneye (page 57) Lavender Lea (page 57) Great Oaks (page 57) Little Acorns (page 56) The Priory (page 55) Hollyhocks (page 55) Golden Heights (page 54) Silver Springs (page 54) Treelights (page 54) Cuckoo's Nest (page 53) Windenburg Arms (page 53) Limoncello (page 53) Daisy Cottage (page 52) Florentina (page 52) Reflection (page 52) Two Hoots (page 51) The Nook (page 51) The Old Manse (page 50) Orangutan (page 50) Oasis (page 49) Tango (page 49) Maison des Fleurs (page 48) Kensington Gardens (page 48) Lakeview Library (page 47) Augustus (page 47) Palm View Apartments (page 47) Oaklands (page 46) Adonis (page 46) Shenanigans (page 45) Whispering Trees (page 45) A very big thank you again to rosemow for compiling a list of all the builds and adding all the links :) This must have been a mighty task and I will be forever grateful for this beautiful act of kindness :)Cevans19624 days agoLegend232KViews2likes3566CommentsThe Merfolk of the Sulani Seas
Overtime, I'll add to this post to expand the Table of Contents and make it easier to access the chapters. Table of Contents Use the links in the Table of Contents to read the chapters in order. The links are working and will take you straight to a chapter. This should save people the trouble of scrolling through the thread. Eventually, I plan on trying to put the "Meet the MerSims" Section in the comments of this thread along with the chapters. I am adding links to each of my posts to help with navigation. The Little Merman Arc Chapter 1: The Shadow of the Sea Witches Chapter 2: Swimming to Zalia Grottos Chapter 3: Life's Full of Tough Choices Chapter 4: A Change in the Tides Chapter 5: The Embers of Love Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Lore My merfolk won't die from old age, and I'll be following many rules for my merfolk outlined in the following link. I expect that it could be easier to cheer for a specific character since they won't disappear anytime soon. Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Technical Details SimLit Tips in the New Forums One of the things I noticed when the new forums were created was that not everything transferred here looking the way it was supposed to. I opted out of having my story transferred for me and took a great deal of time working through a lot of troubleshooting to find the easiest way to share longer posts. In the comments of this thread, I had a great deal of help from the community as I worked on transferring chapters from Answers HQ. Now that the transfer to the new forums is complete, I think I found the best way to get around the Forums tendency to Auto-Refresh the webpage and erase all progress instead of saving it. My suggestion is in the following link. I will update it with any other findings and suggestions can be shared there so everyone can benefit from them. It's possible this has been fixed while I was away, but I think this suggestion can still be helpful. SimLit Posting Suggestion after Troubleshooting With the list of merfolk in my story expanding over time, I wanted to set aside a space for the character profiles involving the merfolk in my story. Character Profiles will be organized around the Family Groups, or pods, my merfolk belong in. Check out the linked thread to stay updated on the Merfolk Pods in all my stories. Meet the MerSims The Keahloha Pod Makoa Keahloha A premade I added to my rotational gameplay. Unlike how he is in a new save, I made him a merman. Not just a human turned into a merman. In my story, he's 100% a natural born merman from the sea. This also means that his Ambitious trait was replaced with the Clumsy Trait, and I changed his aspiration to the Super Parent one. He still retains his core attributes though. He's active and family oriented. Additionally, Makoa fills the role as the Patriarch of his own pod, another small pod. Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha Kai was born in game. Lano and Tero were created in CAS to complete the triplet trio. Kai is an Innovator, Lano is a comedian, and Tero is dedicated to the arts. Their story will be just beginning and there will be updates to their character bios in the future. The Keahloha Pod Social Structure The Keahloha Pod's Patriarchal Line of Succession In the Keahloha Pod, the Patriarch Heirs are always mermen, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. Current Patriarch: Makoa Keahloha First Joint Heirs: Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha The Maelstren Pod Stevie Maelstren Because the Maelstren Pod was organized around a Patriarch, the males within the pod were used as a tool by other members of the pod to gain power. Much of the conflict was centered around the Patriarchal Line of Succession until the pod was no more. After the Maelstren Pod was scattered and destroyed from internal conflict, Stevie lost contact with the other remaining members of his pod, Lir and Calden. Lir Maelstren is Stevie's cousin, and Calden is Stevie's little brother. Stevie was the next in line to become the Patriarch of the Maelstren Pod once the conflict ended. Stevie saved Calden and Lir from the Maelstren Pod conflict, but along the way, he got separated from them and was never able to find them again. While Lir was adopted by the Zalrian Pod, Calden's whereabouts are still unknown. The Merman, Merboy, and Merling managed to survive the pod's destruction by staying away from the conflict. Originally, Stevie wanted to restore the Maelstren Pod. For that to happen, he needed to find a life partner, settle down, and locate his little brother and cousin. When Stevie fell in love with a mermaid, his heart was broken after learning of her betrayal. Torn up by a broken heart, he gave up on restoring his pod. Depressed and alone, he went to Damion for a way to escape his heartache and live a new life. Damion offered to grant him a human form in exchange for the Love in Stevie's Heart. Thinking he had nothing to lose, Stevie sacrificed his ability to find love again in exchange for the ability to take human form permanently. Stevie now lives a life between the land and sea. He's incapable of finding love again, but the loss of Love in his Heart did not corrupt him. Over many decades, Stevie adjusted to life in the human world and learned how to blend in with them. While he lives out his days on land, he always returns to his home in the sea. Among the islanders, Stevie is a known fire dancer and bartender. None of the other humans know he's a merman, and for the most part, he's begun to live a quiet and peaceful life on land. Many humans have fallen for his looks and charm, but the love is always one sided. While Stevie doesn't seek out romance of any kind, he's often hearing the troubles of humans that buy a drink from him. He's learned how to help others through their troubles. Calden Maelstren The Maelstren Pod Social Structure The Mordero Pod Camilo Mordero Anika Briones Ronen Mendez The Mordero Pod Social Structure More pods to be added in the future. The following is a bit of lore I made up for my story. I hope it gives others some ideas. Mods Credit Since a lot of this story wouldn't be possible without certain mods, I do want to give the mods I use the credit they deserve. I will update this as quickly as I can to credit the awesome modders that created the mods and poses that make telling this story possible. Spinning Plumbob Mods The Expanded Mermaid Mod "Neverland" Mermaid Tail CC The "Down Under" Set CC "Sea-nery Stuff" Build/Buy Set Occult Preferences Mod The Serenade of Shadows Poses Merfolk Poses MerMay 20241.3KViews6likes46Comments