Happy Valentines Day, everyone!!!
@Cerrydd, I didn't know there was a song with that phrase! Well anyway, I'm glad it's your turn to have a song stuck on the brain, lol! :p Thank you for the very kind comments! :)
@masajo, thank you for the lovely comment! I was so excited when I thought of a way to actually make the chocolates. :)
@yanti68, thank you for the sweet (haha) comments and fave! :) <3
@rosemow, thank you for another wonderful review! I swear, your eyes don't miss a single thing!! Thank you for always having such a thorough look! :) <3
Thank you also Rose, for taking the time to come back with Congrats for Starry Nights! You are so thoughtful and sweet! :) <3 <3
@LadyDaKare, lol about being a *chocolate zombie*! :p Thank you so much for your Wicked Awesome comments and for the nomination! I am very honored that you thought that much of it. :) o:) <3
@Vihisha, thank you very kindly for your wonderful comments! I actually used *Simplicity nightstands" stacked on top of each other for the ends of the bunk beds. I found that when I tested to see if sims would use the lower beds, the upper bunk had to be at a certain height or the sim would get all stomp-y and mad, that they couldn't use the lower bed, lol! :p Silly Sims!
@Cassee, I know right? Giant chocolates would be SO fabulous! Thank you for the lovely comments, Cass! :) <3
Hello @Ash072! It's lovely to see you! Thank you for the Awesome comments, Ash! The Valentine Candy build was really fun to do! :)
@RyeCris16, thank you so much for your very kind comments! It really was fun to do something kind of silly for a change. :D I adore your Valentine room set! Me thinks it needs to be in a Valentine home! :)