@Cerrydd, LOL! :p I've never heard that before but it took me right back to Jamaica, mon. :# Thank you for the *sweet* comments, Cerry! :) <3
@Vihisha, thank you for the very kind comments! Yes, simmies actually can use the computers when they're placed on an island counter. :) It's a fun look for a change from a regular desk. I really liked the pink and white room too! I see so many pretty artworks created with the lights lately, I wanted to give it a go. Mine's a little simplistic, but it was still fun! :)
@Chris2fer03, hey Chris! It's nice to see you! Thank you for the lovely comments! :) Sorry to hear that you're getting snow too, but cool fun to have some time off from work and school! B) So far it's been too cold for any snow to melt, but I'm hoping that by the time we get back home, most or at least some of it will be gone. Spring will be Very Welcome this year, lol! :# Enjoy your snow days!
@TheMatteo0, thank you for the wonderful comments! Both builds were a little on the cutsie side but fun to build anyway. :)
@yanti68, thank you for the lovely comments and for the Congrats, Yanti! Hugs <3 <3