(A little summary of starting events, since I originally had no intention of following this family there aren't pictures of their beginning days, but going forward I'll take pictures of events as I update. )
University Years
Misty went to Foxbury Universty after getting accepted into their distinguished Computer Science program. Having a good amount of money from selling her home and living on campus. She didn't fall into the woes of being a poor University student. Determined to be the best student she could be and more, Misty dove into her program and signed up for the Bots Savants.
After her first term, Misty realized she couldn't manage the workload, but she pushed forward. Giving up most social events and working hard to earn her degree. The few relationships she made began to fade away but she was determined. Eventually, she ended up losing most of her friends and the beginning love interests she had faded away. The final straw was when she forgot all about Harvestfest until it was over and she broke down and found herself crying in the commons bathroom stall.
A New Love
While crying in the bathroom stall, she was heard by a passing pizza delivery guy. The man coaxed her out of the stall and comforted her. After she calmed down, the man introduced himself as Ivan Gibbs and told her to reach out to him any time she needed to talk. She quickly agreed. Afterwards, the two met up when they could. There were a lot of invites Misty turned down due to her studies, but Ivan was always understanding.
Eventually, in between terms, Ivan invited Misty to his house which led to flirting and their first woohoo. They didn't start dating right away, but after a few more dates, they eventually decided to make it official. Dating and school were still hectic, but Misty found herself happy though exhausted. She decided she wanted to one day open her own steampunk theme bakery and maybe even get a second degree in the culinary arts.
On romance day, Misty made it a point to go on a date with Ivan and there he not only gave her a lovely gift, but also wrote a beautiful card with it. At the moment, Misty knew she wanted to be with Ivan. So in the middle of her last term at school she surprised Ivan with a proposal. Ivan was shocked, but accepted.
In the end, Misty graduated with top scores and a new life ahead of her.