In an alternate slice of reality, your sims live on the edge. Once you upload them to the gallery, they are no longer safely in your hands. They are in the hands of others. Others who may not share ...
I stripped everything from my current state off when I first waded into the lake. It was hot and I was bored, and well, I thought that I was alone. And now, following my hasty retreat from the clutches of the watery past and from the king that I now remember, I find myself alone in the woods without a thing to wear.
There should be nothing here but woods. But there is a mirror.
Traversing the way requires a mirror. It always requires reflection. And this next trip was going to cost plenty.
How did the mirror come to be in this place? This place in the woods with the lake of the past? Hello with a faded o. The mirror always leaves a sign. You never know what the sign will say. But it will always say exactly the right thing. Hello with a faded o. I’m going to need some paint, to paint over that faded o.
The answer of course, to the mirror being here, is that I placed it here before. This was not my first time, in this place. And if I had traveled this way before and if I had placed the mirror, then of course, I had placed some clothes. Foresight and hindsight are exactly the same thing. It just depends on the direction that you are traveling and the way you look down the road.
There are players on the board. The king is waiting for his dinner. The mad, mad queen is coming. On the edge of a wooded mountain, a bitter battle is waged. It’s sliding along a strange angle. And something is not quite right. A knight is in danger of falling. This reality should not be ignored. But the day grows late, and the players distracted. One bishop is distracted. Will she arrive on time? Will Tallulah arrive on time?
Now I am alone, and I consider the rook. Well, there is no place like home I think, and I smile a clever smile. The pawns are being removed. And that leads me to a question. Where is the knight? The remaining knight. Ah yes, I remember him now.