Bare Your Fangs! Vampire Pictures, Stories and Gameplay Advice Please
Hi all, I am working on a storyline in my game that will ultimately involve a neighborhood based on rival covens of vampires, so I was wondering if anyone out there, has pictures of your vamps, stories about vampire stuff or advice or ideas on vampire play in general. I'd love to hear and see what you've got. Thanks!
To start here are some pictures from my first coven: This is my Circle of Love Coven as a Group
And the members are: Don Lothario (Not a vampire, but an integral part of the group) Jaiden Lansing (Head vampire in the coven) Caleb Vatore (vampire) Silas Vaughn (vampire) And Christian Webber (newest member and vampire)
From time to time I'll update with new Covens or new members who may join the covens. Please feel welcome to show us your vampires and tell us all about them too!
I have yet to fully enjoy the Vampires game pack yet. My game play progression is going so slowly because I want my current batch of sims to experience more EPs/GPs, especially University.
I had fun turning my Cat Sim into a vamp. Only because she's the type that wants to try everything new.
But that was only experimenting with the pack. I am about to dive deep into it with a game/story scenario concerning Casandra Goth and one of my CAS sims.
Cassandra wants to become a vampire. Bella caught her trying to connect with the Valetores and has forbidden all future contact with them or any other vampires.
No vampire of the coven will touch her because they are afraid of Bella now. ;)
But Lilith tells her of a way to work around it by getting a vampire outside of the coven to turn her.
This guy... who is living a hidden and sheltered life barely knowing what he is. Cassandra will teach him about being a vampire and get him to turn her.
"kirivian;c-16684324" wrote: @citysimmer Anything you're willing to share would be great. If you are willing to take the time that's wonderful. If the whole shebang is too much for the forums, maybe just some pictures and profiles, or some insight into how vampires in your world relate to each other and then to other sims (non-vamps). Thanks for joining the discussion. :)
I posted a small snippet in another thread once, here it is.
"citysimmer;c-16605629" wrote: I have quite a few, but I'll share this one about one of my favorite premades, Joaquin Le Chien. It's kind of underdeveloped because I haven't really played out much of it. It's also long so I put it in a spoiler.
Joaquin was born to parents Maria Perez and Lucien Le Chien in Windenburg's outskirts in 1924. He had an older sister as well, named Luciana. His mother played violin and his father wrote novels. Joaquin picked up the guitar in his teens while Luciana learned to paint and play piano. They were very talented and got scholarships to a prestigious art school in San Myshuno, but something threw that off track for the younger Le Chien....
While vacationing in Newcrest in 1945 to celebrate getting the scholarships, a group of vampires robbed and turned Joaquin, then left him for dead. He feared he was a danger to his family and ended up living on the streets for a while, hiding in the daytime and playing guitar for tips at night. His family had no idea where he was. One night, a strange man approached him and recognized him as a vampire from the fang mark in his neck. He revealed that he was also a vampire, named Caleb Vatore, and offered to take him to Forgotten Hollow and teach Joaquin everything about being a vampire. Joaquin feared it might be dangerous but went anyway; Caleb made good on his promise with help from his younger sister Lilith. Eventually Joaquin went back to Windenburg to pursue music again, and met Sergio Romeo at a bar. Sergio was looking for a roommate and Joaquin hadn't figured out housing arrangments yet, so they moved in together. Siobhan started living with Sergio as well a while after and has noticed that Joaquin never seems to sleep. She doesn't think much of it, but it confuses her a lot.
(Sorry for mistakes, I'm on mobile)
Thsi made me realize I have more than one sim named Lucien, lol.
@CK213 I love this. Interesting to see how much Bella is able to influence the vampires. :)
Same here. I want to make a huge vampire town. I have been reading Morganville and I am on book 13. I want to make the town that is in the book as it is hugely controlled by vampires. But it is going to take me forever to do
@kirivian - Aww, thank you for your kind words! It's always nice when other people compliment your sims, so I really appreciate it, haha.
But yeah, I love seeing vamps swing either way to bad or good, and I guess in a way you're playing through that in a larger scale with your two covens with the bikers verses the romantics (I'd love to see a picture of the dangerous coven once you get them developed!)
And as far as Ezra and Dakota; I have no idea! I think they're too young yet in their life journey to have children, but I am thinking of having them turn some of their friends they made while they were human so they can have an immortal gang and have a group of friends to call their own, because in-game they don't really fit in with the existing vamps because they're new, haha. Or, at least, Ezra is.
But yes, I absolutely am interested! Please go ahead and link. c:
Kirivian, great looking vamps, but your lead one is wearing earrings that are lethal to vampires, at least in standard European tradition. Isn't 'coven' a term reserved for a group of witches?
@CK213 Oh Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this. The shots of your cat girl are flat out amazing! That elusive new vampire looks interesting, I'd love to hear more about him, if there is anything more to tell, and if he does turn Cassandra and become her master, that may be a nice base for a new coven in your neighborhood - maybe one that isn't afraid of Bella?
@citysimmer the story of Joaquin and Sergio is really interesting, I love that it ties some pre-mades that I think a lot of simmers may not think of when they think vampires into the vampire world. Also the fact that Joaquin, in your story is a vampire before he meets and becomes roommates with Sergio is pretty cool. Does he eventually turn Sergio? Siobhan? Or do Siobhan's suspicions about Joaquin turn her against him when she learns the truth and turn her into a slayer of some sort. You got my imagination going with this one! TY.
And I, like you, am curious to know what gives Bella Goth such influence over @CK213 s Vamps.
@xxnearlyperfectx Thanks for joining the discussion. If you ever get that neighborhood together, please do share. I am not familiar with the books you are referring to (shoot me guys! I'll try to do some research later this week.), but the concept sound interesting. Also maybe some of the ideas and stories offered here can help you in tackling that project. They are certainly helping me with a lot of ideas for my story.
@Shinzen Ahhh! Immortal love. (be warned I am a hopeless romantic - your vamps spin my wheels). It is lonely at the top (of the food chain :D ), but I like the idea of them having a network to socialize with, maybe it will pull Ezra back just a smidge (not too much, dark is cool) from the darkness. I'm throwing the links in spoilers - 'cause they are picture intensive. Don, Caleb and Jaiden
I love Don and Caleb as a couple and they are also part of my core or "heart" of my Chatswin save. Don and Caleb are a tight, long-time couple in my Chatswin (tertiary) save. I have cc'd them to the nines but here they are. Don is actually polyamorous in this neighborhood and although he remains human, his four lovers (including Caleb pictured with him above) are all vampires.
"kirivian;c-16633706" wrote: So I couldn't resist this one. As mentioned in my last post, Don Lothario and Caleb Vatore are involved in a polyamorous relationship with two other vampires. This is Jaiden (who is actually the leader of this coven) with Caleb, on vacation in Selvadorado. Deep in the Temple A Little Alone Time at the Rental House Playing Around at the Baths
Christian (these include shots of Caleb from a different neighborhood - so slightly different look here)
"kirivian;c-16486385" wrote: Day 10: Hopeless Romantic - Christian Webber Would you die for love? So often in his short life Christian really thought he might. Each time he met someone new, he felt that lump in his throat, butterflies in his stomach, the catching of his breath and that dizziness that almost made him swoon. So many times, he gambled at love and lost, putting more into his relationships than he ever got out of them. And then he met Caleb.
Caleb was everything he ever dreamed of in a lover. He was old-fashioned (antediluvian even), chivalrous, witty and romantic. From the day they met, they spent their time lost in poetry, flowers, chocolates and the sweet whispers shared only by sims who are truly in love. And then it was over. As quickly as Caleb had come into his life, he was gone. He’d left no way to find him, only a short letter saying that he loved Christian too much to ask him to leave behind everything else he held dear for the sake of their love.
At first, Christian did not understand. He was heartbroken and for the first time in his life, he thought that perhaps love was not a good thing at all. But Christian was not about to give up on love, not this time. He spent months ghosting Caleb’s favorite haunts, his old house and even tracked down his sister, and tried to talk to her. It took almost a year for him to find Caleb and when he finally did, everything started to fall into place for he discovered that Caleb was no longer truly alive. In his fantasies, Christian had wondered what it would be like to have a powerful, immortal lover, but when those fantasies manifested themselves in his actual world he failed to recognize them. For Caleb was in fact a vampire.
He went to Caleb and professed his love, praying all the while that everything they had shared had not been a fleeting dream, and for once his prayers were answered and he and Caleb were re-united. Would you die for love? Perhaps the question is best left to the true romantics of the world, but Christian felt no hesitation, and he and Caleb are finally eternally united in death.
The Royals(this is an upcoming coven that I am currently developing for this story - they are rivals of the bikers (whose coven I haven't really named yet)
"kirivian;c-16679799" wrote: Arik Winter for the Chatswin Royal Coven
"kirivian;c-16679855" wrote: Dashiel Winter for the Chatswin Royal Coven
"kirivian;c-16679888" wrote: Sebastian Kastanos for the Chatswin Royal Coven
"kirivian;c-16675800" wrote: Okay so this is one of my favorite couples, but I hadn't posted them before because they are a bit out of my comfort zone (for sharing purposes), but they are really fun, really in love and I think they are super cute. I hope you like them too. This is a candid I shot last night of Lilith and Sylvie If you do like them here are a few more shots from a shoot I did with them a few weeks back
@Oldeseadogge Thanks, as @Shinzen says, it is nice to receive compliments about your sims. You are right, if I were going by traditional vampire lore, Jaiden couldn't wear a cross, but I am fashioning these vamps more after the Anne Rice world with heavy influence from a roleplaying game that I play with RL friends, and in my story's lore, he's fine with the cross (it's not real silver). :wink:
@simgirl1010 Thanks for joining the discussion and for your definition. That is certainly the context in which I am using the term Coven here, but If any of y'all have strong objections to the term, let me hear your thoughts on alternative terms.
@shinzen I also forgot to remind you (everyone really). I would love to see updates and more pics and anything else you're willing to share. please, and thank you.
Everyone's vampires here are beautiful, oh my gosh????
I have a group of vampires living together too, although there's not much of an actual story going on, besides their backstories, as I really play it out more like.. a sitcom?? A vampire sitcom. Yeah. I just kinda do whatever. They're like, my weird immortal kids. I might draw them a lot.
I'm just gonna go ahead and put the rest of the info underneath a spoiler! Morten, and Bat. Mort was just a very naive kid who thought their talking bat was nothing more than just that, and then it bit them. And then they turned undead. Whoops. They're also by far the youngest one of the bunch; only 19 years old. Really likes hats and florals, hates the idea of drinking blood from innocent people. They're usually my icon on this forum.
Bat was that talking bat. It turns out he was a vampire all along; one whose feeding methods usually consisted of flying into random houses, hiding there as a bat during daytime, and preying upon the inhabitants at night. It worked pretty well until Morten found out he could talk. So he accidentally made a friend and it all went downhill from there. Then there's Einarr, ancient thousand year old viking who turned Bat like two hundred years ago. Though he may look terrifying at times, he's actually really nice and fatherly... at least to his fellow vampires. I found no decent viking CC for him.
The other guy is Rune, who was born this way due to a curse, and grew up in a (mostly) human family. He's also not very old; born in the 70s, so really, he's just approaching fifty. He also accidentally slept for twenty of those years. It's very unfortunate.
@kirivian - Aaah, yes, I'm a sucker for romance, too! Honestly I had this idea that maybe Dakota wanted to turn Ezra not out of evil but because he fell in love and couldn't imagine Ezra outaging him and passing away; maybe it happened to him before and it broke his heart? So many plot possibilities!
And oh. My. GOODNESS your vamps look so stunning, holy cow!! Lilith (the one with the black hair and fangs, maybe she's Sylvie?) has such a gorgeous design, and it looks like she and her gf are super happy and sweet together and that makes me happy! <3 And the Royal's designs are outfit styles are so on-point, I love it!
But my absolute favourite is the story with Caleb and Christian. The story is so heartwrenching yet beautiful and I can honestly feel the love and connection between the two. You're also an incredible writer, as well! :'(
@Magdaleena aaaaaah holy heck I've said this before but I just wanna say it again abt how much I love your sims! Mort seems like such a sweet soul! AND OH MY GOODNESS bat is so adorable with his ears! But also sneaky, it seems, hehe
I checked out your dA and gave you a watch (I'm Rilvin!) You've honestly inspired me to actually do stuff with my own account and draw some Sims so I'll try and do that whenever I have free time <3 thanks for inspiring me! c:
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