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GalacticGal's avatar
8 months ago

Cantrell: The Early Years

And So We Moved, a Cantrell: The Early Years Save

“Lulu,” Joseph said. Seeing her frown at his chosen nickname for her, he began again, gently taking her by the shoulders. “Louise, I know you’re in your second trimester, but not that far into it. Besides, the journey normally only takes about two months’ time. This is a tremendous opportunity for us,” Joseph continued.  “Here I get peanuts for doing the same job I’m being recruited for. I’ve already been promised over 200,000 Simoleons up front, if I take the job. The only catch, it’s on Vulcan. I served some of my time as a Marine on the red planet. It’s really a lovely place. Good people, if not a tad stiff in some manner, but you’ll adapt to it. I promise.  I personally know Ambassador Sarek. Oh, and his wife, Amanda, is human. She’s also a teacher.”

“But we’re to live in a compound? They keep all of the human residents in a compound? I don’t like the sound of it. Joseph, I don’t.”
“It’s not what you think. The Vulcans rely on Logic and have trained themselves to avoid emotional statements as much as possible. Neighborhood implies emotion by the very nature of the word.  It’s a very nice neighborhood, I’ve been there. We’ll likely not see too many Vulcans there. So, you’ll have the opportunity to make some friends. Human friends.”
Louise lowered her head for a moment and let out a long, audible sigh. She really didn’t want to go.  Gazing up again at him again, she said, “I’ve got one very active baby with another baby on the way. Being cooped up in a small spacecraft spells nightmare for me.”  Joseph’s light blue eyes were aglow at the prospects of finally getting ahead in his chosen career.  Another look at Joseph and Louise relented. She did love him so. Against her better judgement, she found herself saying, “Oh, all right. We’ll give it a try. But, if things don’t work out, please tell me you have an exit strategy.”
“Exit strategy? Oh, sure. Yes Ma’am.” His smile was tentative, since he had already signed a two-year contract, renewable if he performed well at the job at hand.
The trip was long and arduous.  The craft, already old, had several breakdowns along the way. Having to be towed, via Tractor Beam, to a Space station equipped to make repairs took way more time than expected, its location drawing them several parsecs off course. Again, due to the availability of out-dated parts. The advanced simoleons were meant to cover their housing. Sadly, the almost ancient Skiff took most of it just to get there. They could not afford the costs of repair, let alone the expenditure of time. Repairs took weeks. 
Waylaid as they were, virtual prisoners in their own ship, the repairs notoriously slow, suddenly Louise found herself in labor. “Oh, Joseph, this isn’t gas at all. This is the real deal. This baby is coming now. And I mean, right now.”
“But we’re still parsecs away from Vulcan. The mechanics have assured me we’ll be on our way again very soon. Can’t you wait for another hour?”
“Yes, Mr. Genius, I’ll just tell the baby to put things on hold,” she said, the humor curiously lacking from her pretty face. Then narrowing her eyes as if in contact with the baby inside of her, she shook her head. “No . . . no, somehow, he’s just not listening. He says he’s done baking and wishes to come out, now.”
Joseph gazed at his young wife, “I’m in trouble, huh.”
True to their word, the mechanics finished up their work and bid the Cantrell family a Bon Voyage. The ship was still slow, which left Joseph in a near panic. Soon their toddler, Aaron was walking. Louise having to chase after him, who seemed to have a very bad case of the wanderlust. Or, perhaps he was just Inquisitive. At any rate, Louise was certain the mite was intent on exploring every nook and cranny of this sad vessel.  She longed for the moment she could beam down and check out the only house they could afford with the leftover funds.
Five months after their second child arrived, their craft all but drifted into Vulcan’s atmosphere, where again, a Tractor Beam was used to pull them into the active space port where they offloaded. A crew was there to secure their luggage and little Aaron’s stuffed bear, that lay neglected on the deck. When his parents were able to interpret his anxious squawks, it was soon recovered. “Heaven forbid, Bear should get left behind,” Louise said, presenting it to the tot. By the iron grip the child had on the brown, stuffed replica of the Terran mammal, peace reigned once again.
Their second child, another boy they named Erik, was no longer a newborn when they finally reached Vulcan space. Emerging from the craft in the hangar, a small delegation of Vulcans and Humans greeted them. Joseph had kept them apprised of his travel woes, which phased them not at all. He was given the day off to get his family situated in their new home. The couple only saw it virtually and had contracted a builder to make an archway between the two smaller bedrooms the boys would share. Among a few other alterations.
Getting a chance to tour it, though soon brought Louise almost to tears.  Beaming down to see the house in person shattered her expectations. If she found being cramped in a small spacecraft for nearly eight months was a nightmare, these quarters were equally small if not smaller. Two bedrooms, as per their changes, one bath, but the entire place was just small, the rooms cramped, not at all like the pictures online. Being rather adept at photography she should have realized the angle used was in an almost deceptive way. The kitchen was a bit of a joke. Strictly speaking a one-butt kitchen--- if it was even large enough for one. They had a small island added, for more working surfaces.
No laundry room, whatsoever. She had the movers place the stackable washer and dryer in the corner of the main bedroom. There simply wasn’t anywhere else it could go.  Joseph quickly settled into his new job, taking over the recently vacated 5th grade class at Province Elementary School, serving the Human Compound.
So on top of having to adjust to the stronger pull of gravity on this planet, the thin atmosphere, which made breathing a bit harder for them, the hotter than blazes temperature, even in winter, which dropped to nearly unbearably cold temperatures once the sun went down; she also now had a new challenge before her.
 Louise found herself confronted headlong with Sibling Rivalry. Being an only child herself, this was foreign to her. Yet, Aaron was clearly jealous. He had a nasty case of it, she noted.  So far he contented himself to pull at little Erik’s feet whenever Louise sat down to breast feed him. Louise had to be on her guard to make certain her toddler didn’t further act out his feelings 
Having learned of such beasts as the Sehlet, often domesticated to her confusion, the bear-like animal had six-inch fangs.  Or worse, the known predator called Le-matya, which bore poisonous claws.  She worried Aaron would wander off someday and they would forever lose him in this almost hostile and alien world. She still just didn’t understand what it was Joseph found so enchanting about this place.  
Despite it all, Louise found a job in the Painters Career. She was something of a prodigy, herself, when it came to translating images to canvas.  She painted to relax.  The more she created, the better she felt, as if driven to express herself in this manner. The fact that her work was drawing notice was nice and it did help to keep her at the easel. When she wasn’t running after Aaron, that is. He was most certainly a handful, that boy, with his rather reckless desire for adventure.
She was already making her mark on the Art world, having achieved the status of Proper Celebrity. She refused to let it go to her head, and instead decided the Paparazzi who hung around outside of their little dwelling, would be her first friends in this alien place.
Busy taking care of her two children, in between dealing with Morning Sickness again, she soon realized they had been a bit on the capricious side when they ‘initiated’ their new home, shortly after moving in. What were they thinking?
Faced with a third child under the age of four, she worried that the Daycare wasn’t being run as well as they promised.  Often, Erik came home hangry with a wet diaper and exhausted. But, could they afford a nanny? This prompted her to produce more paintings which she sold to an Art Collector, which returned many more Simoleons that just selling it straight out.
All for now. Thanks for reading! :)


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