Forum Discussion

Cynna1065's avatar
7 years ago

CAS camera improvements.

Would it be possible to fix the CAS camera so that it works more like the camera in TS3?

It's very difficult sometimes to see fine detail in CAS because the camera in TS4 doesn't focus on the specific area of the body that the player is working on. For example, if I'm picking tattoos, rings (cc nail polish), bracelets , it would be nice if the camera automatically zoomed in on those respective areas. Likewise for pants/skirts and, especially, shoes.

With toddlers in particular, their work area is so small, it's frustrating to deal with a camera that doesn't go where I need it to go. The camera often bounces around and doesn't land where I intend.

In some ways, TS4 CAS is so far advanced compared to the previous games. Yet, in others, like the camera, it has taken a step backward. Is there any way that this could please be improved?
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