• Apartment lot type
(just lot type that lets you add few households separately without combining them)
• ability to edit hallways for existing apartments
•functional elevators so we can use them in any build of choice to go from floor to floor
• and if so elevator woohoo :sunglasses:
•politics related social events? festival for uptown perhaps? strange thing to miss when there is all the politics stuff
•needs tlc made into lot challenge that can be removed
(i get it its fun but like really its just very illogical after having completely renovated those apartments)
• making advertisements of our own sims?
random thought after thinking about urbz for a second... theres lot of those advertisement board things in city living.. could be get famous too tho... but wouldn't it be fun to have our sims on them
• newspaper!
what would be more perfect place for the good old newspaper with its politics pages and all...
• karaoke songs to be available as normal songs for sims to sing... its bit strange having to get machine to sing these songs at all
• or smaller karaoke machine for home tv use possibly