@follyfoot Thanks for the nice detailed compliments on the house. I almost forgot about making those rugs. I remember I even had a slideshow set up to show the different designs you could make. And yes your right, they don't have rugs much at all. I've only got two and with limited colors. I don't know what's up with that. I'm also surprised by the limited color selection with a lot of the floor tiles and other things too.
I am combining area rugs for some things, but there's a limit to what you can do with that. I will be coming out with a new modern soon that will make this one look like a piece of cake in comparison. It's quite a piece of work I'm in the middle of, so look for that in perhaps a week.
I'm glad to know some simmers remember me. I shouldn't have waited so long to get involved in the new game. Thanks again!