Forum Discussion

LunyKimberly's avatar
11 years ago


Anyone know of a way yet to have a foundation for a house but not for "outdoor rooms"?

I'm in the process of building a house and getting the foundation FOR the house isn't a problem. The problem is I want to have a couple fenced in areas outside 4-5 tiles away from the house for relaxing/partying (specifically a zen-type garden and a connected tiki bar/barbecue patio). However, whenever I place the outdoor rooms, it automatically adds the house foundation underneath...which is aggravating and not what I'm looking for. Adjusting the foundation for one area adjusts the foundation for everything on the lot and again, not what I'm looking for.

Clues/cheats? Pretty please? :blush:
  • Unfortunately that is how it works. If foundations are enabled, they auto apply to anything on the lot. It is all or none.
  • That is an awesome idea Ash, I'll have to look into that. I won't have the easy access to the premade styled rooms, but I know more or less what furnishings/plants I want anyways and it won't be that much more difficult to snag items straight from buy mode.

    Thank you.
  • I know I'm 3 years late, but I have found that you can place fences without foundations using the "Place Fence Enclosure" option. Hope this helps!
  • "Inkydink;c-16533941" wrote:
    I know I'm 3 years late, but I have found that you can place fences without foundations using the "Place Fence Enclosure" option. Hope this helps!

    Hello @Inkydink :) Welcome to the forums!
    It is kind and thoughtful of you to post the helpful tip.
    Happy simming and building! :)
  • I ran into the same problem. One thing you can do though is make an "enclosed" garden by using the foundation as walls. When you make a 1st level floor, raise the foundation up to a comfortable setting and then use the sledgehammer tool to remove the floor. It will just leave the foundation walls which a sim can then walk down into using a stair setup. Everything else can be placed within the foundation walls as normal including fountains, plants, etc. They use this trick to make split level houses but your garden could work, be on ground level, but would be "walled." Good news is you'd have three levels of foundation to work with. Also, you may have to place the stairs when the flooring is still there and not after but if you use the smallest foundation setting, the stairs would be quite small.

    A helpful hint: You can enlarge objects, plants included, by holding down the "shift" key and pressing the "]" and "[" keys to make the object larger and smaller. You can then place plants and landscaping around the foundation of the house in such a manner that it hides the foundation. If you choose the largest size foundation (about a standard wall), then you can create an effect that causes the house to appear as if it is sitting on a small knoll or hill.

    This may work as a work around.
  • This is probably too late, but I had the same problem when trying to build a fence in the front of my mansion. Fortunately, I have found that if I create a wall between the my home and the area I want to build in, the system somehow allows me to create another wall farthest from the initial wall that is my home without a foundation. Hope this works for you!