My Top 7 Packs that would be added to the Sims 4.
1. Sports (football, baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis, golf, Summer and winter Olympics, other sports.)
2. Heaven & plum (Spiritual Pack)
3. The Matrix (Movie theme Packs), hint the Oracle is already in criminal career level 10.
4.) Around the world pack (You would be able to build a city in the United States or in any other country.
5.) Entrepreneur Pack, (You would be able to own apartments, houses, tall building, and anything that has to do with being an entrepreneur.
6. Military pack, (you'll be able to join the Navy, Marines, Army, or Air force, and traveler the world, and work your way up from enlisted to Officer, even a five star Admiral/General.
7. School Pack (Universities, public and private colleges, master degree, bachelor degree, and associate degree. High schools, public and private, middle school, public and private, elementary, public and private, toddler would be introduced, pre-school, public and private.
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