6 years ago
Mature Mode
I know this will never ever happen due to the fact EA and Maxis wants this to be "family friendly" and the fact that there are mods to change the game to fit my post but sadly consoles don't have access to mods and the mods that have this option are not approved by sony or xbox. I see most mature rated games to have an option to turn adult content ON or turn it OFF if it offends the player that is playing. There are alot of players who play the sims as an immersive life simulation that would agree that the sims 4 needs an adult version mode. This mode would allow violence and a bit of blood splatter for mean sims, some nudity, less censorship, alcohol and tobacco use, sexual content, etc etc. I have seen video games way worse then what i suggest in this post. Games that have full genitalia showing. I know some would think it weird and stupid that people use nudity mods on the sims games but it makes it more realistic as there are tons of adults who play the sims which is a "teen" rated game so we should be able to play an adult verson of it on PC and Console. Since console has no mods they should have an option like "would you like to turn mature content ON?? YES or NO" turning it off would keep the teen version and turning it on would make it an adult version.
No mean comments or anything i know this is a stupid idea that would never EVER happen but this was just my idea that i should write about.
No mean comments or anything i know this is a stupid idea that would never EVER happen but this was just my idea that i should write about.