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LegacySims2018's avatar
4 years ago

Plain ol’ Legacy Generation 2 Heir(ess) Poll

Plain ol’ Legacy Generation 2 Heir(ess) Vote

I’m looking for your help to decide on to be the main focus for Generation 2 of Plain ol’ Legacy. All members in the households will have attention, but there will be a main focused sim.

If you’ve been reading along Plain ol’ Legacy and have a favorite, please vote for that sim. If you are visiting this page and have not read Generation 1 of Plain ol’ Legacy, there will be plenty of time for you to do so and vote after. The chapters are very short. If you are here just to vote because you enjoy voting for an heir(ess), I am completely okay with that. There will be enough information about each candidate to help you make your decision.

Toddler Trait: Silly
Child Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp
Child – Elder Traits: Good, Erratic, Child of the Sea
Teenager – Elder Aspiration: Joke Star
Teenager – Elder Aspiration Trait: Gregarious
Extra Traits: Top-Notch Toddler, Physically Gifted

Summer is oldest of 3. Her 2 other siblings are Jaxon and Jason. Summer continued her silliness after she aged from a toddler. As a child, her erratic behavior was apparent. She would mostly talk to the radio and herself since the household lives in an apartment in San Myshuno. Her good behavior counters her erratic. Summer is a very nice person. Because of her silliness and the erratic trait, it was acceptable to put her in the Joke Star Aspiration. She could use her erratic behavior to her advantage.

If Summer is chosen as heiress, we will follow her to Sulani for Generation 2. I picked Sulani because she hasn’t done anything with her 3rd trait of being a Child of the Sea. This trait focuses on that World. There, she will also continue her Aspiration of being a Joke Star and making the sims of Sulani laugh.

Toddler Trait: Charmer
Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly
Child – Elder Traits: Neat, Cat Lover, Squeamish
Teenager – Elder Aspiration: Perfectly Pristine
Teenager – Elder Aspiration Trait: Muser (from original Aspiration)
Extra Traits: Top-Notch Toddler, Socially Gifted, Night Owl

Jaxon is second oldest of 3. His 2 other siblings are Summer and Jason. Jaxon and Jason are identical twins, but Jaxon arrived first. These 2 are best friends. BFF brothers to be exact. Jaxon was a chatterbox as a toddler and child. He made many friends of all ages. I wanted to pick an Aspiration that allowed him to be around other people and use is ability of talking a lot. Going through the Aspirations, I thought Master Actor would be fun for him to pursue. Electronic Arts then introduced a Kit called Bust the Dust that had dust bunnies, dirtiness, and vacuum cleaners. It also came with a new Aspiration called Perfectly Pristine. I changed Jaxon’s Aspiration to this to go along with his Neat and Squeamish traits.

If Jaxon is chosen as heir, he will head off to the University after high school and we will follow. Upon graduation, we’ll move to Del Sol Valley to live with his BFF twin and where he’ll continue in his Aspiration of Perfectly Pristine and to follow his younger times of being a charmer and social butterfly.

Toddler Trait: Inquisitive
Child Aspiration: Whiz Kid
Child – Elder Traits: Geek, Cat Lover, Slob
Teenager – Elder Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Teenager – Elder Aspiration Trait: Quick Learner
Extra Traits: Top-Notch Toddler, Mentally Gifted

Jason is youngest of 3. His 2 other siblings are Summer and Jaxon. Jason and Jaxon are identical twins, but Jason arrived second. These 2 are best friends. BFF brothers to be exact. Jason is a true nerd/geek. As a toddler, he hoarded the wabbit tablet to himself. I kept taking it out of his inventory and placing it so his siblings could use it, but soon enough he would grab it, play with it, and put it back in his inventory. When he grew to child and teenager life stage, he would hang out a lot at the family computer.

If Jason is chosen as heir, he will head off to the University after high school and we will follow. Upon graduation, we’ll move to Del Sol Valley to live with his BFF twin and where he’ll continue in his Aspiration of being a Computer Whiz.

( You can have a second vote by visiting )