Rebuild Evergreen Harbor: Update 6
Life in the Greene household is speeding by. I was pretty surprised when I got the pop up notifying me that Aiyden would be an elder in 2 days. So I sent him out on one last date while he was still young.
He and Iris enjoyed themselves, as they always have while on dates. Aiyden may be a hot-hot, but he's a hopeless romantic too. :blush:
Then I got caught up in day to day task and completely forgot it was his birthday.
He aged up without a cake.
But didn't seem to mind that his birthday was forgotten.
I finally figured out that Mr.Moo didn't have enough room on the patio, and moved him to the front lawn. Iris is having a lot of fun with him.
Aiyden, not so much :lol: Like @JordanNicoleJJ my Aiyden is also taking one for the team in the name of science. Iris needs that cowplant essence for a promotion lol
Silas and Fawn have been hard at work trying to complete their aspirations. I thought Fawn had rolled the creativity aspiration, but turns out she has the Whiz Kid one. Luckily she and her brother both love playing chess.
And Iris loves reading to Fawn, so that part of the aspiration was easy to complete.
I'm kinda bummed that the block table doesn't level any skills, but the kids look so cute while playing with it.
Even with skilling, Silas and Fawn are some of the most social kids I've played.
I'm just happy they found some cute kids to befriend.
Fawn is especially great at making friends. "Don't just stand there. Push me. Duh." :lol:
Silas makes friends easily too.
But he can't hold a conversation as long as his sister lol so he usually ends up leaving to play on his own.
Which reminds me, he completed his aspiration! :smile:
Aiyden's been working night and day to complete his aspiration before his time is up.
He finished making 20 candles, but still needs 1 more fabrication level before he reaches level 10. So close!
Close to Silas' birthday, both he and Fawn came home with school projects. I figured if he completed it he'd finally be an A student before aging up.
Uncle Knox was over and helped out. :smile:
When Aiyden finished candle making he came to help too. :heart:
Silas is forever a Daddy's boy. :heart:
.............. Then the completely unexpected happened. Aiyden went outside to feed Mr.Moo, like he had been successfully doing for days. I then got a notification that that the cowplant wasn't spitting him back out! :warning: :dizzy: :fearful: :bawling: :heartbreak: I have been playing TS4 since 2014 when it was released and have always complained that I've never had a death from anything other then old age. Well, I got my 1st accidental death today. He was an elder so it's almost like it doesn't really count... lol but it does. He's gone...
My heart broke for the kids, who arrived home from school before their Mom and found the tombstone in the front yard.
They didn't know what to do with themselves while they waited for their Mom to get home. Fawn went to her Dad's workshop and began messing around on the chemistry table.
Her friend Zach showed up and tried to cheer her up but it was no use.
Silas went upstairs and tried throwing darts...
Iris came home and was understandably devastated, but it was Silas's birthday :neutral: so she baked him a cake and he aged up.
I was totally scattered brained at this point and missed getting pics, but here's his CAS comparison pic. I'm surprised with how he looks. Looking at him as a child I would've never guessed he'd age up this way. He's got Dads nose, Moms mouth, and I believe Dads face shape.
This is the only pic I got of him in game because I quit and saved to post this update lol but I think he really looks like his Dad.
Anyway, Iris set up a little memorial in her bedroom for her husband. I couldn't help myself with the picture :joy: :joy: :joy: I won't speak ill of the dead, but this just really captures who Aiyden was as a person. :lol:
Happy Simming! I'll be back for comments tomorrow.