@JordanNicoleJJ - Hooray for long updates! Happy birthday to Iris and Aiyden! You are right she doesn't look like she aged at all. The town is looking good! Haven's traits are definitely interesting, I guess he'll be taking lots of trips to Sulani? I've not played with that trait yet. Haven aged up nicely though I can definitely see a lot more Aidyen in his features. I was wondering how the Plopsy thing worked, that's so cool that they can easily sell things now. I also love the children can take up knitting. Haven and Suri are adorable together ♥ I think Eden's neat trait is totally related to her mom being lazy, love that.
@IllusoryThrall - You are definitely setting the bar high with 100 generations! I can't wait to see you Greene's in-game. Piggybacking off what @JordanNicoleJJ mentioned in her post, I wanted this challenged to be a lot more structured than the other one and place an emphasis on the newer worlds since the older challenge was built to be newer player-friendly. (At least in the sense of someone who had maybe picked up a copy of the base game and that's all they have.)
I'd like to at least knock add floor plans to what we have existing and I would love help from anyone who wants to offer them. RL takes a lot of my time so I've been slow about getting things added. Dealing with a sick kiddo this weekend so I'm not sure how active I will be until next week.
I'll be taking a break from playing to try and update the main page with more floor plans ♥