4 years ago
Save Game to Account
I believe our saved games should be saved to our accounts, not computers. This would be helpful if you had to reset your computer or got a new one. If you had to reinstall The Sims for whatever reason...
"Calico45;c-17860858" wrote:
*shrug* I am not against cloud/server saves, but they can be problematic. I tend to prefer local normal saves and cloud/server backup saves. If I was forced to not have local saves, I would be pretty upset, though.
So, eh. I have moved 4 to different computers twice. It is not that big of a deal and I am not limited on save space or server dependence this way. Actually, the more I think about it, something mandatory would require online access always. I really would hate that. It would have to just be optional, kind of like how Steam does it.