The next chapter will be ready to go tomorrow. Unfortunately one of the fun storylines I wanted to do is probably going to have to be shelved or scrapped. I had several paparazzi invasions at one celeb's home. After the last one I came up with a storyline about it. The idea came to me after they left. Now that I have the text written the paparazzi, if they even spawn now, won't enter the lot and they don't act like paparazzi. The sim in question does the pose for paparazzi action and all the pap does is that little giddy fan reaction. I'm at a loss on how to get them to invade the celebs home again and to act like paparazzi not fans. If anybody has any suggestions to at least get the paparazzi to come into the sims home I'm all ears. I could try it after work to see if I can still salvage this storyline.
For now until I can figure this out, I'm going to either post a smaller chapter or see if I can quickly put something else together. It's frustrating that the game suddenly decides to quit doing something just when I need it to keep doing it.?