Forum Discussion

JesLet40's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 months ago

Share your Oasis Springs builds 🏜️

Like the title says, I'm really curious about what you've done with Oasis springs, both your builds but also the place. How many community lots do you have? What kind are they? Do you have any cool builds that you're really proud of?

I look forward to seeing what everyone has done with the place.

  • This is such a great idea! Here is my Oasis Springs in two different save files.

    I use a map replacement by 20th Century Plumbob so it looks a little different.

    In Bedrock Strait, I have used Pueblo architecture so it uses a lot of Jungle Adventure. I created two starter houses, 2 small family homes, and one large family home.

    In Parched Prospect, I am doing MidCentury Modern. I only have two of the builds showcased here but I'm almost done with this neighborhood. It uses a lot of Get Famous. Some of the builds I plopped there were older when I was trying to go ultra modern but I decided I hated that.

    I replaced the park with a high school, and in another save file I made it a community pool but I'm not happy with either of those so I'm still ruminating about what I'll do there.

    In Mirage Canyon, I haven't really decided on a build style. I'm trying to keep it modern and sort of the classic Oasis Springs architecture. I've made a Bar, Vet Clinic and a Gym/Spa/Rec Center. thinking about doing a restaurant and a kids' playground park too.

    In Acquisition Butte, I haven't decided if I'm going for Spanish Villa or Southwest Modern (think earthship mansions). I'm leaning towards the villas but it's a pain to build and they look awkward in the world.

    In Skyward Palms, I really like the existing architecture so I'm working on replacing it with more Mission style homes. I have a couple built in different save files but I just haven't brought it all together yet.


    • rosemow's avatar

      Your makeovers of Oasis Springs in the two save files are great! πŸ™‚

    • JesLet40's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I like the look of your high school (I wish we could have functional high schools in every world) and I also really like the look of your vet in the first save. 

  • This is my latest version of Oasis Springs, anno 1950: 

    In Mirage Canyon, Rattlesnake bar is now Rattlesnake Restaurant (with Mexican food), and has been moved to be closer to the rest of the Spanish revival houses in Skyward Palms. The Solar Flare is repurposed as a nightclub, with wood panelled walls and 1950s furniture. There is a motel (courtesy of Misselisa138 on the gallery), and then I added a strip mall, also from the gallery, that I then gutted and redid to fit the time and my purposes. There is a clothing shop, a hair dressers, a laundromat and a gymnastics studio (yoga). 

    In Skyward Palms I've added Rio Verde Mission Church for weddings and Sunday church services. Another gallery find by ChandraSims that I've adapted to my game. I've changed it from wedding venue to community space because you can have club gatherings there so it works better for church services then. 

    The Desert Bloom Park is nearly the same, but I've added some toys for toddlers and a pool for everyone else. 

    Affluista Butte now has a residential rental housing complex (courtesy of Jacqui0625) named Affluista Place and the Landgraabs have been moved to Yuma Heights instead. And Bedrock Straight also has two residential rentals in the Spanish revival style. There is also a bowling bar (Maxis The Dust Bowl from the library), and Pebbles Gas & Groceries, originally from the gallery but gutted and redone by me to fit the purpose I needed it to fill. Finally I found the Nookstone Diner on the gallery as well (by A_L_X_E_M). 

    Finally in Parched Prospect, the area has kept their mid-century modern feel. I imagine this being a brand new housing area, top of the range modern at the time, and my most played sim at the moment lives here with his wife and newborn. Some houses are original, others I've found on the gallery but I cannot remember where.  

    • rosemow's avatar

      Your 1950s themed Oasis Springs is great! πŸ™‚It was very nice reading about how you have designed each area.