4 years agoNew Spectator
The items that I want for 2022...
No matter if are released with a pack, kit, refresh or BG update, theres my items for 2022:
Sewing machine: Freetime pack or kit
Pottery table: Freetime pack or kit
Jewelry station: Freetime pack or kit
Snake charming basket: kit or world pack
Pizza oven: kit or world pack
Industrial oven: Dine Out refresh
Nectar making item: kit world pack
Deep fryer: Dine Out refresh
Bohemian harvestables: Dine Out refresh
Cotton Candy machine: Hotels pack or Parenthood refresh
Lemonade stand: Generations pack or Parenthood refresh
Bake stand: Generations pack or Parenthood refresh
Axe throwing station: Outdoor Retreat refesh or Horses pack
Archery station: Outdoor Retreat refresh or kit
Log rolling station: Outdoor Retreat refresh
Treehouse: Generations pack
Pinball machine: Showtime pack
Free throw machine: Showtime pack
Mechanic bull: Showtime pack
Slot machine: Hotels pack
Casino items: Hotels pack
Swimming pool bar: Hotels pack
Swimmng pool volleyball net: Generations pack or BG update
Soccer goal: Freetime pack
Ballet barre: Freetime pack, Generations pack or Parenthood refresh
Junk car for restoration: Freetime pack or Kit
Telescope: BG update or Get to Work refresh
Pool table: BG update or Get Together refresh
Waves station: Showtime pack or Hotels pack
Box of mystery: Showtime pack or Hotels pack
Bass: Showtime pack
Drums: Showtime pack
Saxophone: Showtime pack or kit
Break dance mat: Showtime pack or City Living refresh
New harvestables: BG update or world pack
Lawn mowers: BG update or kit
More small aquariums: BG update or kit
Swimming pool filters: BG update or Hotel pack
Blacksmith station: Horses pack