My dear Albert Kalani is a young adult now! I can't believe he was just a toddler when I started writing about this legacy, and now he's all grown up and ready for real life. And he's looking more like his handsome grandfather Akira than ever.
His main interests are food and writing, so he's trying out his luck in the food critic career. In addition to that, he wants to continue running the diner that Jenna started - but with his own twist to it. He still meets with Jenna regularly, along with other foodie friends who go out to try different restaurants together.
At home, things are turbulent. He ended up with a pretty bad relationship to his dad upon aging up, so he's mostly angry or tense in his presence and they still argue all the time. And Albert got the responsible character value trait from doing so well in school, but also the insensitive one from low empathy in arguments with his dad. So he's got to take the blame for at least some of the bad vibe between them.
Then it's a good thing he's still going strong with his girlfriend Pri, even though she's turned out to have some commitment issues. She needs her space from time to time, but Albert is so deeply in love with her he ignores any possible warning signals. He just wants to be with her every waking minute of the day.
This day, he has brought her along to the Bluffs with some camping gear so spend the night tenting there. Good thing there is no one else around :smiley: