Do you remember Mira and her son Lennart? They still live in the tiny apartment and are struggling quite a bit. Lennart is a school child now, and Mira have tried and tried to give them an easier and more comfortable life. But with the irresponsible trait she gained when growing up, it's been pretty much impossible for her to succeed at her job in catering. She's still stuck with dishwashing and keeps making mistakes that prevent her from advancing.
So the two of them have to live cramped up together in the tiny flat with no proper bedrooms. This is a constant problem whenever Mira has her neighbor/booty call over.
Lennart is a good and patient kid, but the difficult living conditions is making them fight quite a lot.
Mira is now at a point where she sees no other solution than to swallow her pride and make contact with her parents again. She's terrified to do it, she hasn't spoken to them since she ran away as a teenager. But she's a parent herself now, and has to do what is best for her son.