"Cinebar;c-16335631" wrote:
"Zara;c-16334867" wrote:
@Sk8rblaze Just because the Sims Online failed doesn't mean they can't remake it properly? It had a faulty design to begin with. Also, don't forget the graphics. A lot of people nowadays don't like/play Sims Online today simply because of the graphics. For example, someone commented on a you tube video (regarding The Sims Online): "I wish they had one for sims 4! I don't think I can go back to the old graphics!" and many others agreed with her.
So, with better Sims 4 graphics and just a better game design in general, then I definitely think it could work. People simply like playing video games with friends and family. It's a growing trend in the video game industry.
Also, just because you don't like an idea doesn't make it a bad idea. :)
All in all, if it does actually happen, then it'd most likely be optional or a standalone game so it wouldn't affect you at all. With that in mind, why do you care so much? Why must you put down others' ideas that probably won't even affect you in the long run? Nobody's gonna force you to play multiplayer.
@MrJessXD I 100% agree that multiplayer Sims would bring in a large amount of younger generation fans but only with new and improved graphics. (A lot of) Younger people like games with good looking graphics and they like playing with each other rather than solo. Which is why the biggest game franchises out there right now are multiplayer. More importantly, the younger generations are the future of the Sims fanbase so it'll be best if they start marketing to them as well. I'm tired of investing in a new sims game every few years with no big, game-changing features.
PS....A multiplayer version of the Sims is in pretty high demand as well, so it'll be pretty risky if Sims ignores them. They could be losing a huge potential fanbase if they don't implement a new and improved multiplayer system. These are just a few of the tweets: (there are thousands more)
The highest number of likes I see for anyone requesting an online game again is 65 likes/hearts. That won't pay for a server. They had every oportunity to do this when they were creating TS4 and were in development of The Sims 4 Olympus Project, but they dumped it as they could see it wasn't going to be worth their time and money after the outcry from Sim City 2013. Now, if it was a brilliant idea, they wouldn't have dumped it, and you would be playing TS4 Multi player game right now, and not a single player pc game.
And if you think they are going to allow thirteen year olds to interact with sixty year olds with romantic interactions between Sims then you don't know much about age limit animations. And what would be the point of visting someone else's lot if I couldn't fix my Sim something to eat, have no control over food, entertainment or whatever. That would be hugely boring...about as much exciting as visiting TS3 Sims who threw you out for using the commode or fixing a meal. Everyone thinks their Sims will be able to interact and marry and have kids with other people's Sims=that's not going to happen or it will require an age limit. Especially if there are adults playing the game, you can bet on that at some point an age limit will be designated. ETA: The world is changing and it would be so politically incorrect to allow children to play romantic interactions with actual adults playing as Sims...it would be gross, and it will not happen or someone will be screaming it's wrong. It may or may not be..but this is a politically correct world these days, and it won't fly ever again.
I hadn't even thought about this (ages of players that would be able to have their sims communicate)... The idea of me unknowingly letting my sim flirt/kiss with another sim that's actually controlled by a minor freaks me out.