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Sue_D_Nim2's avatar
4 years ago

Theo Golden and the Room Challenge

The Room Challenge is by @katoregama

Theo Golden's Room Challenge

They said it was a sociology experiment. They said that if you could survive living in total isolation for long enough without wigging out, you'd end up richer than your wildest dreams. I can dream pretty wild, let me tell you.

You have to apply, and they don't pick just anyone. They don't tell you the criteria, either, so there's no way to prepare. Anybody can apply ... and anybody can hope. That's how they sucker you in. As soon as you graduate from Secondary Ed you're eligible.

It's about all a guy like me will ever be eligible for. I was born into the Third Tier, see. It's alright for those First Tier elites in their mansions behind the radiation shields, with their good teeth and their shiny hair and their soft skin, and their servants, and all the food and clothes and medicine they could ever need. Plus all the luxuries they could ever want. All the stuff even ordinary people took for granted in the old days, before the nuclear "accident" and the collapse of the old infrastructure.

Even Second Tiers can work their way up to a pretty comfortable life, if they live long enough to scrape up the dough. The lucky ones go to work for the Richie Riches, cleaning their mansions, cooking their gourmet meals, serving at their fancy parties, breathing their clean air. Second Tiers get to go on to Tertiary Ed where they can learn a trade skill, although of course there's a cap on how much you're allowed to earn.

For a guy like me, though, where you're born is where you stay. The best I can look forward to is working for pennies a day on one of the government's reclamation projects, and a crummy pension when I've soaked up enough radiation poisoning that I can't work any more. Then old age in a cracker box with about ten other guys and a few million rats while I wait to die.

There is one thing. If you can get money, and I mean a lot of it, you can buy your way out of the squalor.

Is it any wonder that just about everybody applies for one of the sadistic government experiments?

I got picked for one of the Isolation experiment slots. I got the letter yesterday. "Dear Mr. Theo Golden ..." with a government seal on it and everything.

The Ministry of Science, the guys who monitor these experiments, sent my contract. I am not to leave the area. As if I could. They wall up the door as soon as you're inside. Personal, face to face contact with any human is forbidden. Yadda, yadda, yadda. But you know what the kicker is? All this money I'm supposed to be rewarded? I have to earn it myself. That's right. I don't just have to stay in this box going stir crazy and waiting for it to be over. I have to figure out how to earn my fortune on my own. Then and only then will I be allowed to leave.

I have no idea how I'm going to do this.

3 Replies


    This is my new home. It's a tiny, ugly box. They didn't even make it look good. I guess they want it to be as unpleasant and depressing as possible. There's no door except to a small fenced area, and no windows.

    Not that there’s much to see … except … nice houses that I can’t live in. People walking by who I’m not allowed to talk to. Upper tier people. I’m pretty sure they put my little box in a nice neighborhood to make me feel bad and break my spirit. Well, screw them. It takes more than that to break Theo Golden! Being a have-not toughens you up.

    I'm surprised they gave me a way to get outside at all. I hear sunlight deprivation can really mess you up.

    I've spied a security camera, and I'll bet there are more. Figures. I bet they broadcast this stuff on the lame Reality channel - for those in the upper Tiers who can afford TVs.

    They let me have a computer and an easel, because on my application I said that I liked computers and painting. I figure I can sell paintings if they’re good enough, and there should be a variety of ways to make money off a computer. They had to let me have some way to earn money; that’s part of the experiment.

    I’m not allowed on any chat rooms, of course. But they do have an online catalog. When I start making money, I can buy things and they’ll deliver them right to me.

    I kind of like this one. It’s not really worth enough to sell, so I’ll hang it up to brighten up these gawdawful boring industrial walls.


    Thank HEAVEN I planted some flowers in the small space that I have. Talking to them is my only social outlet. No, I haven’t gone crazy quite yet. It’s supposed to make them grow better.

    I can buy books from this catalog. I’ve never actually owned my own book! This is going to be so cool. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can learn stuff from books, just like in school. I can use my incarceration to educate myself, to hone my skills. That way I can make money faster. Right?

    Maybe there is a silver lining after all. Wait. Make that a Golden lining. See what I did there? Heh.

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