Forum Discussion

dreamoperator23's avatar
3 years ago

Things I would still love to see in the Sims4 before it sunsets.

I love how far the Sims4 has come since launch and so many things I've wanted have been added. Still I hold out hope that the last few things on my wishlist will be fulfilled before its cycle finally ends. I am going to categorize them by stuff I still really want, stuff I would be happy to get but is not a must have, and things that the community still seems to want but I am meh about. I'll still take the meh things though, any addition to the game adds fun in my opinion. Oh and I think I will add one last category for things I didn't use to care about, but due to recent updates, would like to see. Please feel free to add yours!

Things I still super desire:

Sewing and sewing machine. I don't mind if they are added along with a fashion designer career (that would be pretty cool), but I would probably use it in a more homey way, making things for the house and family.

Horses. Even though in rl I don't have anything to do with horses, I think they would be a super fun addition to the game along with unicorns of course. And speaking of unicorns...

Fairies! The last occult that I really want and feel the absence of in the game.

Things I'd be happy to get, but not super bummed if we don't:

Cars. I'd like to have them, especially so we can finally have functional garages. And a clunker car our Sims can work on to improve would be fun, but if they don't come I won't feel like I am missing that much from my gameplay.

Bands. Again, I would have fun with these, but they're niche enough for my own gameplay that I don't know how often I would actually use them. I won't say no to them though. ;)

Things the community seems to really want, but I am meh about:

Hotels. To me the vacation housing is just fine and I don't feel I am missing much from not having the hotel experience. More power to the ones that want them though. I can understand the desire.

Things I didn't use to care about, but now want because of recent updates:

Preteens and elementary school. Since the infants look really great and make a smoother transition between baby and toddler, I'd love to see the same treatment given to the stage between kids and teens. Who need it even more in my opinion. I don't mind if they have more limited clothing options due to their unique size than the current teens do. And since we now have playable high school along with playable jobs, the lack of a playable elementary school really stands out. I would like playable schools even if we don't get preteens.

And final bonus catergory! Things I use to want, but don't care about as much now due to recent additions:

Pool slides. Don't get me wrong, I'd still take theses puppies in a minute, but after getting the splash pad and floats I am pretty happy with our Sims' water activity options.

Thank you so much for reading my silly little thoughts!

17 Replies

  • - CAW or at least world editing with empty world templates we can decorate and name ourselves
    - Romance improved dating gameplay and more romance animations a turn on/off system and can we get a couple dance that last longer than 6 seconds takes longer to get them to dance then they actually dance
    - Cars
    - Preteens
    - Martial arts
    - Bands
    - Retail mall update
    - Skate boarding
    - Games children can play together without an object like tag
    - Gym equipment like a pull up bar and weight bench
    - Pool table
    - Pool slide and normal sized diving board
    - Sports with an actual game being played be it volleyball golf I don't care more than playing catch or kicking a ball around
    - Graveyard lot type
    - Burglar (after cars are added)
    - Hotel system (could also be worked to make a summer camp for children)
    - Updated swatches to include more diversity with a natural red and strawberry blond the red shade we have now is more fitting for a clown.
    - Improved photo system for all ages and an 8 Sim limit they should bring in some popular cc makers who do poses for pose player.
  • I want Elders to be able to adopt adults. There are some premade elders that I just want them to have a family, but I don't want to go through the whole process of adopting a kid and getting them older when the parents are elders. I've used mods to get it so that elders have kids now but I'd rather it was an in game option.
  • I really hope The Sims 4's cycle doesn't end until we finally get these things:
    - Pool tables (every Sims game has had them so far, except TS4)
    - Cars and garages
    - Hotels or resorts

    There are more things I would like, but these 3 are like the ones that I would be super disappointed if they're never added to the game before they move on to The Sims 5.
  • Mk_2790's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 years ago
    Pre-teens and mid adults
    Pool tables
    Water heaters
    Lawn mowing
    Cars restoration at least
    Garage clutter
    More swimming pool stuff
    Garden care stuff
    Drums and bass
    Crafting like pottery, sewing and glassblowing
    Deep fryer
    Nectar making
  • I still want in Sims 4:
    Egyptian World
    Futuristic World
    Heartshape Beds
    Medieval World
    Superheroes vs Supervillains
    Time Machine/Portals
    Time Travel to a Past World & a Future World to live in
    Total 100% fixes & refreshes on the Base & Packs
  • I'm ready for the Sims to apply in for online dating. I don't know what would fit in better as base game or an extensional pack.

    Going out is a chore for them and for me, too. They have their long term goal and random Sims don't come out as much anymore, when they do their asexual. Haven't happened yet, but the next time a random sim comes close enough to be with my sims their going to conform. last random sim I met wasn't asexual, but still.

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