"Goldmoldar;13727965" wrote:
Kremesch73, that looks so funny but it so cute and I love it. Is it on the exchange? :)
It is now. I uploaded the extended version so it has the computer and the dresser. The name isn't creative. I called it 'House on Wheels' (even though there aren't any). Hope you enjoy it.
"Zakeira;13728115" wrote:
Ok, one more with 16 tiles. I made a travel camper. It's really small, room for only one Sim. It's on my gallery page under Tiny Camper if anyone is interested.
You did it! I was wondering how make the bathroom work by adding another tile and it never dawned on me to add the sink to the bathroom instead of the kitchen! I couldn't get public area sink out of my brain. Doh!
Okay. I did it! I also uploaded it and called it 'Take Me Anywhere.' Neither one has landscaping.
I managed to make a 16 tile home with all necessities (thanks to @piperbird1 suggestion). It feels a bit like cheating to me though. Oh well... Everything is functioning and accessible. TV, Computer, Dresser, etc (wish we had more choices for 1-tile dressers).