3 years agoNew Spectator
TS4 Showtime EP concept
- Bass, drums, saxophone as instruments and skill
- Acrobat, magician and singer as careers and skill
- New venues and lot type for concerts
- New excersise machines
- Bands
- New world! 15 lots, half empty. Beach lots included.
- Box of mystery as woo-hoo spot and new death
- Mimes, and Gabby The Mime return from TS1
- More swimming pool activities, including marco polo, volleyball and cleaning. Also 2 new normal sized diving boards: classic and luxury and round swimming pool tool
- New telescopes
- Three pool tables variations: normal, luxury and modern, and billiard skill
- Spiral stair in four different variations: rock/brick, glass, steel and wood
- New soundbars for TV
- New interaction for dressers: ironing. If a sim wears a ironed clothes, it could have a positive moodlet.
Packs compatibility:
- For High School Years, bands, magicians and singers could perform during a prom
- For City Living, mimes could perform along with human statues
- For Cottage Living, magicians could perform the rabbit trick if they befriend a rabbit
- For Realm of Magic, spellcaster magicians could perform easier
- For Laundry Day, ironing could be available after drying the clothes as optional. Also, players could assign hampers for each Sim.
BG updates:
- Swimming pool cleaning chore. Players can deactivate this option.
- Round swimming pools
- Classic diving board for BG
- Classic pool table and billiard skill
- Wooden spiral stair for BG
Packs updates:
- Two new beach lots for Del Sol Valley for Get Famous owners.