Table of contents: [ Spoiler ] Since this story has grown so much bigger than I ever imagined I feel like its time to borrow a page from some of my favorite SimLit writers and offer you a syn...
"Oh my god! Danielle! Get in here! Now please!" Londyn wailed once she found her breath again. "What's wrong Londyn?" "My mom..."was all Londyn could get out between sobs. "Did something happen to her? Did she finally reach out? Talk to me sweetie, tell me what's going on." Danielle said almost pleading.
All Londyn could do was point to the screen and let Danielle read for herself.
"I've got you. Let's go sit on the sofa and talk."
Danielle took Londyn in her arms and pulled her in close for comfort and said, "I knew from what you described of your mom there was a loving person in there. She had to lose you to find that part of herself again."
"It was a miracle she wrote when she did. We have so much to do before the wedding, and I'm sure she'd love to be a part of it all."
"I'm so ashamed to think I doubted her. I could have reached out too. I wanted too badly", Londyn said, again through sobs, "so many times over the last few years".
"Its ok, now, how about we go give her a call?", Danielle said.
A short time later:
"Deep breaths, find your calm center, this is the moment you've been waiting for", said Danielle from her spot beside Londyn.
"Hello? Londyn it's you!", squealed Ebony almost like a schoolgirl. "I have missed more than words could ever say my darling baby girl."
"Yes, Mama, its me! It's so amazing to see you and hear your voice again! God how I've missed you too!"
"We have so much to catch up on!" Ebony enthused. "Is your honey there with you?" "Of course she is mama." "Well have her step around where I can see her" said Ebony. "She's a member of the family now"
"Hi Mrs Huntley...", Danielle instantly cringed. Londyn had told her that Ebony would expect to be called mama. "Stop right there sweetie, you call me mama too', laughed Ebony. "You're as important to me as my baby girl" "Mama it is. I so pleased to finally meet you even if it isn't face-to-face" Ebony followed that up by saying, "You'll get to meet me and Lewis soon. As soon as we end this call I'm booking a flight for us to Tartosa. Lewis has business contacts there. Folks there love his hand crafted furniture. He's made a nice living from it." "Alright mama", said Londyn "we look forward to seeing you and dad. Love you both! Bye!" "See you soon mama", added Danielle.
"Pack your bags Lewis, we're headed to Tartosa!"
"Our baby girl is back! We're a family again!"
"We're a family again!"
Three days later:
Ebony and Lewis arrive in Tartosa unannounced. They made their way from the airport across town to Danielle and Londyn's cozy little love nest. They took a moment to soak in the surroundings and to put what was about to happen into perspective. They paused before the crossed the bridge onto the little island their baby girl and her fiancé call home.
"Lewis, can you believe it? Our baby girl is right there on the other side of this bridge", said Ebony with a little happy tear in the corner of her eye. "What a wonderful life she's making for herself, in spite of the pain I put her through." Do not beat yourself up honey. That's in the past, we're all moving on" said Lewis
"Let's go see our baby!"
"Oh! My! God! Baby I got it! I got my first role on a tv show", screamed Londyn "That's awesome sweetie!" "Let's go to Celebr...Who's that knocking on the door? Like, choose your moments better" said Londyn as she turned around to answer the door.
"Mama! Oh my god, it's you, it's really you!" "Oh how I missed your hugs baby girl!"
"I could never forget you dad", Londyn said. "Let me get a look at you! Handsome as ever, maybe even more. I love the beard by the way." "It's time for you two to meet Danielle" "I would love that very much baby girl" said Ebony
"Mama, daddy, this is the love of my life Danielle Chabert! Danielle these are my parents Ebony and Lewis!" "Mama it is so wonderful to actually meet you face-to-face. Let me give you a hug" "Child there's nothing I'd love more"..
"Come here and give me a hug too" said Lewis,"I don't bite, I promise" "I'm not worried about that" said Danielle, "who ever heard of a teddy bear that bites" "Londyn, child, I approve of your taste in wives" said a beaming Lewis.
It was time to get caught up on everything that had gone one over the last few years. Ebony's paintings were selling good and Lewis' hand crafted furniture was a hot commodity on Sulani and Tartosa. Danielle and Londyn gave Ebony and Lewis the full update on all that they had going on including the news Londyn had received moments before they knocked.
"The jet lag is kicking my but if you ladies don't mind I'm going to head back to the rental" said Lewis. "Londyn, I will see you and Danielle again tomorrow. It's so good to have you back with us baby girl, and it was my extreme pleasure to meet you Danielle" he added before he got up and headed for the door. "Goodnight daddy! I love you! said Londyn "Sleep well dad, and I can't wait to talk to more when you're rested up" Danielle chimed in. "I'll be along shortly hun, I want to have a little girl talk."
"I have to say Danielle, child, I don't think my baby girl could have done any better than you" said Ebony. "I've watched you two out of the corner of my eye and you are so obviously in love."
"Mama, I've found my one true love, my soulmate" said Londyn as she fazed into Danielle deep blue eyes. "Londyn, until I met you I only thought I had everything I needed in life. That day on the beach when we met, I knew for a fact that you were truly everything I needed in life. There are no words in simlish, or any other language that can truly convey how much you mean to me. Every time I look at you my heart beats faster, when we touch there is electricity, and when I gaze into your eyes I feel like I'm falling in love with you all over again."
"Londyn, baby girl if you don't hurry up and kiss that woman I'll do it myself!" "We have a wedding to plan' exclaimed Ebony"
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