Messing around in the backup save was enlightening. I have much bigger issues than whether or not I need to have a reception, but the answer is no to that. Maybe my design is flawed but there are no shortage of issues. Everybody showed up but from there it went wrong. Everybody but one took their seats when asked, but there are also more seats then guests, and each seat was play tested while I was building the venue. The Sims of Honor wouldn't go down the aisle and take their place. Each had to go separately, no problem, but as soon as they reached the front they left to go do other things. The dads never acknowledged the command to walk their daughters down the aisle. They just sat there like bumps. If I sent the brides down one at a time, the first one down immediately went to do some other activity.
But on the lighter side of my issues. Seeing everybody show up for the wedding in their finery, was hilarious. Some of the sims formal outfits got overlooked in the process of creating them. Liberty looks really pretty, but I might choose something different for a bridesmaid dress. Her dad David looks very handsome in his suit. Liberty's mom Clarissa needs help. But the real fashion victim is Jennifer...omg!!
Ninety-nine percent of these are the fault of the games incredibly questionable fashion sense. This one is my fault, at least partly. I don't know what bottom the game gave Lewis Huntley to wear, but the reason he's standing next to Chloe Talbot and Moira Fyres with no pants on is my fault.
I obviously deleted the item he had been wearing. I feel bad for him. He's a really nice guy and not creepy. And the ladies took his appearance in stride. I doubt I could be so nonchalant if a man was standing next me looking like that...
Then there is the case of Summer's dad, Kellen. He stands out in a crowd. I think it's the silver top hat that sets everything off. He looks a bit like a Christmas ornament. Matteo being stylish and Italian doesn't seem impressed with Kellen's attempt at sartorial elegance...
Summer's mom sort of matches her husband with her jaunty beret. I just don't think a long sleeve top over a sweater is really the best for Sulani weather. Ebony's look isn't horrible, but it needs fixed, asap.