@GalacticGal The fame bug was the one where every sim, even the ones that were staying out of the spotlight, had a celebrity level. I moused over every guest on the third attempt and everybody was a rising star. The only sim I play regularly in that save that is a celeb is Londyn. I did give Venessa Jeong makeover because she will occasionally appear since she is a co-worker and friendly with Londyn and Danielle. She is set to be the officiant at the wedding even, but they are the only two celebrities.
@luciusstorm I haven't seen that happen, they always freeze from what I've seen. In that weird thing with Chloe's death, I did what I often do. Pause, then select save and exit, and exit back to the desktop. I'll have to watch that. If I knew that Chloe's death had nothing to do with the wedding bugs, I would go back in and have the entire wedding party assemble and take their seats and grab a few shots of everybody in various places around the venue. Then I could stage the closeups using poses for everything else, or do like I normally do and pause and get shots from different angles without the larger group having to even be there.