Table of contents: [ Spoiler ] Since this story has grown so much bigger than I ever imagined I feel like its time to borrow a page from some of my favorite SimLit writers and offer you a syn...
As the title suggests the big day is nearly here, all that's left is the rehearsal dinner and the bachelorette party. Matteo started cooking the desserts at home the night before. That left only the big feast that needed the volcanic pits and all day to prepare. Summer was the woman for the job and she took to it like the pro she is. The job is mostly hands off which allowed her to visit with her friends, the guests of honor, when they showed up early to check out the preparations.
As the sun begins to set we get to see the venue as it will be when Danielle and Londyn walk down the aisle, which is magical, gorgeous, and the stuff of dreams.
"It feels so surreal to think, in just 48 hours, we're going to be here, walking down that very aisle" Danielle mused. "Our lives are going to change so much, and yet, they're going to change so little too" was Londyn's philosophical reply. "Every day I wake and find that I love you more than I did the day before. All those times I dreamed of this day it looked so much like this. I knew I would walk down the aisle with the girl of my dreams in a setting like this. All of this, but especially you, is a dream come true."
The guests began to arrive, looking their finest and the dinner and dancing quickly began. Thankfully the tradition is a rehearsal dinner, and not a lunch, so the sun was setting. The guests weren't going to be roasted in their finery, like Summer's pork feast, by the Sulani sun. Ebony and Londyn being the only ones familiar with life on the sandy beaches of Sulani, advised the ladies to leave the stilettos at the hotel and wear wedges if they felt uncomfortable with the idea of flip flops and sneakers at a wedding event. The ladies did heed the advice. There will be plenty of opportunities to break a heel or a leg on the wedding night, because you know tradition dictates and we obey...
Liberty's dad David wasted no time embarrassing his daughter by strutting his stuff on the dance floor.
Soon, everybody was hitting the dance floor...
Londyn and Danielle set about giving thanks to the parents for their blessing on this relationship.
Londyn and Danielle felt the urge to go stand on the spot where soon they would exchange their vows. They soon had company. "So Darian, are you thinking what a beautiful spot this would be for you and Summer to have your wedding?" "Whoa, pump the brakes on the marriage carriage. I love Summer madly, but she only moved in with me a couple of days ago. Let's give this relationship time to grow" Darian chuckled. "I'm a romance novelist, I know all about true love when I see it..." "She does!" "You may not know it, maybe you do and you're not ready to speak the truth, but you and Summer are perfect together. It's a matter of time"
After the guests went home Londyn and Danielle decided to take a rehearsal stroll down the aisle. Passion soon took over and emotions began to build towards a tipping point.
Londyn locked eyes with Danielle and said, "Let's just do this, let's say our vows now! I don't know if I can hold on any longer. Saturday is almost here but I'm ready to explode if we don't do this now"
"I want to so badly it hurts, but I know you Londyn. Your conscience, and mine, wouldn't give us a moments rest. It feels right now, but some of the magic would be lost. Our friends and family are going to be here believing they're watching us exchange our vows and it would feel dishonest. Knowing that we had already said them, the first and magical time, without them, with them believing they were seeing and feeling that magic...I couldn't. That magic only happens once, and for all their encouragement, support, and unconditional love, they deserve to be a part of that magic...their presence will make it even more magical. Let's get out of here. We have a party tomorrow night. And I have a special something something that I want to give and no fitting place here to give it to you...if you know what I mean...
The Night Before
There is a line of poetry: "The best laid plans of mice and men often times go awry". That applies to the best laid plans of women too. Friday dawned rainy in Sulani and went downhill from there. The plans to have the bachelorette party at the Huntley's home in sunny Sulani were in tatters. There simply wasn't room enough indoors for everybody and no way to rent shelters to put up in the yard. The wedding venue was out because even though it had a roof, the roof only covered a small portion of the venue and with thunderstorm winds driving the rain it wouldn't have kept anyone dry. Ebony suggested a couple of alternatives. There were two new nightclubs the ladies could use instead. One was called Beachcombers..
The other was called Tropico
The weather may have ruined the daughter's plans for the party, but it was a blessed way out for the moms. They're all middle age and weren't looking forward to paying the price of a night out partying. They're crazy party days were in the rear view mirror, and they secretly wanted to keep it that way. And they didn't want to spoil things for the girls, so thanks were given to the island spirit of weather.
The girls opted for Beachcombers. They hit the bar right away. Danielle ordered up a round of Zesty Fires...or something like that...the details are hazy...
Summer quickly added a round of Soft Shadow Avornalino and the ladies proved that two-fisted drinking isn't a males only attribute. All of them got into the spirit.
There was dancing with the live DJ. Beachcombers looks big from the outside but it's tiny when you get inside. It really is a good thing the moms stayed home.
If there was any doubt about the depth of the love between Liberty and Matteo it should be gone now. The two of them hatched a plan for him to magically and coincidentally happen to show up at the club at the same time. How do you like that, what a surprise.
Speaking of surprises, there was one genuine surprise. Leonardo was there too. Things really have changed between him and the group since Summer broke off their relationship. He never even acknowledged that his former friends were even there, and in a room that tiny even if there is a crowd, you can't claim you didn't see them. You certainly can't when you walked in with them and acted like they were total strangers. I guess when you get yourself a rich, mysterious girlfriend you forget where you came from. I don't see him making his way back into the friend circle now.
Not even Leonardo's classless act could put a damper on the evening. Summer took care of that, well she didn't put a damper on it in a bad way, just a hilarious and scandalous way. Of course if she didn't Londyn and Danielle were about too. More on that in a second...
The brides-to-be lost interest in everything but each other eventually.
Now about the end of the festivities. Between the wine and the passion, Londyn and Danielle plotted some fun. They decided what the situation called for was some good clean dirty fun. Yes, they went skinny dipping. Summer spotted them and thought that would be fun and she joined in. Problem was Summer was still in the bar at the back of the club. She then proceeded to strut right through the club naked as the day she was born. THAT put an end to the evening when the manager saw Summer walk right past him.
What actually happened was I gave Danielle and Londyn the command to skinny dip. I clicked skinny dip together forgetting that Summer and Liberty were still part of the group. While the ladies were making their way into the water I went to see what Summer and Liberty were up to and found the commotion that Summer was causing. I was so busying laughing I only got one picture but I don't think I can post it on here. If I can I'll edit and put it in. It's not the best anyway. It was just her walking out the front door. And the whole incident timed perfectly that as Summer walked through the front door the event ended. I couldn't locate Liberty. In my mind she stripped on the dance floor right in front of Matteo, and can guess... *Edit* I decided to add the photo of Summer. It is pixelated and nothing anybody wouldn't see anyway in their game when their sims shower or use the bathroom. Literally when the door opened the list of event goals in the upper left disappeared. So in my mind that was them getting kicked out because they got nekkid in the club. Summer really is the free spirit in this group.
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