"DaniRose2143;c-18180408" wrote:
Don't be surprised if tomorrow you see that the wedding episode has been edited. I've been replaying it in my mind and I'm kind of thinking I need to add some more dialogue, shots, or both for Londyn and Danielle at the altar. I love the comedy with Venessa, but I wonder if I let her steal the scene?
Speaking of Venessa, I chose to have Londyn ask her because it is a ceremonial passing of the torch. Many of you know Danielle has been my favorite sim for many years. Over that time she has often been a lesbian, and her lover was almost always Venessa. When I realized I had picked a lesbian version of Danielle from my library, I almost went the tried and true route and brought Venessa into the story. Since the story took a turn that I hadn't planned I decided to go a different route and let Danielle choose someone different if that's what she wanted. I never thought she would find someone who was a better fit than Venessa, but I was so wrong. Londyn is her perfect match, her true soulmate. So the friendship between the three in this save made it easy to pick her to officiate.
I'm always in favor of a revision/rewrite. I often find myself, as I go over the post I'm about to make, checking for typos, et al, adding bits of dialogue that only occurred to me at that time, before I hit the Post Comment button. If you feel strongly about it, go for it. If you're worried about a spam aspect, you could always hit the edit button and replace your original post, then let the rest of us know you've updated it, so to speak.