@luciusstorm These big scenes are madness. It does help some to put everyone in the scene into a household together and then turn off autonomy completely. No autonomy for anyone. Apparently that only applies to the household because other sims came and went, ate and danced, and the staff performed their jobs. You're still juggling plates in the beginning to get them going. After setting up a few interactions they took matters into their own hands, and most importantly, stayed put until I told them to move. I feel like the control I had was as fragile as a soap bubble, but it worked long enough to get the screenshots I needed.
I was curious about what was happening around our little group of friends. There were no other guests in the downstairs main dining room or out on the patio. They were all in the upstairs dining room and lounge. I did spy something very interesting upstairs. Keep in mind this is all happening in the backup save, so this all disappears when I go back to the main save. I spied a familiar blonde bob and black dress through the archway on to the balcony at the front of the restaurant. I also instantly noted that the man she was with was not her husband.https://i.imgur.com/EvoPlZ3.png
I sat there for a minute or two with my jaw hanging open and the game still paused. What was Danielle's mom Jennifer doing there with Marcus Flex? I should have left the camera on them and unpaused the game to see what was actually happening. I got impatient to see, so I switched to her household but that interrupted their conversation, dinner, tryst, whatever was going on. They had only the most minute sliver of green in their friendship bar and no romance bar at all. I'm 99.9999% sure it was totally innocent...but...the split second I paused the game to have a look around caught them in a pose that could have any number of different explanations. I could have sworn Jennifer and Blake had a faithfulness agreement, but it wasn't showing in their traits panel. I did pull the mod out briefly for a test a few weeks back and then put it back. That might have removed their agreement. And there is no proof they were doing anything even remotely romantic, but there is still that possibility. And her husband was inside dancing merrily, her daughter, daughter-in-law, and two women who've known her their entire lives were downstairs. That would be outrageous even by sims standards to openly cheat in that setting.
This all disappears now that I'm headed back to the main save, but it was a 'things to make you go hmmm' moment.