Forum Discussion

nadysophie's avatar
6 years ago

What about more craftable stuff?

What about more activity tables? I don't get why we don't have a table to make jewellery we have crystals right so why can't we make jewellery and sell it? I really like the wood table and the flower one too its nice to create your own stuff and sell it. It would be nice to have one for jewellery. The jewellery one we could also use the seashells we find in the sand.

Why also not a perfume table? and a thing to make wine? I really liked the wine making in the sims 3
I just like stuff that my sims can create and sell and make stores with.
I would love a candy thing, where I could create candies and sell it. It would also be cool for Valentines day to give chocolate you created.

18 Replies

  • Oh I also thought: for the kids' activity tables or even everyone else: origami. They would be lovely deco items and could be made to fit the smaller slots on shelves as well as sold.

    And also a pottery station. :D (then we could recreate the whole Ghost thing lol)
  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    6 years ago
    I'd not only like Grapes (on Vines) for Vineyards (nectary) and all the trappings.

    • The Press
    • The Racks
    • Nectar Barrels
    • All the canon grape varietals

    And Also

    Olives Trees

    • For Pressing Olive Oil
    • For boiling/canning olives
    • Pizza!
  • I love crafting tables too. I wish we had the toy maker machines we had in Sims 2 Open for business/ It had toys you could not get anywhere else. They were fun to make and the sims kids loved them.

    I also enjoyed making robots in both Sims 2 and 3. It would be fun to make some more for me anyway. Love to see Sentry bots come back to chase trouble makers away. I always had fun with them in Sims 2.
  • @NADYSOPHIE they had the jewelry making in TS3 but sims rarely used it, they don't choose to use it. And when I had sims visit that lot it wasn't that frequented. But it was nice to make jewelry, glassworks and perfume.
  • Yes, I would love this too. I would especially love knitting and embroidery so our sims can make cute little decorations, baby blankets, and clothing to keep warm.
  • userafw's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    I'd love to see crafting options on the default blob of clay - like the ability to actually make it into a vase or a sculpture as opposed to what we have now - a squeeze toy. Making scrapbooks would be a great creative outlet and way to implement a better working memory system. What we have now lumps all screenshots from all saves into one folder and doesn't distinguish between saves, and doesn't distinguish between households unless specific Sims are tagged.
  • alan650's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    I love crafting options so much too! I DESPERATELY hope we get a game pack soon that focuses on just hobbies! It could bring back the hobby enthusiasm system from Sims 2. We could have the pack be full of fleshed out skills such as toy making, sculpting, nectar making, martial arts, and candy making? They could throw in some new activity stations for kids and parents to be able to do together. You could finally add ability to teach kids how to cook and other things where you have older mentor teaching a younger child a talent. It would be amazing. It would not require a new world and the developers could solely focus on the skills!!
  • Wine Making
    Beer Making
    Someday I hope Archery comes into Play and link it to woodworking, to craft bows and arrows.
    We got Get Famous and the ability to act out sword fights, and Get Together has armor but now that we have magic and Mages. Now, I want Knights.Blacksmithing, craft Swords, Maces, Daggers. Not saying sims have to die in fights, maybe just surrender to the other sim.
    Sculpting would be cool. omg all the statues, busts I can create to memorialize my sims.

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