4 years ago
Where are Gameplay Kits?
So I was on board with the idea of kits for the gameplay aspect. Yeah, Bust the Dust was sort of a bust, but I was hoping for a learn from mistakes and move on type thing. But it seems like they've just stopped with gameplay kits altogether, which makes me really sad. I'm not a builder or a CAS person, I like to play the game and make stories, so gameplay kits would have helped with that a lot.
Don't get me wrong, I love what they've been doing with some of the CAS and BB kits, bringing in modders and designers and other influential people. I love that it's adding inclusivity to the game also...but I want my gameplay LOL!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I love what they've been doing with some of the CAS and BB kits, bringing in modders and designers and other influential people. I love that it's adding inclusivity to the game also...but I want my gameplay LOL!!!!