9 years agoSeasoned Ace
Who Wants To Be A Superhero 10 Gen Challenge (DC Comics editions)
You think you have what it takes to be a superhero...ok how about just playing a superhero on tv (or in the Sims). Well then this is the challenge for you. Based on the popular legacy challenge, this challenge mixes in a little bit of the comic book world for all those true superheroes at heart. Bring out your inner brooding loner as Batman, your too good to be true attitude as Superman and your warrior princess as Wonder Woman. Don't worry there's a lot more superheroes where that came from.
To start choose any size lot you want, bulldoze it and use a money cheat to bring your funds down to 5000 simoleons (hey Batman is a billionaire we need to give him some money to start). Each generation has a set of rules that I feel embody the character you're playing that generation. As for how you choose your heir that's totally up to how you want to play. There's no point system or anything. This challenge is just a fun way to incorporate your love of comics into the Sim world.
I've just started playing this challenge (I plan on doing a Lets Play following my experience) so there may be some kinks to work out. If you have any suggestions I'm open to hear it. Also I'd love to see or hear from anybody who decides to try out this challenge. Feel free to post your superheroes on this thread along with their families and home and whatever you want. I will put a list in the second post with a list of everyone playing this challenge. I can also link there if you decide to write a story or do a let's play with this challenge.
Now let's get to the challenge :)
(all the excerpts for the characters were from DC database online)
Generation 1: BATMAN (Bruce Wayne)
Batman is proof you don’t need superpowers to be a superhero… and the poster boy for what a bad childhood can do to you.
- loner trait
- must create man cave in basement that only he may enter
- must hire a maid/butler (If you choose butler you may create him in CAS and move them in. They must do all the cooking and cleaning. You can not play with that character besides those actions.)
- adopt 4 children
- cannot marry until an elder
Generation 2: SUPERMAN (Clark Kent)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Superman has super-everything—strength, speed, flight, invulnerability as well as his renowned X-ray and heat vision. The most powerful being on the planet, his amazing abilities are also a melancholy reminder of how different he is from the people he’s dedicated to protect.
- good trait
- must wear a disguise when outside his house (change of hair, glasses, etc.)
- cannot invite anyone over to his house
- join writer career
- must visit Sixam before he's an elder
Generation 3: WONDER WOMAN (Diana Prince)
begins when she turns into a teenager
Torn between a mission to promote peace and her own warrior upbringing, Wonder Woman fights evil while hoping to unlock the potential of a humanity she doesn’t always understand.
- self assured trait
- cannot interact with any male Sims (including father and brothers) until young adult
- must workout everyday
- cannot do any house work (cleaning cooking)
- must be the founder of a club
Generation 4: AQUAMAN (Arthur Curry)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Caught between a surface world constantly ravaging the sea and Atlanteans looking to lash out in revolt, he’s committed to protecting the entire globe.
- must swim for an hour each day
- marry a redhead
- have a son who is a junior
- have at least one enemy
- can never eat any meal with fish in it
Generation 5: THE FLASH (Barry Allen)
begins when he turns into a teenager
Barry receives super-speed, becoming the Flash. Now, he’ll race up buildings, across oceans, and around the world to get his man—while getting introduced to a world so much bigger than his old life of microscopes and cold cases.
- geek trait
- must earn speedy cleaner reward
- scientist career
- must either run on treadmill or jog each day
- must leave household when he turns into an adult, can come back when he's an elder
Generation 6: GREEN LANTERN (Hal Jordan)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Being a Green Lantern means facing your fears, and for headstrong Hal Jordan, that’s something he’s been avoiding his whole life. He’ll learn the only way to truly master his ring’s power is by confronting and overcoming his fears.
- must never wear yellow
- marry an alien
- astronaut career
- join a club
- must fly rocket ship before he's an elder
Generation 7: MARTIAN MANHUNTER (J'onn J'onzz)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Shaped by tragedy and driven by a desire to prevent his planet’s fate from happening to Earth, Martian Manhunter continues to prove that there’s much we can learn from this uniquely human hero.
- must be an alien
- max out at least 2 skills
- have a daughter
- must change his appearance (hair color facial hair etc) every other day
- can not ignite any type of fire (fireplace, fire pit or stove)
Generation 8: GREEN ARROW (Oliver Queen)
begins when he turns into a young adult
A modern-day Robin Hood, he constantly fights for the little guy as a crusading symbol for revolution. He's a testament to what it takes for someone to answer that wake-up call, change their ways, and fly straight as an arrow.
- Camp out for 1 week/7 sim days (preferably in Granite Falls if available)
- have a one night stand that results in a child (can not raise that child)
- must date at least 3 other Sims before settling down
- must own and play darts everyday
- can never go swimming
Generation 9: BLACK CANARY (Dinah Lance)
begins when she turns into a young adult
Driven to protect the streets and keep citizens safe in whatever city she calls home, Dinah has a fighter's spirit and determination. Her ultrasonic scream isn't the only ability that sets her apart as Black Canary, but it is her verbal calling card.
- hot headed trait
- must do all the gardening on the lot
- entertainer career
- must marry a sim older then her
- must incorporate fishnets into her everyday outfit
Generation 10: BAT GIRL (Barbara Gordon)
begins when she turns into a teenager
A prodigy ahead of her time? Check. Fought toe-to-toe with Gotham’s most unsavory? Double-check. But Gotham’s criminals are a ruthless and maniacal lot, and every moment she risks her neck means dancing closer to death.
- overprotective father, not allowed out after dark
- must have teenage love but may not marry them
- cannot open the door for any males
- must max programming skill
- must have 2 friends that are female
HAWKGIRL/HAWKMAN (Shayera Hol/Carter Hall)
begins when she/he turns into a teenager
Cursed to fall in love only to lose each other is the story of Hawkgirl and Hawkman. However no matter how many times they are separated, they always find each other. That's a love for the ages.
- jealous trait
- may only have one love throughout life but must break up with them at each life stage only to get back together (when elder my stay together)
- must collect 5 rare items
- must have a son
- must research on the computer everyday
ORACLE - (Barbara Gordon) instead of Batgirl
begins when she turns into a young adult
Being the primary computer expert and information network source for the Superhero Community doesn't come easy. Oracle however can do it in her sleep. Its the job of daily living that she finds hard.
- non committal trait
- computer tech career
- practice programming for an hour each day
- form a group with only female members
- must be sitting 90% of the time
NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson)
begins when he turns into a young adult
His code, like his mentor’s, is simple—if you’re breaking the law on his turf, watch out. But for all the good he’s accomplished, without going as far as Batman, can Nightwing be as effective as he ultimately wants to be?
- must have at least 5 friends
- secret agent career
- workout each day
- date an alien
- go out every night
You think you have what it takes to be a superhero...ok how about just playing a superhero on tv (or in the Sims). Well then this is the challenge for you. Based on the popular legacy challenge, this challenge mixes in a little bit of the comic book world for all those true superheroes at heart. Bring out your inner brooding loner as Batman, your too good to be true attitude as Superman and your warrior princess as Wonder Woman. Don't worry there's a lot more superheroes where that came from.
To start choose any size lot you want, bulldoze it and use a money cheat to bring your funds down to 5000 simoleons (hey Batman is a billionaire we need to give him some money to start). Each generation has a set of rules that I feel embody the character you're playing that generation. As for how you choose your heir that's totally up to how you want to play. There's no point system or anything. This challenge is just a fun way to incorporate your love of comics into the Sim world.
I've just started playing this challenge (I plan on doing a Lets Play following my experience) so there may be some kinks to work out. If you have any suggestions I'm open to hear it. Also I'd love to see or hear from anybody who decides to try out this challenge. Feel free to post your superheroes on this thread along with their families and home and whatever you want. I will put a list in the second post with a list of everyone playing this challenge. I can also link there if you decide to write a story or do a let's play with this challenge.
Now let's get to the challenge :)
(all the excerpts for the characters were from DC database online)
Generation 1: BATMAN (Bruce Wayne)
Batman is proof you don’t need superpowers to be a superhero… and the poster boy for what a bad childhood can do to you.
- loner trait
- must create man cave in basement that only he may enter
- must hire a maid/butler (If you choose butler you may create him in CAS and move them in. They must do all the cooking and cleaning. You can not play with that character besides those actions.)
- adopt 4 children
- cannot marry until an elder
Generation 2: SUPERMAN (Clark Kent)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Superman has super-everything—strength, speed, flight, invulnerability as well as his renowned X-ray and heat vision. The most powerful being on the planet, his amazing abilities are also a melancholy reminder of how different he is from the people he’s dedicated to protect.
- good trait
- must wear a disguise when outside his house (change of hair, glasses, etc.)
- cannot invite anyone over to his house
- join writer career
- must visit Sixam before he's an elder
Generation 3: WONDER WOMAN (Diana Prince)
begins when she turns into a teenager
Torn between a mission to promote peace and her own warrior upbringing, Wonder Woman fights evil while hoping to unlock the potential of a humanity she doesn’t always understand.
- self assured trait
- cannot interact with any male Sims (including father and brothers) until young adult
- must workout everyday
- cannot do any house work (cleaning cooking)
- must be the founder of a club
Generation 4: AQUAMAN (Arthur Curry)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Caught between a surface world constantly ravaging the sea and Atlanteans looking to lash out in revolt, he’s committed to protecting the entire globe.
- must swim for an hour each day
- marry a redhead
- have a son who is a junior
- have at least one enemy
- can never eat any meal with fish in it
Generation 5: THE FLASH (Barry Allen)
begins when he turns into a teenager
Barry receives super-speed, becoming the Flash. Now, he’ll race up buildings, across oceans, and around the world to get his man—while getting introduced to a world so much bigger than his old life of microscopes and cold cases.
- geek trait
- must earn speedy cleaner reward
- scientist career
- must either run on treadmill or jog each day
- must leave household when he turns into an adult, can come back when he's an elder
Generation 6: GREEN LANTERN (Hal Jordan)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Being a Green Lantern means facing your fears, and for headstrong Hal Jordan, that’s something he’s been avoiding his whole life. He’ll learn the only way to truly master his ring’s power is by confronting and overcoming his fears.
- must never wear yellow
- marry an alien
- astronaut career
- join a club
- must fly rocket ship before he's an elder
Generation 7: MARTIAN MANHUNTER (J'onn J'onzz)
begins when he turns into a young adult
Shaped by tragedy and driven by a desire to prevent his planet’s fate from happening to Earth, Martian Manhunter continues to prove that there’s much we can learn from this uniquely human hero.
- must be an alien
- max out at least 2 skills
- have a daughter
- must change his appearance (hair color facial hair etc) every other day
- can not ignite any type of fire (fireplace, fire pit or stove)
Generation 8: GREEN ARROW (Oliver Queen)
begins when he turns into a young adult
A modern-day Robin Hood, he constantly fights for the little guy as a crusading symbol for revolution. He's a testament to what it takes for someone to answer that wake-up call, change their ways, and fly straight as an arrow.
- Camp out for 1 week/7 sim days (preferably in Granite Falls if available)
- have a one night stand that results in a child (can not raise that child)
- must date at least 3 other Sims before settling down
- must own and play darts everyday
- can never go swimming
Generation 9: BLACK CANARY (Dinah Lance)
begins when she turns into a young adult
Driven to protect the streets and keep citizens safe in whatever city she calls home, Dinah has a fighter's spirit and determination. Her ultrasonic scream isn't the only ability that sets her apart as Black Canary, but it is her verbal calling card.
- hot headed trait
- must do all the gardening on the lot
- entertainer career
- must marry a sim older then her
- must incorporate fishnets into her everyday outfit
Generation 10: BAT GIRL (Barbara Gordon)
begins when she turns into a teenager
A prodigy ahead of her time? Check. Fought toe-to-toe with Gotham’s most unsavory? Double-check. But Gotham’s criminals are a ruthless and maniacal lot, and every moment she risks her neck means dancing closer to death.
- overprotective father, not allowed out after dark
- must have teenage love but may not marry them
- cannot open the door for any males
- must max programming skill
- must have 2 friends that are female
HAWKGIRL/HAWKMAN (Shayera Hol/Carter Hall)
begins when she/he turns into a teenager
Cursed to fall in love only to lose each other is the story of Hawkgirl and Hawkman. However no matter how many times they are separated, they always find each other. That's a love for the ages.
- jealous trait
- may only have one love throughout life but must break up with them at each life stage only to get back together (when elder my stay together)
- must collect 5 rare items
- must have a son
- must research on the computer everyday
ORACLE - (Barbara Gordon) instead of Batgirl
begins when she turns into a young adult
Being the primary computer expert and information network source for the Superhero Community doesn't come easy. Oracle however can do it in her sleep. Its the job of daily living that she finds hard.
- non committal trait
- computer tech career
- practice programming for an hour each day
- form a group with only female members
- must be sitting 90% of the time
NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson)
begins when he turns into a young adult
His code, like his mentor’s, is simple—if you’re breaking the law on his turf, watch out. But for all the good he’s accomplished, without going as far as Batman, can Nightwing be as effective as he ultimately wants to be?
- must have at least 5 friends
- secret agent career
- workout each day
- date an alien
- go out every night