I never had a problem with cars in previous games, but now realize how much car travel and the open, but closed off, world limited my gameplay in TS3. I spent way too much time watching my sim run up a hill to a road, get into his car/taxi, drive to his destination, spend a few minutes there, then repeat the process to go home. Loading screens are actually a faster way to get on with my story, for me. Drivable cars make sense in an open world, but we don’t even have open neighborhoods in TS4. Sometimes, you have to go through a loading screen to get across the street. Plus, with the ability to travel between worlds in TS4, drivable cars would seem to be unrealistic at times. I mean, if you’re traveling from Willow Creek to Sulani, are you really going to drive there, or would you be taking a boat or plane? I also think some world aesthetics are more appealing without a lot of cars and the trappings of ultra modern life, like Sulani, Selvadorada, and HoB. Now if we could just ramp down that cell phone use, as well!
It seems to me that fully drivable cars would require a major revamp of the game, or would be so limited that they’re useless. If they are just parked in your driveway with a driving animation before a loading screen, that’s fine, but I would feel it’s unnecessary. Interactive parked car objects would be less disruptive to our games, but I doubt that would satisfy many car enthusiasts. For those who want them, I hope EA finds a way to give them cars that won’t change the overall game too much. And, if they do implement them, I hope they’re in a travel type pack of their own, and not part of a base game update. I like my game just fine without them.