Recent Discussions
Even horses have more shades... New Hair Color Swatches in 2025????????
Since we won't get sims 5 and sims 4 will stay for years. When we will get new hair colors? What you guys think? Even horses have more shades for hair... Also they need to update hair genetics. Black haired parent can have dark brown haired children, light brown haired parent can have dark blonde haired children etc.cebmarin10 seconds agoSeasoned Veteran226Views11likes15CommentsLaw Enforcement Career that not a detective
now that we have burglars in the base game how about adding a swat officer branch and forensic analyst branch and i have get to work for detective career the forensic analyst is to complex for a detective to do and swat officer is for actionTheSimsWars4 hours agoSeasoned Rookie70Views4likes7CommentsThe Sims 4 Ideas
CAS System Make it intelligently create Sims through facial and voiceprint recognition. Make it a discontinuous voice slider (mid-value can be taken). Cancel Simlish and make it a variety of real languages, such as Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, etc. Add more interpersonal titles in family tree, such as uncle, aunt, cousin, father-in-law, brother-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, etc. Aging System Make it eight life stages: baby stage lasts 7 days (newborn stage lasts 1 day, infant stage lasts 2 days, toddler stage lasts 4 days), child stage lasts 7 days, teen stage lasts 14 days, young adult stage lasts 28 days, adult stage lasts 28 days, elder stage lasts 28 days. It is a total of 112 days. Each stage has at most three Zodiac Traits. The baby stage has only one Acquired Trait, the child stage has two Acquired Traits, the other stages have three Acquired Traits. Trait System Make it two types of traits: Zodiac Traits and Acquired Traits. The Zodiac Traits can be further divided into three parts, please refer to The Sims 4 Zodiac Traits. Make it a series of The Sims 2 style systems, such as primary and secondary aspirations, slot machine style wants and fears with the meter, good and bad memories, etc. Make each memory have a detailed date. Society System Make it three stages of society: Present Society, Future Society, Ancient Society. Make a world map with displaying year and month, make one year be 28 days, make one month be 2 days and 8 hours. After every 112 days, the game changes the stage of current society automatically and cycles infinitely. Make six continents in the world map. For Ancient Society, make nine countries in Asia, they're Jin (晉) in the northwest, Yan (燕) in the north, Ancient Korea in the northeast, Qin (秦) in the west, Zhou (周) in the middle, Qi (齊) in the east, Ancient Vietnam in the southwest, Chu (楚) in the south, and Ancient Japan in the southeast. Weather System Make more types of wind: Level 0 is for no wind, Level 1 for gentle wind, Level 2 for strong wind, Level 3 for typhoon. Make petals fall in spring and leaves in autumn, like rain and snow. Make it an open world, or not. If it is an open world, make it not The Truman Show. Action System Make Sims have more actions, such as dressing and undressing; opening doors and windows and closing them; taking out dishes, mugs, pans and condiment bottles from cupboards, toothbrushes from cups, umbrellas from umbrella racks, clothes and socks from wardrobes, shoes from shoe cabinet, and putting back them, etc. Sims can take pillows and sheets out of the closet and put them on the ground to sleep and bring them back to the closet, and they can wash and dry them. Cats and birds can walk and sleep on walls. Driving System Players can drive vehicles. Driver Sims can pick up and drop off other Sims. Make vehicles of different capacities accommodate different numbers of Sims. Make traffic accidents allowed. Give Sims the opportunity to fall and be injured from a height. Make ambulances, paramedics, wheelchairs and disabled Sims. Make sick Sims go to hospitals. If it is an infectious disease, Sims can infect each other. Doctor Sims can treat and perform surgeries. Make four types of blood type traits for Sims, or not. Justice System Give Sims and events the opportunity to add or change the Acquired Traits of other Sims. Make Sims get skill points by reading, having classes and doing homeworks, etc. Make 1st language and maths classes compulsory in kindergartens, make 1st language, 2nd language and maths classes compulsory in primary and middle schools, make 3rd language and other courses optional in universities except major. Make the number of languages which Sims speak as many as the number of languages supported by The Sims 4. Make 1st language be English. Make 2nd language and 3rd language selectable, such as Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, etc. Sims who can speak foreign languages can communicate with foreign Sims. Sims can sue other Sims. Build System Add half-tile walls and platforms, walls and platforms with a height of 0.125 times, walls and platforms hanging down from the ceiling, buildable prominent window sills, vertical sloping walls and platforms (22.5 degree per rotation), rain gutters, more styles of single-tile sliding doors and functions of rotating objects horizontally and vertically in a discontinuous manner (22.5 degree per rotation). 0 Rabbit Holes Don't make any rabbit holes, such as tree houses, public toilets, tramcars, primary schools and all jobs. Make the interiors of subways, ships, planes, subway stations, seaports and airports visible. Make it at least three classrooms in kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools and universities; the school area can be built as freely as other areas. Add new careers for manga artists, voice actors and publishing houses. Make weekly magazines and manga tankobons published; TV dramas, movies, cartoons, MTVs and commercials can be filmed and shown; games can be developed and sold; related consoles and arcades can be played. Objects and Houses Add cabinets in which there are wooden boards engraved with the names of deceased ancestors, foods, drinks, a metal bowl, a candlestick, an incense burner, etc. Sims can offer foods and drinks, light the candle, burn some incense and knock on the metal bowl for their deceased ancestors. Sims can put the wooden boards, foods and drinks in the cabinets or take off them or change them. Add more styles of wind bells, usable telephones, usable hand fans and desk fans. Allow more kinds of objects, like TVs, to be placed on various tables and floors. Make acuum cleaners, brooms, dustpans, mops, buckets, napkins, feather dusters, washing machines and drying racks in the base game. Make houses and clothes more and more dirty after some time even without buying acuum cleaners and washing machines. Make the appearance of a house that is not inhabited for a long time become older and older. Others Except premade households, don't make it automatically generate citizens or NPCs, even if NPC may be not enough. Canceling the cheat system makes the game more fun. Make it The Sims Home Edition for players who don't need cheats and The Sims Professional Edition for players who do need cheats. Cancel the function of easily transferring funds and family members between families. Make players cannot switch family members easily after entering a household. Quit asking players, make us must go to work and school personally with the currently controlled Sim. Cancel the outlines around Sims and objects when the mouse pointer points to them. Make it no longer cause mutual penetration and superposition between Sims. In life mode, expand the first person perspective based on the room size as soon as we enter a room and cancel the wall cutting, while build mode is not affected by this. Don't make any unusable decorations, make smart-phones and calendars be usable objects. Make bookshelves and refrigerators empty to place books and foods one by one. Give Sims the opportunity to have dreams when they fall asleep. Sims can hold funerals. Don't make Sims age continuously in a short period of time by blowing candles on their birthday cakes. Real Estate and Home Design System Add new careers for real estate agents and home design personnels. Add Italian minimalist style, etc. Add folding doors. Allow doors, windows, beds, tables, sofas, cabinets, TVs, refrigerators, ovens, washing machines, etc. to be freely adjusted in size. Add ceiling mounted air conditioners and split air conditioners. Securities Market and Banking System Companies can go public. The stock market can be long or short. Buying a second-hand house and renovating it can be done with a loan. For the previous post, please refer to here.140Views0likes4Comments- TheDreamyWriter6 hours agoRising Ace89Views6likes10Comments
Pets Rant and the Thief
This is sort of a 2 part-er, but do have something to do with the recent update and upcoming pack. I am only interested in the pack due to the cross compat ability it's offering and it got me thinking.. Pet-Pet interactions are very poor. What do I mean? Pets themselves don't feel very alive without their sims. There's no emotional cutesy bond or chaos between the pets themselves. If my sims leaves the lot, they sleep, if sims sleep, they sleep. Dogs never adventure out like cats, and while cat animations are hilariously spot on-dogs ironically the ones that are lacking considering cats 'almost didn't make it'. My pets overall dont seem to be having actual relationships with one another besides the once in a blue moon meow-or bark chatter. If im lucky they might do a little nuzzle. IF im lucky. Parent pets don't really care to keep close, teach them to take baths [cats] or in general just...couldn't really care less or have any special bonding moments? The moment I've looked to take notice, I realized what little interactions we do have? are too rare to the point I didn't even realize some were a thing. I like that horses and foals have the nursing ability and not sure why that couldn't apply to dogs or cats, or again-to have some parental bonding animations/interactions bc kittens and puppies are useless [bc management figured eh why put effort] But even there-the ball dropped. Any Mare can nurse any foal and I find it strange because if that foal grows up and breeds the mare that's a tad awkward to breed a 'stand in mother' sort of thing. But that's a nitpick and ill take any cute bonding i suppose. Besides nursing, mares and foals don't really care about each other as well though? I know some players are glad that the foal no longer gets that moodlet where they're upset to be away from mom and vise versa from sims 3, but again-it feels as if they just don't care about one another unless they need milk and once they're able to eat actual food they really don't interact as much as they should/could. Correct me if I'm wrong [and i hope i am] But I'm really hoping to have some form of pet reaction/interaction with the burglar like you could in Sims 3 Pets [as of writing I have not tried the latest update but didn't find info] Also think its really kinda jank that the burglar is the same person every time.. Overall the pets really need an interaction refresh, it would be awesome to make some cross compats for pets in the dlc's as EA has started to dip back into that, like being able to have pets guard life stock against foxes, or maybe even having the cat scare away the grim reaper [i swear that was a thing in sims 3?] Or even have cats boost witches, help with paranormal activity, engage in competitions etc. It just really doesn't feel right that not a single cat has caused chaos at 3 am in the sims because that is strictly cat behavior 😅 TLDR; PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, refresh the pets. Give purpose to the 40 dollar pack compatibility of 'pet cafes' If anyone takes the time to read this, id really love to hear ideas on how to make pets more fun/chaotic with different interactions [both with sims, together or solo] for dogs, cats and any other animal in a sims life as well as kittens and pups or even ideas on some cross pack interactions. [And/or explain your experiences with pets/let me know im wrong etc]28Views4likes2CommentsPlease give rentals the apartment shaders
Now the apartment shaders are fixed it would be great for rentals to get the same ones, its very distracting for gameplay with walls and floors being visible When visting as a landlord it looks like this which is the apartment shaders minus the ceilings, walls and floors arent rendered, which would be amazing if actually implemented: Vs Rentals in Normal Gameplay: And Apartments post patch 1.109.185gooochyeee8 hours agoSeasoned Ace2.8KViews87likes19CommentsZoomed in closer on faces/Zoom on accessory
I'm pretty sure this was an intended change with the new update, but in CAS when you click on a sim's head the game zooms in on it much more than it did pre-update (max zoom). I was wondering if there is any option to revert it back to the state before the last update, since this is a bit too much of a zoom for my liking. Thank you in advance! Before the update: After the update: Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title-IEndrjuI-9 hours agoRising Traveler794Views31likes16CommentsBring Back Residential Elevators
I remember in Sims past, there used to be elevators purchasable in build mode in addition to stairs. I would like to see this come back to the Sims4 as some of my posh, upper class sims simply hate the stair or ladders only options.Hackdontwork9 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer5Views2likes1CommentUpgradable Beds, hear me out!
Nearly every bed we get has pretty poor sleep stats and let's be real the better sleep beds don't always fit the aesthetic you want to design your builds with. My idea is that beds can be upgradable, silky sheets, increased firmness, adjustable mattresses, vibration, etc... each upgrade wouldn't change the aesthetic but would give you better sleep and comfort stats which is what we all really want! Thanks for reading, off to play Sims8Views2likes1CommentExpandable build catalogue and more CAS colums
As someone who owns every pack for The Sims 4, it's becoming increasingly more frustrating to look through the build and buy catalogue when you can only see two rows of items at a time, especially when looking for decorations. In previous Sims games there was an option to expand the catalgue, to see more items and it was very helpful: And while we're on the topic of expanding UI, I would love some kind of official options to set CAS colums to 3 or 4, so that I could stop using the mod. Scrolling through clothing with only two colums is a nightmare.7Views2likes0CommentsMake all notifications optional
The new Businesses and Hobbies pack is giving players the option to choose which events happening within the world of Nordhaven they want to be notified of. As a player that owns all the packs and kits that have been released, and as someone planning on buying B&H upon release, I propose that all in-game notifications be optional, especially when it comes to events that appear in the calendar. The flood of notifications that are irrelevant to certain household disrupts gameplay and makes the calendar bloated almost unusable, because all important and relevant information is buried under irrelevant information. I'm aware that there is an option to filter the contents, but I consider the option to fully opt out of receiving notifications and certain events in your calendar to be a much more efficient and customizable option. This pertains to City Living festivals, High School Years school events and so on. Please implement this new system to all previous packs!emmaenoora10 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer17Views3likes1Commenthobbies refresh and foraging system
With the new EP soon to be released, I think it would be interesting if there was a refresh of existing hobbies, new hobbies, and the implementation of a foraging system. Here are my suggestions. Foraging system: allows sims to forage new types of crafting materials from world objects such as trees, plants, rocks, beaches, and dig mounds to be used as optional ingredients for various hobbies. Ingredients to include sticks, branches, logs, sand, plant resin, clay, seashells, and plant fibers. Add crafting recipes for nails, glue, hinges, doorknobs, etc to various crafting stations/appliances. Woodworking: currently sims can craft some decor, instruments, and small furniture pieces. However, I'd like to actually be able to furnish an item house with items crafted on the woodworking station. Add new recipes such as craftable beds/bedframes, coffee tables, kitchen counters, etc. Make recipes compatible with new foraged ingredients. Pottery (B&H): recipes seem fine so far. Add compatibility with new foraged ingredients. Flower arranging: currently sims can craft bouquets using flower harvestables. I'd also like sims to be able to craft other items such as wreathes (can be placed on doors), corsages (for HSY prom), and ikebana arrangements. Vet crafting station: currently sims can craft medicines and treats for cats and dogs. However, I wouldn't mind if compatibility was added to allow sims to craft horse treats and use harvestables (such as cat **bleep** plants). That way if you didn't want to be a vet and instead wanted to have a pet goods store, you could make money simply from crafted treats and medicines. Additionally, since sims can cook pet food, it would be nice if the cooking system was updated to allow sims to cook multi - serving meals that could be stored for later and sold at small business venues. Robotics crafting station: currently servos and bots are the main items that can be crafted, along with a few toys. However, I think it'd be nice if there was a larger range of RC toys and drones that could be crafted. This way players could run a toy store business. Especially since servos and bots can't be sold as retail items. Make robotics crafting parts more affordable to craft. The juice fizzing station, candle making station, and fabricator are fine as is. Though dyes should be made craftable. Gemology crafting station: the current selection of jewelry is so - so, since you can only create edwardian style pieces. EA should expand the style of jewelry that can be crafted. Nectar maker and herbalism recipes are fine as is. Though the nectar storage rack should be added to the woodworking station as a crafting recipe. Small appliances: various appliances such as the ice cream maker, popcorn maker, and candy maker (B&H) should be compatible with fresh and prepped ingredients. Also add new harvestables like corn. Also add a less ugly and gigantic cupcake factory appliance. Add glass blowing hobby: players have been awaiting the return of glass blowing. Sand can be foraged and used as an optional ingredient. Add blacksmithing hobby: I would like to see this hobby because it allows players to have access to historical gameplay content and there would be a lot of nice things that could be crafted such as useable weapons and armors, decorative weapons and shields, sims could also design a family crest and pass it on like an heirloom. Add sewing/weaving hobby: I've seen many posts in the forums asking for a sewing machine crafting appliance so sims can craft clothes and other items. This would be the perfect item for a small business. Sims could make clothes, curtains, tablecloths, throw pillows, etc. Sims can forage for plant fibers and weave fabrics on a loom (optional ingredients for sewing). Wicker weaving would be an interesting hobby as well. Sims could weave rugs, baskets, hanging planters, laundry hampers, shoes, totes, etc and sell them. Knitting/cross stitching hobby: add additional kitting recipes (sweater dress, hats, scarves, pot holders, etc) and make them compatible with retail stores/small business venues. Expand cross stitching into a full embroidery hobby. Sims can embroider/monogram clothes, handkerchiefs, tablecloths, etc (any item made on the sewing machine) and sell the items for an additional price.pandacookiesims12 hours agoSeasoned Veteran7Views0likes0CommentsRestaurant and Vet.
With the release of the Hobbies and Business and the new option of small business and having the ability to live on it. I’m hoping in the LIVESTREAM they go over this and hope this will be cross-pack gameplay. From the list it doesn’t say, so I’m hoping a refresh of those two venues (in my title) if not coming with a cross-pack play. I would love the ability to run a Restaurant or a Veterinary clinic on a home lot. Now with the feature of making rooms “residential” or “employee only” etc etc. It’s possible but I get the feeling because it’s not a “small business” you would have to still travel to those lots/businesses you own. I put this on the questions because I’m hoping maybe a dev could answer if we will have the ability to have a Restaurant/Vet or whatever pre-existing business besides maybe retail as a home lot now and not have to travel to your business.sarahsleepy13 hours agoRising Rookie28Views0likes1CommentSending sims without following them
I would love to have an option whenever is sim going somewhere to either follow him or send him alone. Same logic option as with active jobs or high school but for more/majority of activities. Like proms, vets, skying, when sims are invited by a friend or by a club, etc.… When I have multiple sims in household I would like all of them to have full life and go outside but in the same time I don’t want to do to proms or some other activity over and over again. Sometimes I would just rather focus on the household. I believe that sim’s interaction and results can be pretty well calculated even without my participation. There’s always the option to change active sim as a workaround, but I would like to avoid those loading screens and send my sims alone :)lordpilous14 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer13Views0likes0CommentsFeedback/suggestions For The Sims 4
Hello! So I've been playing The Sims 4 on my Mac for a while now, a bit after it came out, and I currently own every expansion pack and stuff pack. I am such a huge fan, but I think, especially with the new Toddler update out, that there can be some really easy improvements to the game. I'm new to this forum so if I put this in the wrong area or something, I'm really sorry! I'm not trying to mislead anybody or create spam, but I just thought it would be fun to put some ideas out there! So one thing I've wanted since the update came out was the ability to interact with Toddlers in more ways. For example, I really want to be able to hold Toddlers without the instant (and unremovable) action to put him/her down. This becomes tedious because I like the thought of my parent sim talking to another person while holding the Toddler at the same time. This is more realistic and really cute! I also want to be able to sit on a couch or in a chair with a toddler in my arms, or to be able to have a toddler snuggle up to my sim while he/she is sleeping or napping on a couch, lounge chair, or bed. I want to have more food options for the toddlers and some new furniture for the Toddler sort as well - I think that would make decorating a lot easier. Also, I would love more hair and clothes! That's all, and I know that's a lot, but there are some pretty cute suggestions in there that I think would definitely make the game more interesting. Please take a look if you can! Once again, I'm really sorry if I put this in a wrong place or did something else wrong - it's only because I've never done this before. Have a super awesome day! Happy simming!16KViews9likes59CommentsQuestion? How will B&H EP work when no Businesses work in game currently?
I wanna be super excited for this pack on Thursday.... but how can I honestly be? I haven't posted I don't think once in the Sims 4 era. Maybe I'm wrong. I joined 4 in 2020, hate it has no cars, but loving the game, more and more over the last couple years actually. Yet, 9 years later they are releasing an actual business EP and ignoring the old one? I spent days of my life building businesses in my game for my gameplay and none of them work unless they aren't actually owned by a household. Then the glitch with owned venues doesn't seem to cause a problem. This includes rental properties. Yeah, we can rent them as a unit and enjoy them but that whole property owner thing doesn't work now. And restaurants, and clinics.... So while this pack is so exciting... how is it going to work? LOL that's my actual question. Like actually how does it work if none of the other owned businesses work? We all know the influencers are posting videos of BG + B&H so of course its going to look like it works perfect. Until we add that pack to the other 77 packs in the game. I would love for a Sim Guru or a vet poster or EA Defender to explain it to me like I haven't played the Sims for 25 years now :) Also, where can I direct this concern to an actual EA employee? I just wanna know how a pack that has a feature in game that doesn't work currently is gonna work? I just really am so fascinated by this. I had assumed they'd fix this issue for the last patch.Conclue18 hours agoRising Vanguard27Views2likes0CommentsWant to turn off Romantic satisfaction
Lovestruck made my sims (and me as well) very unsatisfied... 😞 You just playing your game, trying to do some things, make some money, grow roses, KIDS, get promotion and all of this staff... And you don't really want to pay TOO MUCH attention to your relationship, so your sims annoys you with all of these sad moods from an unsatisfying relationship. Absolutely HATE this. I turned off auto break up, but it's still annoying. If they don't live together and haven't seen each other for a bit, their relationship bar just fades... Like.. why? You don't stop loving a person if you haven't kissed them for a few days!! And this pop-up "If you continue to be mean to me, I will break up with you"... Dude! We didn't even talk!! Maybe it just not my type of gameplay, you know. I don't really care about their relationship this much. This is the very first pack I want to return, but I can't... So, my suggestion is: I don't know if it's possible or not, but I'd like to have the possibility to turn off Romantic Satisfaction completely in game option. I'd make my game way more better.1.9KViews12likes5CommentsExpansion/pack specific burglars?
I think it could be interesting to see unique burglar types added to some expansion or game packs, providing different challenges and being after more specific things in your sims house. Like if you have magical realm, a mage burglar could show up who has a few spells they use during their burglary but isn't a great mage. They are after potions, magic related items and such so might show up if you have such things around the house and not inside sims inventories. These burglars would not steal anything else. Instead of a striped shirt, they could wear a tattered mage robe. Spellcaster sims can duel them. If you have get famous and put the vault in your home, that could attract a master thief with all kinds of gadgets and tricks to help them get past your security. They only have eyes for the vault and can open it with their equipment, to steal everything within it. This would really let you go nuts with security measures which I feel something like that big vault really invites. It would now get an actual use. The master thief will always find a way to open it, but you could upgrade the vault so it does take them longer to open, or they might blow up the door to get inside which would trigger a police response due to, well, the loud explosion! They would disable the security system with a gadget before entering the home. They also have sausages to feed to dogs on the lot that makes them sleepy. They could not be good fighters, but could also have something to disable awake sims for a while. Like a freeze ray or something. They are agile thieves who rely on not being caught and not needing a fight. They could act pretty fast too, they move with purpose. Get famous could maybe also cause an obsessed fan kind of burglar to appear if your sim is famous enough. They can't steal big things, just small things and always steal only one random small thing before running away laughing maniacally. It could even just be a dirty plate. They would be the easiest burglar to take countermeasures against since it's no professional burglar. Get to work could enable the possibility of an alien burglar, if you have a rocket ship your sims have used to go to space with at least once. They could be scanning stuff in the house and take some random thing. Putting down a different kind of alarm or such could however prevent them from ever showing up, it would send out a continuous sound that aliens can't stand. Would also count for any aliens living or visiting the lot, but if there's aliens living on the lot that could also prevent alien burglars from showing up.11Views1like0Comments