Higher Resolution World Maps Needed
I think it's time to upgrade the World Maps to a higher resolution.
On a 27-inch monitor in a 1440p resolution, which is slowly but surely becoming a standard, the world maps look depressingly blurry. There is a great mod from Simmattically who converts the maps to a higher resolution every time a new pack comes out, but should we really rely on a mod to provide such basic functionality for world maps that we look at constantly when playing the game? Besides, modders do not have sufficient tools to upgrade Evergreen Harbor map 100% properly -- the cloud/smog overlays there will always show an ugly rectangular shadow over them, because the tools that are at modders' disposal can't handle that properly.
I really think it's time to upscale the world maps natively by the dev team. I know the game must be optimized in terms of assetts, but I doubt making those maps less blurry in 2025 would singnificantly impact it -- if so, give us the option to use or not use the upscaled versions.
Thank you, and happy simming!