Forum Discussion

Ethromel's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago

Missed Thanatologist Opportunity

1) Can Dead Language be a permanent voice option for a sim, as if to imply they've been completely possessed?

2) Ghost should have gotten the option to hide under a child sim's bed.  Or make doors creak, or turn music on full blast while a sim is sleeping to startle them awake.

3) A thanatologist could have gotten the ability to accelerate the aging of food and sims after they understand and master the macabre.

4) There should be an ability to dare a sim to dance in a grave, and the result be a 50% chance of being cursed.

5) If a sim woohoos in a coffin there should be a chance they develop claustrophobia, or taphophobia.

6) Where is Sanguivoriphobia?

7)  There should be something that are supernatural sims fear or have to ward against.  Thanatologists should get an ability to manipulate the dead.  Meaning they have a chance to make a vampire do their bidding if the vampire isn't strong enough to resist.

8) A Thanatologist should be able to learn how to taint their plasma to burn a vampire's throat that feeds on them to protect themselves.

9) If vampire has acquired all of the vampire powers that they can.  Any extra points they have just sitting in their vampire list should represent how old or powerful that vampire is in terms of age since they points have no use for anything else.  Or the reserved points can be used to strengthen an attempt at something.

10) And Thanatologist should be able to learn how to speak the dead language and use it to strike fear in nearby sims that hear it.  However, the sim that uses dead language continues to strengthen any possible possession even to the point of permanent possession.  The side effect is the sim starts to age faster, and is cursed so the aging can't be cancelled by potion of youth, they gain a intimidating presence like dead aura on some vampires, and they get negatives to romance unless spoken to another sim that also speaks the dead language, because nobody wants to hear them whispering in their ear with that terrifying tone. lol 

Just some ideas.  Thanks for reading. 

2 Replies

  • thornwill's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    2 months ago

    Really liked your ideas, the Vampires crosspack is very smart.

    2) I hope we get those ghost's interactions in base gane since we got nothing new here (just renamed needs) and it'd be a really funny and easy thing to add.

    4) Maybe they didn't add "Dance in a grave" trying not to encourage anyone to do it or see it as a funny thing to do, because of respect to the dead.

    5) We really need a better fears system, including the way we get fears an how they work during gameplay. I'd love to be able to customize my sims fears too, and have a less hysterical reaction from sims.

  • These are good ideas for expanding gameplay.

    I like 9 especially.