Forum Discussion

Simmingal's avatar
4 years ago

Reassigning the CoL roles?

Okay so I mistakenly kicked Sara Scott out of her pub owner role (went to play scott household) and I was wondering if there is way to add her role back to her?

I know there is probably mods but I really don't want to use any mods in this save p_p

sooo :sweat_smile: solutions?
  • I would prefer an option to come up when you play households to ask if you want to reassign thier given roles.
    I.e. You are playing Sara Scott, keep Sara as the pub owner?
  • I've deleted Bar Owners family and The Bar itself in a test save. No new sims with Bar Owner role were generated. So I guess deleting the bar leads to loosing this role completely.
  • If I had to guess, it is another extra hidden trait that you will need a mod to add. Or maybe just the trait cheat if you can figure out what the trait is.
  • One idea that comes to mind is to start up a new game save, and from manage world, save the household to your libary. Do not play. Then from manage world (in your current game save), go into CAS, and change out the sim. You'll need to connect the family ties through CAS. I do it this way for any NPCs that have roles. Or just swap out the whole family from Manage World.
  • Without mods, I would do the latter what @LaBlue0314 suggested.
    There is a mod , tho, but as you said, without mods :)
  • I would like to ask what would happen if you remove the pub? I was kinda planning to turn it into a restaurant.
  • "TS1299;c-17945257" wrote:
    I would like to ask what would happen if you remove the pub? I was kinda planning to turn it into a restaurant.

    I have a feeling that if you remove the pub, she would lose her job, but you most likely will see her fill in some other role.
  • "TS1299;c-17945257" wrote:
    I would like to ask what would happen if you remove the pub? I was kinda planning to turn it into a restaurant.

    Hm, I wonder this too. The bar owner is a role in the quests, so perhaps there will still be a NPC with that title, just wandering about instead of actually being the bar tender? Will you test in a temp save?