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Blast From The Past Week 2 Bug
hey hope you can help me. I play on Windows PC if it matters I am stuck on week 2 of the event. I started the event with 1 household and created another and then added it from the gallery. I connected the new household to Emit by putting them all on 1 lot and getting them to talk. I collected the shards and I got to the point of "show Emit shards of time". I don't have that interaction no matter how many times I re-enter the game or reset either my Sim or Emit. They have like 70% friendship. I have no mods and all packs are legit and so is the base game. what do I do? did anyone experience the same issue?7Views0likes0CommentsBug?
I have For Rent, and it said there was a ghost in one of the units. I go to the unit, and I see I have 7 Hours to complete the event. I went to confront the ghost that was in the yard. Once I did that, it ended the event and told me I did nothing to my rating went down?? I was in the middle of doing it with 7 hours left. Am I doing something wrong?Iamkim_xo31 minutes agoNewcomer18Views0likes1CommentWeird bug on Balcony
I recently remade every appartments in San Myshuno, and I've noticed this weird bug on one balcony in the Fashion District. There is floor exceeding the barrier, and it doesn't match the round curve of the balcony. This is pretty ugly and can't seem to be possible to fix manually. Does EA can do something about this ?TDR-021134 minutes agoRising Newcomer11Views0likes1CommentMissing Worlds
Has anyone recently lost Willow Creek, Oasis Springs and Newcrest worlds? I just downloaded 5 new kits and found these worlds missing when I went to play. I don't know where to go to "repair" my game since trying to go through Origins doesn't seen to be an option. I keep getting an error code when trying to down load Origins.cwfh5836 minutes agoSeasoned Newcomer10Views0likes1CommentChildren unable to learn to ride bike.
My child sims unable to learn to ride a bike. Clicking on the bike doesn’t give the learning option. And when using an adult to teach them to ride it doesn’t pop either. I have tried with mods and without mods in a totally new save after repairing the game and yet it doesn’t work.Lostangele737 minutes agoNew Adventurer12Views0likes1CommentWind Animation
Hi. The wind animation in my game has stopped. All my save files are the same and I've started a new save file, but it's the same for that too. NO WIND. Does anyone know if this is a glitch or some new update to improve performance?allysimfan46 minutes agoNew Novice25Views0likes3CommentsFamily Inventory Dissapears
I am play rotational games in the Sims 4. I have all the expansions except for Growing Together, Eco Lifestyle, and Life and Death. When I started my games things were working fine. Over time when I tried to store things in my families inventories it sounded like they were going in and they just disappeared and are not on the lot. This is happening in all 4 of my games that I'm currently playing. I tried creating a household from scratch and moving them to another world, but the same thing is going on there. Could this be a result of the last game patch. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. I don't want to start with a clean slate. I've played multiple families in the past and this has never happened.Tomsde48 minutes agoNew Adventurer22Views0likes3CommentsBlast from the Past Event Week 2 crashing + incomplete quest items
I did Week 2 of the Blast from the Past Event and the game kept crashing multiple times as I progressed through the quests. Unfortunately, just after I completed all the quests for the week and unlocked the reward objects, the game crashed and I could only open my save at a point where my quests hadn't fully finished yet. And now I have three Time Shards in my inventory I can't interact with at all, since the game considers the quests complete and I can't pick up the quest from the crash. Does anyone know of a way to reset my Event progress so I can start Week 2 all over again and get it right?johnchau9551 minutes agoNew Rookie135Views1like7Comments- mryan10557 minutes agoNewcomer28Views0likes1Comment
Tomarang White world (all saves)
Tomarang also hasn't loaded for me since I got the game. I was able to play it long enough to make 1 property and get a couple tenants but soon after I got a blank white screen whenever I select Tomarang from the Maps screen. Someone advised me to uninstall the pack and reinstall it but I would loose all my progress related to Tomarang so I'm commenting here in case someone finds another work around. (Please note this glitch still occurs for me even when I uninstall all CC and script mods). Thanks! Edit By Crinrict: Split from other thread, Adjusted Titel357Views0likes8CommentsBlast from the past week2 issues
The option to play the Sims archives does not show up for any sim with any computer. The option to research shards of time is blocked by "this sim is locked from using this computer" for all Sims on all computers. I've repaired the game tried different Sims from the same house, the same save and a whole new save.GrvyardGorgeous2 hours agoRising Newcomer31Views0likes3CommentsResidential Rental Maintenance Issue
I keep having an issue where I get called to fix something at the rental houses I have for rent and when I go and fix the actual problem, it says i did not take care of the issue and my rating went down. I literally go as soon as they call so dont waste time and take too long. I keep running into this issue and am unable to fix my tenants issues. Please fix this bugJujush4rp2 hours agoRising Novice11Views0likes1CommentTime Keeps Freezing
My in-game clock keeps freezing at 8:09am on whatever in-game day it is and I can't do anything: I can't change sims or click on anything, can't open a sim's inventory, can't open cas, I can't pause, can't save, can't go to manage worlds. I play with mods and custom content. I removed all my cc and the game would not open (I tried this multiple times). Thing's I've tried to fix the issue: I've repaired the game at least 5x. I removed all my mods and cc. I've deleted the lot I was playing on. I removed cc clothing that I recently added. I played another household (still froze at 8:09am). I deleted my cache. I went back to a previous save. I recovered an old save and time still stopped at 8:09am. I'm at my wits end; please help me.15Views0likes3CommentsDelay when going to cook.
1.112.519.1020 DX 11 Hi Everyone, For a while now I've been having the issue that when my sims go to cook it takes longer for the action to register. Yes I'm a cc/mod player but the attached video is base game and it's starting to get frustrating Any help is much appreciated thank you xxToelessMouse2 hours agoSeasoned Novice4Views0likes1CommentRe: Cannot change Household Relationships when creating a new Sim
I finally downloaded y ts4 after 5 months. I bought 4 PC because each time it completed down; loading I would get, "can't complete, disk full" so I used USB plugins and still, not enough space. finally i buy another pc 4 times ram and memory. all my expansion and game finally downloaded. I go to get my families i have created since beginning and now i can't unite them as a family again it's 3 generations, 8 members each husband and wife not together nor children with their parents. I used cas.fulleditmode and sill no success. not very happy with EA at the moment. I've been a simmer sins ts1 and thought i would be a lifer but with all that's happened, i am doubtful. too much stress and touble can't enjoy the game. Plese HELP!!!!vejai22 hours agoNew Novice1.2KViews0likes5CommentsUniversity Commons Food Stall Issue
So my two Sims who are cousins were at the Commons at UBrite. At first visit the food stall inside worked as usual, then on the 2nd visit and so on, nobody showed up. I figured that the smaller stall outside of the building (selling breads & coffees) took priority of who the vendor manned so the indoor Commons stall lost out. Is there any way to reverse this? I can't pick up the outdoor stall as it's out of bounds, and selling then replacing the indoor food stall didn't work either.ayu_fifi6 hours agoRising Scout18Views0likes1Comment