What does this mean? Error
I have gotten this notification every time I try to play. I have tried everything I know possible to fix this. Any help would be AMAZING...thank you in advance
flowerchild345 This error is a current known issue:
It appears to be mainly (perhaps entirely) related to stuck events on the lot in question, whether it's the lot someone's sims are on currently or one they're traveling to when the error triggers.
There are a few known workarounds. You can change the lot type to generic or residential, which removes any events. You can load a different household and invite the affected sims over, then switch back to them—they should be playable now that they're not on an affected lot. Or you can evict your sims and place them elsewhere, which should kick them to their new house.
This error will likely show up again though, at least until it's patched, so keep backup saves.