Forum Discussion

aodoherty's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

About 'Drain Life Spirit' interaction for vamp

Not sure I'm doing well with this interaction. I created a vampire feeding club as I really don't want to hang around for plasma. I got 3 homeless npc human sims as club member. I used 'compel for a deep drink' and got double minus from other members, so yesterday, I used 'drain life spirit' and didn't get the negative reaction.The problem has happened on the next night. I tried to drink and it says that this sim has recently drained so not able to drink this sim. So I restored his life spirit and then it says,"this sim recently has stored his life spirit so I cannot drink'. Ok so I got it for now. Then next night, I opened the club again, then tried the sim but it still says the same thing and I cannot drink it.

Which one is the best way to drink without negative reaction except for Permission to drink? Or how this drain and restore life spirit works? Thanks for reading. :)

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