2 years ago
All my saves randomly disappeared and then came back
I play on console.
I logged on the game and had to agree to some new terms and services, so I did. I loaded into the game as normal, went into CAS to make a dog, and crashed. Got back on the game and it wanted me to agree again, and fix the screen to how big my tv was. Red flags started going off, because that’s what it had me do when I first started the game.
I got into the main screen and everything was gone. 6 years worth of saves. Just told me to make a new game. I freaked out, but restarted the game, and everything was back again, as normal. Had me agree to the terms again, loaded, and crashed in CAS again.
I’m not sure why it did this to begin with and now I’m scared to play the game incase it does it again. Please help. I don’t know what caused this.
I logged on the game and had to agree to some new terms and services, so I did. I loaded into the game as normal, went into CAS to make a dog, and crashed. Got back on the game and it wanted me to agree again, and fix the screen to how big my tv was. Red flags started going off, because that’s what it had me do when I first started the game.
I got into the main screen and everything was gone. 6 years worth of saves. Just told me to make a new game. I freaked out, but restarted the game, and everything was back again, as normal. Had me agree to the terms again, loaded, and crashed in CAS again.
I’m not sure why it did this to begin with and now I’m scared to play the game incase it does it again. Please help. I don’t know what caused this.