Forum Discussion

paradiseplanet27's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

Any CAS Lovers out there?

I don't exactly know what they're called, but as I've learned it's a specific type of Simmer who mainly dwells in CAS and rarely does anything else in the game. Lately, I've described myself as this simply because that over my time spent playing, I've spent my time more and more in CAS picking out that perfect outfit on a Sim rather than actually using that Sim to play with half the time. I can spend 1-3 hrs on a single Sim alone imparting the finest details on them, and creating Sims with specific themes to them, or creating a Sim just around the clothing I like! I even have a Sim queue for what Sims I want to make lol! Sometimes, I'll even buy a pack solely for the clothes alone (that's one of the only reasons I even bothered buying Laundry Day at all).

So basically, I live in CAS, and it seems there's not that many around this forum who share my passion with CAS; is there anyone out there that shares my CAS interests? :smiley:

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